Sunday 8 February 2015


I have been told that the old Russian anekdot (joke) is dead but this came across my bow -

Моня звонит из Израиля другу в Одессу:
- Сеня, что там у вас творится?
- Да Украина немножко воюет с Россией…
- Ну и что, есть потери?
- Да, есть... Украина потеряла Крым, пару областей, несколько самолётов и вертолётов, танков, БМП, разного там оружия, прилично народу и...
-А что потеряли русские?
- Моня, ты не поверишь, русские на войну ещё так и не приехали...

Monya rings his old friend in Odessa from Israel:
- Senya, what's going on over there?
- Ukraine is at war with Russia...
- Well,have there been any losses?
- Well yes...Ukraine has lost Crimea, a couple of regions, several planes and helicopters, tanks, different types of weaponry and a good number of people and....
- And the Russians? Have they had any losses?
Monya, you're not going to believe this. The Russians haven't arrived at the war yet...

Today the Guardian quoted Poroshenko waving aroung Russian passports as proof that the aggressive Russians had invaded.....

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