Saturday 14 September 2019

World Headlines - 13 September, 2019

While Piketty’s plans have been popular in academia and the far left, none of his plans has been implemented by politicians.
Well, that's strange. I wonder why. -- RF

## Cut, baby, cut! ##
Brokerage Charles Schwab says to cut about 600 jobs

## Fault lines/flashpoints/powder kegs/military/war drums ##
Rocket blast at US Embassy in Kabul on 9/11 anniversary
Just 5% of Europeans trust Trump, damning poll finds
Polling also finds Europeans want to stay neutral between US and Russia
• War on Iran
Majid Takht-Ravanchi said a meeting could take place only if Washington ends its "economic terrorism" by lifting all of its sanctions against Tehran.

I can't believe anyone buys this crap. As I've observed, all it accomplishes is shoving around piles of money: GDP and trade statistics go up, so Mission Accomplished! But it does nothing to sustain industrial society. -- RF
"By the end of the century, global energy demand for cooling will be more than it is for heating,” said Radhika Khosla, who leads an Oxford Martin School program on future cooling. But not everyone will be able to afford to beat the heat.
By the end of the century, if anyone has space cooling at all, it will be limited to a few elites. -- RF
Staying fit preserves brain structure, improves function, study says
New research suggests that staying in good shape may help preserve brain  structure, boost memory, and improve the ability to think clearly and quickly.

Another Surge in CPI Medical Care Costs (US)
The cost of medical care services jumped 0.9% in August and is up 4.3% from a year ago.

## Intelligence/security/internet/cyberwar ##
The 3 major security threats to AI
Adversarial examples, trojans and model conversion
We are all hostages of 9/11 (Pepe Escobar)
After years of reporting on the Global War on Terror, many questions behind the US attacks remain unresolved
More Americans Questioning Official 9/11 Story As New Evidence Contradicts Official Narrative
Evidence continues to mount that the official narrative itself is the irrational narrative of September 11, and it becomes ever more clear that the media remains committed to preventing legitimate questions about that day from receiving the scrutiny they deserve.
• War on Julian Assange

## Propaganda/censorship/fake news/alternative facts ##
UK Security Services Neutralized Country’s Leading Liberal Newspaper
The Guardian has been successfully deterred from producing its former adversarial reporting on the “security state”
The Angry Arab: Hyping the Arab-Iran Conflict
Numerous Middle East conflicts that undermine U.S. and Israeli propaganda are getting ignored by Western media even as they tear the region apart.

## Systemic breakdown/collapse/unsustainability ##
What follows are “The 15 Unstated Myths of Clean, Renewable Energy”. Many are so absurd that no one would utter them, yet they are ensconced within the assumption that massive production of solar and wind energy can be “clean”.
A must-read article, especially for "clean energy" advocates. There is no free lunch. -- RF
Another new capital city! When will they ever learn? -- RF
It's just more hysterical hair-pulling over something which should instead be an encouraging sign. -- RF
• War on Huawei
Dear Mr. President, why is it a good thing if a 10-year Treasury note is worth less than a bag of dirt?
Economists don’t think Trump grasps that negative rates are a sign of economic weakness
Men’s “Real” Earnings Below 1973 Level: Census Bureau
Top 20% households made out like bandits, bottom 40% got crushed.
Electric vehicle owners in some states are paying higher annual fees for driving zero-emissions cars than their gas-guzzling friends, according to new analysis by Consumer Reports.

And finally...

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