Wednesday 5 June 2019

Deadly floods in Ghana

Deadly floods hit Ghana, leave twin-city metropolis Sekondi/Takoradi without power

Deadly floods hit Ghana, leave twin-city metropolis Sekondi/Takoradi without power

3 June, 2019

At least 10 people have been killed after a new wave of heavy rain hit parts of Ghana on May 31 and June 1, 2019. Many parts of the Western Region's capital Sekondi/Takoradi were flooded, resulting in total power outage. Heavy rain and floods also hit capital Acra, leaving at least one person dead.
Heavy rain hit Ghana's Western Region over the past couple of days, leaving 10 people dead in two separate weather-related incidents.
According to local media reports, 5 young members of a family were crushed to death at Ngyeresia after a huge tree fell onto their home. The community is located near Essipong in the Sekondi/Takoradi Metropolis. One person survived and is receiving medical attention.
Locals said the tree fell after a rainstorm that started Thursday intensified throughout Friday, May 31.
Another 5 people were killed in the same community after a mud house they lived in collapsed.
Flash floods affected much of capital Sekondi/Takoradi, completely submerging areas such as Anaji, Effiekuma, Sekondi, Kwansarodo and Intankoful among others.
Two days of heavy rain submerged the Power Distribution Service in Sekondi which supplies power to most parts of Takoradi, resulting in a total power outage.
Officials said they switched off the equipment to protect the facility and urged customers to stay calm.
Heavy rains also hit the capital Acra last week, causing severe flash floods and claiming at least one life.
The National Democratic Congress (NDC) said recent floods in Accra destroyed hundreds of homes, displaced many people and claimed at least 6 people.
"Even though flooding is not a new phenomenon in Accra, we are deeply alarmed at the current spate of flooding given the fact that, we are yet to experience the peak rainfall season for this year," NDC said in a statement.
"If many parts of Accra are currently submerged in flood waters as a result of the 45-minutes light rainfall recorded yesterday, then what will befall the nation in the event of heavy torrential rains, which are normally recorded between the months of June to July every year? Clearly, a major flood disaster is looming large upon us, and the impact may be very catastrophic for the people of Accra; if urgent action is not taken."
Featured image credit: MaxPl

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