Sunday 2 June 2019

Signs of the creeping (or is it galloping?) globalist police state in New Zealand

As New Zealand moves towards a globalist police state...

I have always been of a liberal frame-of-mind, although a social critic. However, I can hardly recognise the  changes that are not creeping, but being foisted onto this country with breathtaking swiftness.

I have always been somewhat "left" all my life and all of a sudden I find that I can't even talk to former friends and am seeing as "aiding -and abetting the "Far Right". I have not even spoken to some people since before March 15 and strongly suspect I am "persona non grata"

I have not changed very much but the world around me has.

Back in the 90's we used to make common ground about globalisation and corporatisation. I am still against this (more  commonly referred to 'globalism', which is seen as a "right-wing" phenomenon) but now, in the name of liberal ideology all that my erstwhile friends seem to have abandoned these ideas for all the memes that are being foisted on us by the BBC and the New Zealand media.

New Zealand is becoming even more of a fractured and divided society than ever it was and people spit hatred against the so-called "perpetrators of hate speech".  This has its irony because while I am quite willing to have  a friendly debate the enemies of "hate speech": storm out of cafes.

We hear about "hate speech" but little about free speech, let alone tolerance.

One liberal saying I quite liked (it was often directed at me) was:

"I disagree with you (even strongly) but I will defend your right to say it to the death"

I wonder what ever happened to that in this globalist, NWO, Orwellian world.

I strongly suspect that changes since the election of Trump and that a lot of people are waking up (even though their thinking may be unsophisticated and more than a little woolly) since the US election in 2016 and with the recent EU elections might have something to do with that.

Certain people have lost their sense of perspective (and humour) and when push comes to shove, the belief in democracy and what it entails was only ever skin deep.

Consider the following.

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch terror attacks will keep secret the submissions of several state agencies, including spy agencies, because of risks to public safety and national security.

The inquiry, chaired by Sir William Young, released a monthly update today and included the minutes of previous meetings that outlined what information was to be kept confidential.

It will keep secret all submissions from:

the NZ Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS)

the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB)


the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment


Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security

It will also ban publication of the names of current or former employees of the NZSIS and the GCSB, as well as partner foreign intelligence agencies, or anyone connected to such people.

The heads of the agencies are exempted, and initial meetings have already taken place with NZSIS boss and Rebecca Kitteridge and GCSB boss Andrew Hampton.

The commission's terms of reference state that information must be kept confidential if its release would jeopardise a fair trial or endanger public safety, including for security or defence reasons.

That includes sensitive information received from other countries.

A blanket ban has been put in place because it is not practicable to separate material in advance that could be released without detrimental consequences.

The inquiry may have public hearings, where appropriate.

It is investigating the alleged gunman's activities before the attacks, including his travel in New Zealand and around the world, how he obtained firearms, his use of social media, and what relevant state sector agencies knew about him before the attacks.

It is also looking at what actions state agencies took, what more they could have down, and whether some of them, such as intelligence agencies, were too busy looking at Islamic fundamentalism at the expense of the threat of white nationalism.

The monthly update said the inquiry has offered to meet with affected families on their terms.

It also said that initial meetings had been held with the heads of several departments including Police Commissioner Mike Bush, as well as Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel, Privacy Commissioner John Edwards, and Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Cheryl Gwyn.

Work to form a Muslim Community Reference Group, which will help Muslim communities take part in the inquiry, was ongoing.

The commission is due to report back by December 10.

And this...

23 May, 2019

Police with armed back-up are continuing to door-knock people who are posting what is regarded as anti-Muslim material online.

A former probation officer was visited by police who said he had posted anti-Muslim and anti-Government messages online, and asked if he had firearms.

Peter Daly said they left his Rangiora home after about 10 minutes.

They were standing at the gate. We argued like hell and I said: ‘You’re not coming in here, you’re accusing me’. . . two of them could have come here and spoken to me nicely. All my neighbourhood is wondering what the hell is going on,” he said.

Mr Daly said he was unable to apply for a firearms licence because he has a criminal record, and is questioning why he was targeted by police.

He asked police for evidence he was posting anti-Muslim and anti-Government material. He said police were unable to produce any.

Mr Daly’s Facebook page has postings about Islam and Muslims.

I have mentioned a few things on Facebook in regard to Muslims overseas. Nothing in regard to the Al Noor Mosque, like the way they burn people and the way they stone their women on assumptions of adultery and so forth,” he told The Star.

Police would not discuss the visit to Mr Daly.

Deputy Commissioner Mike Clement said as part of an ongoing response to the March 15 terror attacks, police are conducting visits to some firearms owners and individuals about concerning behaviour.

These visits are carried out as a result of police receiving information about concerning behaviour. Many of these are from members of the public who are being vigilant as we have asked them to be and have rightly passed their concerns on to police,” said Deputy Commissioner Clement.

Some visits result in police being satisfied that there is no risk to the public and that is the end of the matter.

Some may require further interventions, such as seizing firearms or arrests. This is normal policing and what the public rightly expects.

The police presence during these visits is based on a risk assessment and the fact that those being visited have access to firearms. As such, police must respond in a manner that protects officers and the public as enquiries are undertaken.”

Deputy Commissioner Clement said police are confident the visits have been conducted in a professional and appropriate manner.

Mr Daly is asking the police under the Official Information Act request to find out the reason for the visit.

It’s not as if I have gone round to Al Moor Mosque with a pig’s head or a weapon. It was just over the top.”

Mr Daly previously worked as a probation officer for the Department of Corrections for eight years and has a periodic detention assistant warden for 10 years.

New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties chairman Thomas Beagle said it is always concerned when police are used to investigate people for their political views.

As the impact of an investigation has a detrimental effect on key civil liberties such as freedom of expression and freedom of association.”

But he said police have a duty to investigate crime and credible threats of violence.

Before the events of March 15 and the hurried law changes that seemed to have been already waiting in the wings I would not have challenged the idea that having semiautomatic guns was an extremely bad idea.

That was before I learned that there are 1.5 million guns in this country and learned something about how they came to be here.

Now I am far more sympathetic to the views ezpressed here.

And here...

Why have I not heard about police raids on gangs of criminals. Instead, it appears to be law -abiding gun owners and those who have dissenting views that are in the firing line from the police who now, since March 15 seem to be carrying guns on a permanent basis.

Going beyond the haven of liberalism, Wellington into the provinces has been an eye-opener for me and I have seen how people outside the capital think.

I have it on good authority from a young friend from an isolated town in the provinces that he was approached by what he called "a terror cell" who tried to recruit him. No, he said, they were not anti-Muslim or white supremacist but probably criminal gangs.

These guys go untouched by the police while others in centres like Christchurch get visits from the police, especially if they are associated by them with "extreme views" (such as being supportive of Trump or against the UN compact on mass migration or critical of the hypocritical love fest with Muslims.

Only 530 semi-automatic weapons handed in to Police, figures reveal

28 May, 2019

New figures show gun owners are holding back on handing in their guns, because they're waiting to hear how much the government will pay for them

Figures released to Newstalk ZB by the New Zealand Police show that, as of Sunday night, only 530 guns had been handed in since the ban on semi-automatic guns was finalised in early April.

There are around 250,000 licences firearm holders in New Zealand and it's estimated as many as 300,000 guns could now be illegal.

It comes as gun owners are still waiting on any details around compensation for their guns.

Police Minister Stuart Nash said in April that regulations, including a price list, would be considered by cabinet by the end of May.

Nicole McKee, Secretary of the Council of Licensed Firearm Owners, told Heather du Plessis-Allan that there has not been any communication from Government about prices for the buyback.

"If they are being serious about their considerations and ensuring that there is fair and reasonable compensation, than firearm owners will wait a bit longer to make sure it is just and it is fair when it is received."

She says that people are also likely to still be considering if they will claim their firearms as heirlooms or will sell them to collectors.

McKee expects that most people will comply with the laws, but she says that there is no trust in the system whatsoever amongst firearms owners, and that people feel blindsided and blamed.

"We are effectively being punished for the acts of a foreign terrorist, and we want to make sure that our personal and private property is adequately compensated when it is confiscated."

The semi-automatic weapon ban was instituted after 51 people were killed in a mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch.

Semi-automatic weapons were banned within a week of the attack, with legislation rushed through Parliament and passed within a month. At the time, the Government said they aimed to purchase all firearms back by September 30th, but McKee does not believe that will happen.

She does not believe that the Government will purchase all of the guns back by September 30.

"There has to be costing around how they will implement the system as well," she says, with factors such as how they will destroy the firearms as well.

McKee says that firearms owners are looking for compensation for parts as well as the weapons themselves.


Ever since the Port Arthur massacre of 1996 (that some consider to have been a 'false flag') Australia has had strict gun control and is pointed to as a shining example.

The following (and I have not been able to check the claims shows a different picture,


Twitter suspended Vinny Eastwood's account for publishing video of NZ police's 5th visit (for no reason) following Christchurch!

Twitter wouldn't restore my account till I deleted the post, 
The dragnet is tightening!

I wonder if it will become an offense to question the official narrative?

This is a Christian point- of -view but now I would find little to disagree with.

Or this. Anyone noticed this. With police raids on elderly people attending a euthanasia meeting a couple of years ago I have experienced this.

With a new, "progressive" government we get more hypocrisy than anything and under this government things are getting worse, QUICKLY.
Image may contain: 3 people, text

Knowing just a little of the back story to this I can say this narrative is little more than a crock of shit.

The ex-partner of a Nazi fanatic who died in a suspected suicide after a three-hour standoff with police says she was quizzed over his alleged plans for a terror attack.

Troy Dubovskiy, 54, died early on March 27 after officers searched his Christchurch home the day before.

Police said they searched three properties linked to Dubovskiy and found several items of concern including firearms, ammunition and "violent extremist content".

Dubovskiy's ex-partner, told Stuff on Thursday that police quizzed her after his death about whether he was planning a terror attack.

"I'm 100 per cent sure he did not have any plans, I knew him very well. We were separated for a long time but I knew him well and I'm sure he didn't plan any attack," she said.

"[The police] asked me lots of questions about him but I know he's no terrorist. He never was a terrorist and he never planned anything."

Stuff understands police believe he was planning an attack on police and government buildings.

It's unclear how advanced his plans were, and if there were any accomplices

On Thursday, The Star reported the two officers who arrested the man allegedly behind the March 15 terror attack were on a "list" compiled by Dubovskiy of apparent targets.

A police spokeswoman said no such list existed.

Police earlier declined to comment, reiterating they believed Dubovskiy posed a "significant threat" to the community.

"We are not in a position to provide any further details at to the threat posed by Mr Dubovskiy as there are two persons subject to further investigation and the release of any further detail will prejudice this investigation."

Police also declined an Official Information Act request regarding Dubovskiy's alleged terror plan, stating concerns about prejudicing the legal process, including the prevention, investigation and detection of offences and the right to a fair trial.

Dubovskiy's step-son, who did not want to be named, said he did not believe his step-father was planning any attack. He declined to comment further.

Canterbury district commander Superintendent John Price said earlier that Dubovskiy posed a "significant threat to the community" based on the items found by police, the nature of what he told officers as they negotiated with him and subsequent police inquiries.

Dubovskiy initially came to police attention due to some concerning emails he sent, which included reference to the Christchurch terror attack, Price said.

"This remains an ongoing investigation. Based on inquiries to date it is clear that Mr Dubovskiy supported the actions of the man charged with murder in relation to the Christchurch terror attacks however no connection has been established between the two."

Price said police were not in a position to provide any further details about the threat posed by Dubovskiy as two other were people subject to further investigation and the release of any further details would prejudice the investigation.

Dubovskiy's 16-year-old son earlier told Stuff the guns found at his father's property included an 8-millimetre blank pistol and an illegal, modified SKS semi-automatic.

Also in the house was his father's large collection of World War II Nazi memorabilia, including uniforms, pouches and helmets, but his son said he was not a white supremacist.

"By no means [was] he a suspicious person or potentially threatening in any sort of way," he said.

This video interview gives some of the backgrond to this.

From Ben Vidgen, via Facebook

An investigation into the far right in Aotearoa which goes a tad deeper than the shit from Make Stuff Up. Coming Soon.

Am working on an investigation into white supremacist activity in Christcurch.Much like the Patrick Gower and Sam Sherwood pieces. I will raise a lot of names which many of those following current events might recognise and few others which might need a good memory.

Unlike the Fairfax pieces which is basically a shameful collaboration between the police and police friendly journalists I will look instead at what I discovered and wrote about in my best seller (which also named Gun City) about what I learned when I went looking for neo Nazi connections to the Beehive with Yarni Johansen who is a city councillor today.

From their I look at the cosy relation police held with white suprmacists in New Zealand specifically police informent Chris Lewis and how they reacted when he took a shot at the Queen. Plus the general make stuff culture of police intelligence raised in Cop Outs & Cover Up else where back in the day when the cops where chasing 'communist' Maori instead.

From their I outline the role of informant in police cases and their links to the old school white power motor gangs of the 70's 80 during the Mr Asia years which brought Aryan race aligned Hells Angels down under in addition to an influx of police officer turfed out of the UK after series of corruption scandals and race related cases of police brutality.

At this point I make a comparison between the NZSIS spy service and ASIO in their treatment of anti communist white power groups during the Cold War and ASIO role in several high profile terror cases related to the Croatian far right HVO in Australia and how these connections date back to the early post war years and the absorption of far right and fascists aligned Islamic intelligence asserts which went on to form the Nato Stay Behind Units.

I will report on how these became relevant during the wars in the Balkan where New Zealand and Australia played a significant role in arming islamic and far right elements including those with a link put forward by the police and their mainstream media partners.

I will look at the links of those arms pipeline in addition to the role of ASIO in weaponising mental health victims to push an agenda and how the old anti commie links role in the Balkans led to whole scale genocide in the Balkans and can be shown to be tied to well known Christchurch businesses and Christchurch old boys with provable gang police cross overs.

This includes major share holder in corporate media interests and other anti communist fuel shenanigans involving Christchurch far right as willing minion of greed. I am sure you will recognise those names too. And again most of this is material I have already published long before the unfolding events caused by march 15 tragedy.

Finally I will demonstrate how the police keenness to drum up a far right threat as they chase small fry (but say nothing about bigger fish) has less to do with combating terror. But rather is every thing to do with the gross smear campaign being conducted by the Christchurch police to cover up, assisted by a witting media and their role in the botched arrest of Russian Try Dubrosiky which resulted in his death and the wrongful imprisonment of his son Max. In addition to looking at the absence of neo nazi extremist compared to anti corporate, anti neoliberal social justice activists and independent journalist including your truly who find themselves on the list for criticising the official narrative and calling it out as the steaming turd it really is.

Why are we suddenly getting a proliferation of stories like this all of a sudden since March 15?

Totally unconnected, this makes my blood boil.
First what we KNOW.

RNZ: Subsidised vaping products could be key to becoming smokefree by 2025

And then this is what Radio NZ is pushing.

This would have to be an embarassment were it not for the fact that politicians are immune to embarassment

I will finish off with Max Igan who will let you know where all this is heading.

Most People Simply Cannot See What is Coming


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