Monday 3 June 2019

Russiagate news - 2 June, 2019

HOME RAIDED of Man Who Helped Delete Hillary Clinton Emails

2 June, 2019
Paul Combetta of Platte River Networks home was allegedly raided by law enforcement last night. Mr. Combetta of Platte River Networks was allegedly seen by a neighbor sitting in handcuffs with his girlfriend/wife as the raid took place.
This story started on the “chans” last night about 9 PM by an Anon that reportedly lives across the street from Mr Combetta.
Combetta, was granted immunity by the Justice Department during its investigation of Clinton's private server after he deleted a large number of emails.
After his testimony, questions arose as to whether or not Combetta LIED while under Immunity.  If he did lie, then the Immunity deal would be off.
A member of Congress even asked now-former FBI Director James Comey about it in the video below:
No one is presently able to confirm this police raid of a Denver area home was, in fact, Combetta.  But the rumor mill is CHURNING that law enforcement is finally making arrests in the Hillary Clinton email scandal.
More when I get it.  Check back.

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