Wednesday 5 June 2019

Headlines - 5 June, 2019

## Global Ponzi meltdown/House of Cards/global cooling/deflationary collapse ##
Global recession fears grow as factory activity shrinks in the US, Europe and Asia
Month of May was a month of collapse
Collapse in bullish narratives, collapse in trade talks, collapse in yields, collapse in technical structures, collapse in rate expectations, collapse in growth projections and yes, collapse in stocks.
Australia's homeless crisis: chance encounter highlights bugs in the system
More than 200 people are turned away from agencies each day and the situation in capital cities is worsening

## War on cash/cashless society/cryptocurrencies ##
War on Cash: UK Cash Deserts
Bitcoin rally masks uncomfortable fact: Almost nobody uses it for spending
Hardly anyone is using the world's largest cryptocurrency for anything beyond speculation.

## Fault lines/flashpoints/powder kegs/military/war drums ##
The Pentagon’s Spoiling for a Fight -- But With China, Not Iran
Netanyahu Promises Permanent Occupation
In a speech commemorating the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will never leave those areas.
New, More Usable Nukes for Trump? No.
Congress should use the new defense authorization bill to bar the deployment of new, dangerous, and redundant nuclear weapons.

## War on Venezuela ##

## War on Iran ##
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday that the United States was prepared to engage with Iran without pre-conditions about its nuclear program but needs to see the country behaving like “a normal nation” first.
Says the man with a log in his eye. -- RF

## War on Cuba ##
Trump protests: Children, rude placards and a 16ft robot of the president on the loo

## Energy/resources ##
It’s Adapt Or Die For U.S. Refiners
There's nothing to get worked up about. Even under the best conditions the energy return on corn ethanol production is barely positive. Since propping up industrial society requires fuels with high energy returns, ethanol is just a waste of the fossil fuels used to make it. It's nothing more than an adulterant for gasoline. -- RF

## Got food? ##
Due To Cataclysmic Flooding, Millions Upon Millions Of Acres Of U.S. Farmland Will Not Be Planted With Crops This Year
While US Farms Are Dealing with Natural Disasters, Trump Slapped Tariffs on the Countries We Import the Rest of Our Food From
Too many humans. -- RF

## Environment/health ##
Feeling the Heat in Winter
This year in Alaska, an abnormal rise in temperature has, like in much of the north, disrupted isolated communities, upset subsistence hunting patterns, and even led to some deaths.
If you want to sound cool, never say anything so pedestrian as "solve problems"; say "resolve issues." -- RF

## War on Julian Assange ##
Don’t Be Fooled: Media Still Selling Out Assange
The media outlets that have suddenly rushed to Assange’s cause are doing so out of self-protection.
Abuses Show Assange Case Was Never About Law
Jonathan Cook says 17 glaring legal anomalies provide overwhelming evidence that the WikiLeaks publisher has been the victim of political persecution.

## Propaganda/censorship/fake news/alternative facts ##
Top US journalists spread fake news claiming North Korean official was ‘purged’ – then he shows up on TV
Virtually every major Western corporate media outlet and a who’s who of pundits circulated a blatantly false report that North Korean nuclear negotiators were killed and imprisoned, exposing their non-existent editorial standards on Official Enemies.

## Systemic breakdown/collapse/unsustainability ##
Shoplifting and other petty-crime cases are being dropped by courts (Canada)
'Our justice system is crumbling both on a federal level and provincial level’
‘High likelihood of human civilisation coming to end’ by 2050, report finds
This focuses only on climate change, and doesn't mention energy at all, which is a serious blind spot. Even without climate change, energy depletion spells the end of industrial civilization. -- RF
Washington is wrong about China’s economy
The US economy is weaker, and China’s stronger, than analysts believe
U.S. factory activity growing at weakest pace since 2016
"The Auto Cycle Has Peaked": Bank Of America Says Industry Now Faces Supply & Demand Mismatch
The number of Americans working in their 70s is skyrocketing
All-American Despair
For the past two decades, a suicide epidemic fueled by guns, poverty and isolation has swept across the West, with middle-aged men dying in record numbers
A Quiet Revolution Is Brewing
Politics as practiced in a bygone era of stability no longer offers any solutions to these profound disruptions.

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