Friday 7 February 2020

Latest coronavirus update from Chris Martenson

Coronavirus: Over Fifty Thousand New Infections Per Day?

Looking for guidance on how to prepare against the coronavirus? READ PEAK PROSPERITY's LATEST REPORT at


Goodness...Dr. Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College of London and director of J-IDEA, the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics, estimates that the official numbers released by China of less than 30,000 in total infectious cases are far too low. 

His organization calculates the true infection rate is over 50,000 people PER DAY!! Meanwhile, the contrast between what we're told by the various world government and what we're seeing them do continues to widen. 

"Everything is under control", "No need for concern", and "Stocks are doing great!" is what we hear. 

But what we see is governments imposing huge quarantines and massive field hospitals. Why are they acting so panicked if there's no cause for concern? 

Lastly, the data we do have suggests that, even for those healthy enough to recover, coming down with the coronavirus is no walk in the park. 

Chris walks through what to expect should you get it, and why its long convalescence period will overwhelm our hospital systems where an outbreak occurs. 

Get Chris' free report on how the coronavirus is going to cause a painful downdraft in the stock market here:

Then watch Chris' previous update #13 at:

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