Friday 7 February 2020

DHS responds to coronavirus outbreak

Security Adds "PANDEMIC" 

to its Emergency Readiness 


Better late than never; the United States Department of Homeland Security has added a page to it's "" web site, covering "PANDEMICS."   Give you three guesses as to why . . .
The Hal Turner Radio Show has been warning listeners and readers of this site, to the very real danger posed by the so-called "Corona Virus" outbreak in China.   It was this web site that revealed to the world the virus was actually altered via laboratory, to include HIV segments in its virus envelope.  It was this web site that revealed the virus envelope "matches 100%" to the Bat SARS-like virus being studied by the Chinese and it was this web site that revealed the existence of a Level 4 Bio-Lab in the City of Wuhan, China, where  the outbreak began.
FINALLY, US Homeland Security is telling the public to prepare.   Visit their site HERE

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