the Greens looking at jumping into bed with the Nats? They have lost
all principles since I was a member.
Shaw throws Barry Coates under a bus for flawed Green Party strategy

July, 2017
24 hours in Green politics which has culminated in James Shaw
throwing Barry Coates under a bus for flawed Green Party strategy.
is a regular contributor for The Daily Blog and this week posted
the Green Party position on their strategy to attack NZ First…
If we were not part of the coalition, we would not accept a Labour-New Zealand First government and certainly not a National-New Zealand First government. Neither will be acceptable to the Greens. We want the Greens to be the beating heart of the next government and the strongest possible party vote for the Greens is the only solution.
like a good soldier, is only articulating the attack NZ First
strategy that the leadership has insanely embarked upon and for
articulating it, he’s had James Shaw throw him under a bus on the
morning political shows claiming that Coates is somehow wrong in his
analysis that the Greens are threatening to with hold their support
for a NZ First-Minority Government and force the country back to the
actually happening is the same thing that happens every time the
Greens fuck up strategy and tactics, they frantically are trying to
back peddle their position now they’ve realised how bad it looks.
did this when they voted for the budget and realised National would
use that.
did this when they realised running Gender against Ardern was
did the when they voted with National for Red Peak.
enormity of the fuck up the Greens have embarked upon by attacking NZ
First and trying to threaten the nuclear option of forcing the
country back to the Polls is only dawning on the Green Leadership and
they are more than happy to crucify Coates if it means trying to
reign their stupidity in.
In an extraordinary move, Mr Coates has said a Labour-NZ First Government would be “unacceptable” to the Greens.
Asked by Newshub if this meant forcing the country back to the polls for another election, Mr Coates responded: “It could do.”
Mr Coates also said Green MPs had discussed refusing to support a Labour-NZ First combination as a caucus in the past fortnight.
“[Labour-NZ First] could not count on the support of the Green Party there is no automatic support that is provided for a Government under those circumstances,” Mr Coates said.
is now trying to claim that this wasn’t discussed and wasn’t the
who are you going to believe? James Shaw, a former coke-cola
consultant or Barry Coates, the former Executive Director of Oxfam?
is a needless cluster fuck by the Green leadership who should never
have embarked on this kamikaze attack on Winston in the first place.
Greens have allowed their uber woke middle class Twitter activists to
call the shots on strategy and are paying a heavy price for that
is a total home goal by a Party who are increasingly looking like
they are unable to function in any Government.
will be laughing all the way to the ballot box. Un-fucking-believable
bullshit by the Greens.
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