Wednesday 2 November 2011

More videos from Occupy movement

Occupy Baltimore Wins Support of Police and Fire Fighters Unions

It seems that the police are using the time-honoured methods of infiltrating the movement with snitches and informers as well as agents-provocateurs.

One example is that in New York demonstrators were directed onto Brooklyn Bridge and allowed to do so by the NYPD - this then led to attacks and mass arrests.

Videos have clearly shown agents amongst the crowds who acted as provocateurs and never attracted negative attention from police.

This report is from RT

Police abusing power on protesters in Colorado
Over the weekend things heated up a bit in Denver, Colorado. In the light of recent events the focus has shifted to the role of the police, who turned out to be very violent to the protesters. The officers intent on dismantling the Occupy Wall Street Camp there and used tear gas, batons, and rubber bullets. This arises questions: what's going on and were the tactics necessary? 

Jacob Crawford, Copwatch filmmaker joins RT's Kristine Frazao to answer those

"We Were Being Peaceful & The Cops Started Shooting Rubber Bullets" Occupy Denver Protester
“When checking for who was responsible for a riot look for who was dressed for one”
Keith Olbermann interviews Jeannie Hartley from Occupy Denver.

The Resident -- What would OWS protesters say to Wall St and Washington?
From RT.
It has been over a month since the Occupy Wall Street movement began. Protesters hold signs with different messages and call out chants against the establishment. If given a chance what would they tell the one percent? Lori Harfenist gives the protesters a chance to speak their mind.

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