Friday 7 February 2020

Update on coronavirus - 6 February, 2020

This is my latest report on the coronavirus outbreak

Tencent briefly lists 154,023 infections and 24,589 deaths from Wuhan coronavirus

Did China's Tencent Accidentally Leak The True Terrifying Coronavirus Statistics?

Because it goes with the radio show I am posting this report from Hal Turner. I have to ignore his comments which carry a strong anti-CPC, if not racial bias but he may be correct in much of his assessment.

Compare what he says with the official line and make up your own mind.

He is not just trying to shock people - he is trying to shock people into PREPARING for this eventuality.

Virus Outbreak Cannot Be 
Stopped; 43.75% Fatality Rate

6 February, 2020

What is occurring in China right now with the (accidentally) released Bio-Weapon being called "novel Coronavirus" is one of the most prolific events of the past century of human history. They are facing a struggle to maintain their political system, social structure, and perhaps even the survival of their very nation. WE ARE NEXT.

Cognitive dissonance is beginning to take root everywhere now, as can be expected.

Cognitive dissonance is the phenomenon where the human mind cannot process two conflicting ideas or statements at the same time, rendering a person incapable of discerning the truth or forcing them to reject any further information at all.

With this outbreak, people are being told "it's just another flu" while at the same time, seeing twenty two China cities with a population totaling over 100 MILLION people, being Quarantined. People being WELDED into their homes. Others being SHOT DEAD by police for trying to escape Quarantine. And literally hundreds of seemingly healthy, young, people, simply dropping-dead on the streets, in stores, on roads and in their homes. What people are being TOLD does not match what people are SEEING.

In situations like these, propaganda campaigns will be rolled out, information tightly controlled and foreign powers will use the crisis as an opportunity to advance their own interests.

Things seem increasingly quiet because information is being controlled. There is disinformation interspersed with the truth, and sometimes there is no information at all.

Then, we get hold of an official government document like the one here:


The local village has had sixteen (16) confirmed cases of Corona Virus. Of those, seven (7) have DIED. The remaining nine (9) are in serious condition. THere are also fifty-two (52) more cases awaiting testing, where people are very sick with fevers.

Folks, 16 cases with seven deaths is a fatality rate of 43.75%.

A stoic approach is best, centered in logic, to discern the truth and produce analysis that can be used to make reliable decisions and plans.

List out the facts of what you know to be true or have a reasonable belief to be valid.

Thoroughly vet sources, chain of custody through which reports are passed and time stamps.

Videos are more reliable than pictures, pictures more reliable than words.

Give more weight to actions than words.

For communist countries, propaganda is their lifeblood. While all countries partake in this to an extent, an argument can be made that communist countries and fascist dictatorships have made it into an art form.


CCP diplomatic statement- "Other country's response to the pandemic is overblown and based in misguided fear."

CCP true action: Unprecedented lockdown of nearly 2 dozen cities and 100 million people.

Mainstream media talking point: "The common flu is more dangerous than Coronavirus."

True action: Citizens are flown back to their home country on airplanes with crew wearing positive pressure suits normally used for only the most lethal pathogens and then placed into 14 day quarantine.

Numbers update:

For the second day in a row, the officially acknowledged numbers have increased by the highest amount in a single day. Last week, they were increasing by 2,000 a day. Now they are increasing by 4,000 a day. Every day now there are more people infected than there were total cases at the end of January.

Truth: The spread of the virus is accelerating.

Two days ago, I predicted that by the end of this week, 12 additional provinces would reach the same condition as was happening in Wuhan a month ago.

Since yesterday, the number of cases has more than doubled overnight in 6 provinces outside of Wuhan.

Beijing and Shanghai have now crossed the threshold for sustained chain reaction outbreak.

Based on previous experience with other disasters, I estimate that the number of deaths and serious cases is 1000 times higher than what has been shown in leaked videos over the past 2 weeks. That is a low end estimate- it could very well be very much higher.

The rest of the world:

Some data analysis has shown that the rate of infection is just as high as it was inside China at the start of the outbreak.

I'm not sure if I agree with that assessment at this time- but this virus is a slow burner. Not enough time has passed to know. The first evacuees brought back have only been here for a few days.

Objectively, there is no reason to believe that the virus would behave differently outside of China. This leads me to believe that there will be a rapid rise of cases in countries outside of China by mid-February.

Places affected first will be:

  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • South Korea
  • Hong Kong

When it is obvious that this situation is dire in those countries, by the end of February, the situation will be the same in:

  • Australia
  • Taiwan
  • Germany
  • United States
  • Malaysia
  • Vietnam
  • Macau

India may completely jump the shark at some point before then. The extreme poverty, rampant slums and almost non-existent personal hygiene will allow the disease to spread unchecked. Half a BILLION in India are likely to die within months.

Political leaders in the West have made statements saying that things will turn out well. I believe this is a misguided bluff. Self delusion. Or a deliberate lie?

This is a virus, not a country or political brinkmanship. A virus cannot be intimidated or threatened. It's mind cannot be changed. It cannot be reasoned with. It is a force of nature - it simply is. It only abides by the laws of science and doesn't care what people think or believe. It is, in itself, a form of absolute truth in a way.

I can't accurately at this time predict how it will turn out for the West. It is like not knowing with 100% certainty if someone will shoot you or not until the bullet has already left the barrel of the gun. By the time you are 100% certain, it is already too late.

But I do know that it is foolishly unwise to assume that an outbreak like China can't or won't spread to other places and be just as severe within the next 2 months.

Last night, a person who works for the US Government in the Health care field, revealed to me that US Veteran's Administration Disease Control Experts have begun warning Veterans Administration Hospitals the "Pandemic is coming to the US." They already KNOW it is coming. Government, however, is simply not telling the people.

Perhaps they wish to avoid panic. A noble goal, but arrogantly misplaced. We the People make this country run. We pay all the money government has and uses to exist. Without us, there is no government because there is no money to pay for it. Moreover, we're the adults. We MUST know what the facts are in order to make cogent decisions for our own safety and the safety of our families. These decisions are OURS, not the governments!


Look at what is presently taking place in China:

  • 22 cities locked down by government order
  • 100 Million People in those cities, unable to travel, unable to go to work, unable to shop for goods or even food.
  • People being forcibly DRAGGED out of their homes and put into Quarantine centers.
  • People being SHOT DEAD for refusing to go with police.
  • Homes and apartment buildings having steel bars welded to their entrances to prevent occupants from going out.
  • Steel barricades being installed on streets to prevent people from moving about.
  • Stores EMPTY of food.
  • HUNDREDS DROPPING-DEAD on streets, in stores, on roads.
  • Dead Bodies being BURNED in long, open-air trenches in the middle of Wuhan, China.
  • These things can happen here. Soon. Within a month or so.



According to an Infectious Disease Specialist in my home state of New Jersey who has direct access to classified information about emerging diseases, humanity is facing "the worst disease crisis in over 100 years" with this new Coronavirus, and "the latest disease progression models are now showing DEATHS on a scale never before seen in human history."

First some basic facts:

The first awareness of this "novel coronavirus" came in China in late December.

41 people in Wuhan, China went to hospitals with fevers, coughs, and other symptoms and were all found to have severe pneumonia, many with acute cardiac damage and, ultimately, a large number of them . . . fifteen percent (15%) died.

The government in China SUPPRESSED information from the public, jailing reporters for "spreading rumors" and for "unpatriotic reporting" -- for which the Mayor of Wuhan has now resigned.

That was late December. By late January China had more than fifty-six MILLION people under Quarantine. An Infection rate of 83% has been conclusively established by a formal medical study published in "The Lancet" medical journal. That means for every 100 people EXPOSED to this new virus, 83 of them will get sick from it.

That same medical study shows the incubation period to be as short as FOUR days, but as long as FOURTEEN Days before a person shows symptoms.

That study also shows the disease becomes contagious DURING the incubation period, meaning the 83 people infected can spread the illness to others BEFORE THEY SHOW SYMPTOMS. People are walking around, doing the things they normally do, with no idea they're sick and already infecting others.

Once symptoms begin, they include fever in 98% of infected persons, cough in 76% of infected persons, and other symptoms. But it is the 98% with fever that is most disturbing, because that means TWO PERCENT HAVE NO FEVER.

At present, authorities checking people for the spread of the disease are only looking for fever and respiratory troubles. Yet two percent of infected do not get fevers.

What that means is that for every 50 people infected, ONE who is infected and contagious, WILL GET THROUGH SCREENING and continue to spread the illness.

Worse, the coronavirus can live on surfaces; for as few as five days, and as long as 28 days. So people who are sick, and who touch store counters, products on store shelves, DOOR HANDLES in public places, or who use public bathrooms, leave the virus on all those things, and the virus lives to infect others for 5 to 28 days.

Further, packages you receive via the Post Office, FedEx, UPS, Amazon or other companies, CAN HAVE VIRUS ON THEM if an infected person handled them, coughed or sneezed on them. The package arrives, you open it and now have the virus on your hands. If you touch your face, mouth or nose . . . or pick up a sandwich and eat it after touching it with your hands, POW, you're infected.

As such, the infectious disease specialist with whom I spoke today, told me "there is no way to stop the spread of this."

Now, various government agencies use Models to project outcomes. And the model I will now report is going to utterly terrify you.

In the example above, out of 100 people EXPOSED, 83 will get sick.

Alright... math time...based on current numbers

83% infection rate according to a medical journal

3.5% death rate overall, for those infected (CDC)

15% percent death rate for those in serious condition receiving hospital care

23.3% or more percent of the infected, likely to end up in the hospital.

23.3 percent of 83% of a population is....

20% or more of any given population that will need to be in the hospital.

There are only 2.4 hospital beds per 1000 people in the United States. 

That's 0.24 hospital beds per 100 people,

BUT 20 out of 100 people in need of intensive care

Hopefully they wont all get it at the same time, otherwise..

..only 1 in 29 people in serious condition will receive proper medical care

And the less medical care they get, the higher the death rate climbs. Those without supportive medical care have a death rate of 65%

Finally, and this is the worst thing I have ever had to report, in Linear Projections, "Time 2" is best predicted by "Time 1"

We are in early February and China, which is about 1 month into its outbreak, has 56 Million people in 19 cities under Quarantine.

China (Time 1) is about 1 month ahead of the USA (Time 2) in its situation.

So one month from now in the USA (Time 2), we can expect similar or worse situation in the USA than China (Time 1) has right now.

Are YOU ready to be Quarantined? Do you have Emergency food to feed yourself and family for the 6 weeks such a Quarantine might last?

Do YOU have emergency water stored to provide 1 gallon per person, per day for people in your house?

Do YOU have a Filter mask and Goggles and Rubber gloves to TRY to avoid becoming infected when you go out?

You have until about THIS FRIDAY to prepare and hope to survive.


The models being used for this outbreak have turned out to be spot-on accurate in the spread rates OUTSIDE CHINA. The time and infection rate tables (sadly) remain accurate.

The Model forecast that, by today the number of countries reporting cases would be 20+ .

The model proved to be correct.

The model used for the time table, also showed almost 400 confirmed cases all over the world (outside China), by Sunday, Feb. 2nd. Again, it was correct.

Sadly, in every respect so far the model is holding. . . and what is has for February 16th is really apocalyptic.

When things go wild weasel here in America, there will be all sorts of unanticipated service disruptions.  The general public remains blissfully unaware of the utter disaster coming at us, because the mass-media is keeping rather quiet about the situation.  But when they can't keep quiet any longer, there will be PANIC.  You should PREPARE NOW because once the SHTF, it will be too late.

Here are suggested "Preps" to try to get yourself and your family through what's coming.  There is precious little time left . . .

The best strategy for this is NOT to be exposed.   Fat chance of that; we ALL go out: Work, school, shopping, recreation, and so forth.

So how might we protect ourselves while we're out?

Well, the fact this virus can be spread by air, in addition to staying alive on surfaces like counter tops, desks, water fountains, door handles, inside cars and buses, product packages on store shelves that someone else handled, or sneezed-on or coughed-on,  - including ones that get delivered by mail, FedEx, UPS, etc. --  complicates things greatly.

Step One: Stay home.   Do not go out unless you absolutely MUST.

Step Two: Presuming you have to go out (we ALL do) wear a filter mask  eye and hand protective gear (below).

The N-95 filter masks are almost completely sold out already, nationwide.  So you can get a better mask rated as N-100 or P-100 for the time being until THEY sell out.  Links to various suppliers are HERE-N-95 and HERE N-100.   (I am NOT the seller)

You can also get the VASTLY AVAILABLE   3M 7500 (HERE)  which uses 3M 2091 filters  (HERE)   This mask system is more expensive, but it works and is widely still available.  (Again, I am NOT the seller)

Get Eye Protection, either cheap swimmer goggles (HERE) or better safety goggles (HERE)

Get a box of rubber/nitrile Gloves (Here)

Wear this gear when you go out.

Yes, you'll look and feel ridiculous.   But you are much more likely to have the last laugh because YOU are protecting yourself.


The absolute moment you get home, take off your shoes and leave them in the foyer.  DO NOT WALK AROUND YOUR HOUSE IN SHOES YOU WORE OUTSIDE. 

You may have walked on a large amount of infected material as you were out and if you wear those shoes in the house, the virus will spread in the house.

Next: Go into the bathroom, take off your clothing, put it in a hamper or plastic bag, and take a shower.  You HAVE TO WASH OFF any virus that may have landed on your body or hair, while you were out.

Put on clean garments.  You cannot go sit in your chair or lay on your couch or bed in clothing you wore outside.  The virus will come off the clothing, onto the furniture and pow, someone in the house catches it.

Make every person in your household do this the absolute moment they come home.  This virus is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS and it KILLS people.  We cannot skimp or get lazy protecting ourselves.

Eat right, take vitamins (I use Centrum), and, I don't want to sound hokey, or like some Bible thumper,  pray to Almighty God that you be protected by Him during this crisis.  I'm not kidding.  I mean it: PRAY.

Even if you haven't prayed in decades, start now.  "Hi God, it's me (so and so).  I know I haven't prayed to you in a long time, but I'm coming back to you now.  . . . ."

And then talk honestly and earnestly to him, in a very quiet voice.

Just remember, this is God, not a magician to be summoned to do tricks or render services at our beckon call.  He made us.  We are HIS to do with a HE sees fit.

OTHER "PREPS" with Links

Have Emergency food (HEREHERE, and HERE) in the house in case Quarantine gets implemented, so you and your family can eat for the 6 weeks or so such Quarantines are likely to last. 

Have Emergency Water (HERE) stored up in case the water supply gets contaminated.

Here is a complete list of "Preps" that folks might consider for themselves.

P.S. He is saying this to his subscribers and stated on his radio show:

The Model also says when China collapses, the global economy will collapse.   Financial people are calling this a "Black Swan Event."

With respect to the United States and Europe, the Model says the US and the EU, by February 16th, will see first cities put into quarantine (or attempting to), leading to mass panic, riots, looting, all the  other "cool" stuff that takes place when people panic.

Most horrifying, the Model says that by mid-April, the world as we know it, in terms of availability of food, supplies, goods and services, will be history.  Massive infrastructure failures from lack of maintenance and/or lack of control, staffs thinned-out from sickness or dying off , basic services failing, and the like.   The shear number of dead will have a tremendous impact on life as we know it.

Hal Turner has just established a channel on which now has CHINA VIRUS OUTBREAK videos. 
The channel is: 

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