decline of Empire and the wars, not to mention Peak Energy and the
rapidly collapsing ecosystem have produced a very strange situation
where the “Progressive” movement has lost most of its meaning.
can you have “progress” in a world that is collapsing?
we have the strange spectacle of “anti-capitalists” that support
the Empire’s wars and the mass migration that has been unleashed on
Europe, even to defending positive discrimination of Muslims of the
extremist Salafist or the more moderate kind.
has caused great confusion where the “Right” (or a good part of
it) is against the wars while the “Left” (or a good part of it)
is behind them and in America at least, the Left (or rather the
Liberals that pass as “left”) come out in support of the CIA and
other parts of the Deep State.
the past, observing actions in the past against the G20 or the WTO –
of an “anti-capitalist” nature heing a “radical” (in its true
sense) I would have been broadly sympathetic.
now much as I abhor the “Right” and am put off by their language
I find much to agree with and very little to agree with from the
liberal Left.
think the litmus test now with social movements during this period of
collapse has to be anti-imperialism.
history many who were previously radical “constant revolution”
Trotskyists have adopted neo-conservatism. “Constant revolution”
with “proletarian” taken out.
Reuters article points to the presence of the Black Bloc who were
conspicuous in creating violence at Occupy.
would not be surprised if the Black Bloc or Antifa were acting as
agents provocateurs helping the police and government by provoking
violence – which is exactly what the powers-that-be want.
what Chris Hedges (whose radical credentials are untarnished) had to
say about the Black Bloc back in 2012.
Black Bloc anarchists, who have been active on the streets in Oakland
and other cities, are the cancer of the Occupy movement. The presence
of Black Bloc anarchists—so named because they dress in black,
obscure their faces, move as a unified mass, seek physical
confrontations with police and destroy property—is a gift from
heaven to the security and surveillance state. The Occupy encampments
in various cities were shut down precisely because they were
nonviolent. They were shut down because the state realized the
potential of their broad appeal even to those within the systems of
power. They were shut down because they articulated a truth about our
economic and political system that cut across political and cultural
lines. And they were shut down because they were places mothers and
fathers with strollers felt safe.
police move in on Hamburg protesters after G20 clashes
decline of Empire and the wars, not to mention Peak Energy and the
rapidly collapsing ecosystem have produced a very strange situation
where the “Progressive” movement has lost most of its meaning.
can you have “progress” in a world that is collapsing?
we have the strange spectacle of “anti-capitalists” that support
the Empire’s wars and the mass migration that has been unleashed on
Europe, even to defending positive discrimination of Muslims of the
extremist Salafist or the more moderate kind.
has caused great confusion where the “Right” (or a good part of
it) is against the wars while the “Left” (or a good part of it)
is behind them and in America at least, the Left (or rather the
Liberals that pass as “left”) come out in support of the CIA and
other parts of the Deep State.
the past, observing actions in the past against the G20 or the WTO –
of an “anti-capitalist” nature heing a “radical” (in its true
sense) I would have been broadly sympathetic.
now much as I abhor the “Right” and am put off by their language
I find much to agree with and very little to agree with from the
liberal Left.
think the litmus test now with social movements during this period of
collapse has to be anti-imperialism.
history many who were previously radical “constant revolution”
Trotskyists have adopted neo-conservatism. “Constant revolution”
with “proletarian” taken out.
Reuters article points to the presence of the Black Bloc who were
conspicuous in creating violence at Occupy.
would not be surprised if the Black Bloc or Antifa were acting as
agents provocateurs helping the police and government by provoking
violence – which is exactly what the powers-that-be want.
what Chris Hedges (whose radical credentials are untarnished) had to
say about the Black Bloc back in 2012.
Black Bloc anarchists, who have been active on the streets in Oakland
and other cities, are the cancer of the Occupy movement. The presence
of Black Bloc anarchists—so named because they dress in black,
obscure their faces, move as a unified mass, seek physical
confrontations with police and destroy property—is a gift from
heaven to the security and surveillance state. The Occupy encampments
in various cities were shut down precisely because they were
nonviolent. They were shut down because the state realized the
potential of their broad appeal even to those within the systems of
power. They were shut down because they articulated a truth about our
economic and political system that cut across political and cultural
lines. And they were shut down because they were places mothers and
fathers with strollers felt safe.
fired tear gas to disperse crowds of violent anti-capitalist
protesters in Hamburg on Friday after an evening of clashes between
police and protesters seeking to disrupt the city's summit of global
armed police commandos moved in after activists had spent much of the
day attempting to wrest control of the streets from more than 15,000
police, setting fires, looting and building barricades.
meetings between leaders of the club of 20 largest global economies
over for the day, police prepared to storm the Schanzenviertel
district before midnight.
had torched cars and lorries, broken windows in banks, looted retail
stores, set off firecrackers and hurled paving slabs and other
objects at police. Some 197 officers were injured in two days of
clashes in the port city. Police made 19 arrests and detained dozens
clashes are awkward for Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had hoped to
demonstrate Germany's unshakeable commitment to free speech, assembly
and dissent by holding the summit in the center of a city with a
proud radical tradition.
riot police use water cannon as they advance towards protesters
have every understanding for peaceful demonstrations but violent
demonstrations put human lives in danger," Merkel, who was born
in Hamburg, said earlier in the evening.
in the G20 meeting praised the work of police in keeping the event
safe but said they had never seen protesters closer to such a summit
than in Hamburg.
world leaders including U.S. President Donald Trump and China's
President Xi Jinping gathered for a Beethoven concert in the city's
riverside Elbphilarmonie concert hall, protesters responded by
blaring the music of Jimi Hendrix.
pursued members of the radical Black Bloc movement, which wants to
overthrow capitalism, across scaffolding as they sought refuge on
rooftops. Non-participants were warned to stay away and journalists
ordered to keep a distance.
one suburb, police intervened to put an end to a protest by some 200
largely masked activists and detained 59 suspects. Fourteen of them
were taken to hospital but it was unclear if the injuries occurred
while fleeing across barricades or during the confrontations with
handshakes and concert, G20 seeks 'difficult' consensus
to ban dicamba weed killer after drift complaints
the chaos that threatened to overwhelm parts of the city during much
of the day, the summit proceeded largely as planned, with thousands
of participants from dozens of countries in attendance, although some
plans had to be changed.
declined to clear U.S. first lady Melania Trump's motorcade to leave
her hotel for a tour of the historic harbor, and protests delayed
buses taking visitors away from the state dinner that concluded the
police spokesman said only small numbers of far-left or anarchist
protesters were involved in the disturbances, while the majority of
an estimated 100,000 demonstrators in the city remained peaceful.
Maria Zakharova SLAMS “European Hooligans” ruining the G20
has slammed European hooligans who have "turned Hamburg into a
smoking hell".
July, 2017

Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has shared a video
on Facebook of the carnage, destruction, violence and mayhem being
caused in Hamburg by anarchists, the far-left, random radicals and
members of the group Antifa which is classed as a terrorist
organisation in
parts of the United States.
“This is Hamburg today. The video was sent by colleagues who work with the Russian delegation (to the G20). They didn’t take this footage on purpose. They were just trying to get to from point a to point b.
There is fighting in the streets”.
then referenced how state-owned British broadcaster BBC has been
slandering Russia saying that it “cannot contain its hooligans”.
This is being said in spite of the fact that the Confederation Cup
matches held throughout Russia have been a resounding success for
both players and football fans from throughout the world.
then highlighted the reality of the ‘European hooligans’ who
turned Hamburg into a smoking hell” while the western media remains
Here is her Facebook post
Это Гамбург сегодня. Видео прислали коллеги, которые там работают с российской делегацией. Они не снимали эти кадры специально. Просто пытались доехать из пункта А в пункт Б. А на улицах боевые действия.
Не так давно телеканал ВВС выпустил целый фильм о "российских хулиганах, из-за которых в России нельзя проводить ЧМ по футболу". Кубок конфедераций стал приятным сюрпризом для западной общественности, которую несколько лет обрабатывают русофобскими материалами: бибисишные предсказания оказались очередным блефом. А вот "европейскими хулиганами", превратившими Гамбург в дымящийся ад, западные медиа могли бы заняться поплотнее.
This is Hamburg today. The video was sent by colleagues who work with the Russian delegation. They didn't take this footage on purpose. Just trying to get to point b. And the streets are fighting.
Not long ago, the air force tv channel released a whole film about "Russian bullies that can't be held in Russia". the confederations cup has become a pleasant surprise for the western public, which has been working for a few years with rusofobskimi materials: the bibisishnyye predictions were another bluff. And Here's the "European hooligans", who took hamburg to the smokin ' hell, Western media could do the tight.
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