Wednesday 18 March 2020

YOUNG people are getting coronavirus!

This graph is CHILLING. Let me explain:

It shows the number of COVID cases by age in S. Korea (red) vis Italy (green). And there are WAY more young cases in S. Korea. Why?

NOT because younger ppl get it in S. Korea. But because S. Korea TESTS young ppl.

In Italy (like the US), they're only testing people with symptoms and the people who show symptoms with COVID19 are older and sicker. That's why their numbers are skewed by age. But in S. Korea, they're testing everyone, meaning their catching the young, asymptomatic cases, too. But UK have stopped testing anyone unless admitted to hospital.

So remember the pics of all those kids partying this weekend? Well, they think they're not going to get the Coronavirus. That's not true, they're just not going to get full SYMPTOMS of Covid_19. But this graph shows that they might still get it--and unknowingly pass it on.

Lee Nelson

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