Thursday 30 January 2020

Whistleblowers identify Coronavirus as a bioweapon

CoronaVirus: Bioweapon Predicted by 2 Camelot Whistleblowers

27 January, 2020
Coronavirus is a depopulation program….recommended C60, colloidal silver, and MMS…see Jim Humble interviews on my youtube channel!
This whistleblower died about 1 year ago)…
…”Over Government
1999. Now a civilian after a long naval career, reaching middle officer rank, I took up a senior post within a City of London institution, which I felt fortunate to get since London was my home town. I was directed to and recommended for this job by my last Commanding Officer, a Commodore, who seemed to have some high connections in the City. I realise now that I was forwarded for this job because I was, ‘in the know’ and a, ‘safe pair of hands’ – someone who could be trusted. (They assumed I was a Mason) Soon after starting with the City I was invited to become an associate member with various City of London Livery Company’s. I felt that I was being elevated into the City’s inner circles, which indeed Livery Companies are. However, I decided, in my defence, to keep myself to myself. None the less, I was always invited to dinners whose guest list was a ‘whose who’. These were mostly well known people from the world banking community, well known politicians together with and serving and ex-serving military. This was a real ‘band of brothers’ and I knew many of them on a first name basis. It was at these dinners and other social events that I realised I was being ‘vetted’ by them. For my part, I played the role very well and was soon incorporated as a trusted senior City employee, with middle rank – so I knew my place, as it were, and was accorded their trust.
What I picked up immediately from this ‘band of brothers’ is their cold disdain for the ordinary lives people live, as if the general public mattered little, unless they were employed by them. (Those in their employ are very obedient and servile) This ‘band’ all operated as if they were governing the country, which indeed they were doing dealing with events with extraordinary persuasive weight, wielding power through making direct – mostly financial decisions that were repeated exactly, as they determined, to the so called ‘elected’ government in Parliament. They always exude a kind of overwhelming power, so much so, that being in their company, for any length of time, is really not for the faint hearted.
It soon became apparent that the government of the UK is directed from the City’s Financial Institutions, to which I was connected and also the Livery Company Buildings, the Guildhall, (the City’s HQ) and Mansion House. (Mansion House is the traditional seat of the Masonic elected Lord Mayor of London)
The guise for all this is very simple. The City is historically independent from anything emanating from the outside. No government body regulates or audits their activity. They are a law unto themselves, answerable to no one, save themselves, or the Monarch who is revered by the City with a Goddess like passion. Anyone, and this became clear, operating at any significant level of management in the City’s financial and government structure is a Mason and every meeting, social or otherwise, will always be an extension of Livery Company Masonic dealing. The more one delves into their activity, and I have, the more one can see that the City is very much like the Vatican. That is a tiny City state with an obscure power wielding political structure, dating back more than 1500 years with no recognisable change save the passage of time. I personally believe, unquestionably, that the City of London extends its power over the other major world financial centres with anecdotal evidence that the City controls the US Federal Reserve. I feel no one should be surprised that all political and financial power is held firmly within the City of London.
The Timeline
In late 2005 I attended what I thought was a normal 3 monthly City security & financial planning meeting since the usual crowd were emailed listed for attendance. The meeting turned out to be something entirely different. To my surprise (shock) this was very much a Masonic level meeting instead. No notes taken – word of mouth only.
At the meeting mention was made that the Timeline for war against Iran was being delayed to a point where other contingencies had to be put in place. Contingencies were then mentioned, in quite a matter of fact fashion. First was the Israeli reluctance to strike and provoke Iran into armed action and that Israel promised action that action would soon take place in order to provoke the required Iranian military response. (Israel soon after attacked Iranian backed Hizbollah bases in the Lebanon) That was my first surprise. The second was mention of Japanese reluctance to create havoc within the fledging Chinese financial sectors. China was growing too quickly with the Chinese military the being main beneficiary. The third surprise was open talk about the use of biological weapons – when they would be used since timing appeared to be crucial. Then there was more talk centred on how Iran must be engaged militarily in order to provoke the desired military response from China. The talk continued about how long conventional weapons should be used, knowing they would be hopeless against a Chinese military onslaught in the region. It soon transpired that they were not making decisions. They were discussing something that had already been planned and so they were simply sharing that information between themselves. It also became clear that the central issue of the meeting was when the ‘balloon’ would go up. Further issues dealt with finances, the moving of resources and protection of assets and the central control of these resources: the bringing in outlying assets. I recall the chain/sequence of events, which ran something like this:
They needed either the Iranians or the Chinese to be guilty of first use nuclear weapons in order to justify the next stage. (My information shows that the Iranians do indeed have a tactical nuclear capability) The next stage would be a measured regional nuclear response, enough to cause an immediate ceasefire. This ceasefire would create the time needed to put in place unified totalitarian western governments. Thereafter, or concurrent, biological weapons would be used against the Chinese population. This would then set of another chain of events that would collapse the whole Chinese political and social infrastructure. This was mentioned as: Disease, followed by wide spread food shortages, followed by mass starvation. Somehow, this would then cause the Chinese military to attack eastern Russia. The biological agents were described as being flu like and would spread like wild fire. It shocks and sickens me to describe these events. It shocks me even more to know that plausible events are being manipulated to cause the extinction of a whole part of the human race.
The evidence was clear. There does indeed exist a Timeline for future conflict that this country, the UK, was using this as some sort of world government business plan and many millions would die as a result. The plan is openly described in these circles as the Anglo Saxon Mission.”–Camelot Whistleblower name withheld to protect his family
And from Mark Richards …something he said to me in a recent interview…see link below. 
“CHINA IS GOING TO CATCH A ‘COLD”…Captain Mark Richards said this to me in one of the interviews saying that China had decided it needed to get rid of a large percentage of her population and was going to develop a virus to do so…Looks like this prediction has proven true so far with regard to coronavirus…Link to all 11 interviews with MarkSo that is two Camelot whistleblowers telling what would happen….
In more general terms, another Camelot whistleblower, Arthur Neumann aka Henry Deacon predicted this type of thing many years ago.
And, Camelot was sent this today Jan 29, 2020: (it may be at least a day old info)
From a friend in China·
Anyone that sees this:
I’m currently living in Shanghai.
The Coronavirus is no joke.
All the videos and posts online (about dead bodies lying in hospital hallways and collapsing people and Wuhan being boxed in) aside as I can’t verify them and I don’t wish to fear monger on unsubstantiated evidence; Instead I will talk about what I know and have seen myself or from my family.
Just a few minutes ago Shanghai announced the closure of all highways and roads leading in and out of the city.
Yesterday Beijing announced the closure of the city as well. These are the two biggest cities in China, and they’ve gone into isolation. This has never happened in history ever.
The list of quarantined cities are growing everyday, and currently over 60 million people have been quarantined in Central China. That’s almost 3 times the population of Australia.
On all the projections and data that I’ve seen. Shanghai is the next major city after Wuhan to have the most infected. With Beijing being second.
Shanghai hospitals are full to the brim with patients who have flu and cold symptoms – Which are also coronavirus symptoms. Multiple hospitals have actually closed and shut down due to the amount of patients.
My relative came down with a fever a few days ago, and it took over 8 hours to see a doctor for a few minutes. The doctors refused to test them for the virus and only advised them to self isolate at home.
The government is refusing to diagnose the virus, so that the official count of infected and the death toll remains low. I am hearing that a lot of deaths are marked as pneumonia since the victim was never diagnosed positively for Coronavirus.
Shanghai has had it’s first death from the virus today. As far as I know, the first city to have a death outside of the Hubei province (Edit: Someone has corrected me that the first death was in Hebei)
The streets in Shanghai are like a ghost town. Partly also because of CNY where most of the people leave the city.
In a few days, CNY will be ending and hundreds of millions of Chinese (mainly in China but also many that are abroad) will be travelling back to the cities where they work and live. This will be prime time for the virus to spread harder and stronger.
There is no vaccine, and the only effective treatments so far are IV drops, hormonal injections, and recently discovered that HIV drugs are effective as well.
The virus can even spread from someone who is not displaying symptoms. So stay away from anyone who has recently been to China (Even me if I get to leave the country). The virus can enter through the eyes, nose and mouth. Don’t touch your face with unwashed hands. Bring antibacterial handwipes and handwash with you everywhere. Wear hospital grade surgical masks or N95 material masks with a respirator when going out to protect the mouth and nose. I also wear gloves to keep my hands clean in case I touch any infected surfaces.
Currently, all supplies are pretty much sold out all through China. Masks are impossible to get no matter which province you’re in. Hand sanitizer and the likes are rapidly dwindling. Goggles are also out as I haven’t been able to buy any. So I recommend people in Australia to start stocking up.
In Shanghai the infected count is easily way higher than official reports (40 officially infected) simply judging by the number of people in the hospitals who are afraid they have the virus. All it takes is for a few of them to actually have the virus, to then cough on others or on a surface, and then suddenly a clean person who has a fever from the flu gets sick.
I have multiple friends and acquaintances who asked for leave from their jobs in Shanghai, been denied the leave, and just straight out quit their job. Schools are also shut until Feb 17th, and if the situation hasn’t improved I have no doubt the closure would be extended.
Do not trust any official reports from China on what the situation is like over here. Censorship is rampant. At first China claimed it was all under control. But just yesterday Xi Jinping himself admitted the virus was accelerating and China was in grave danger. It’s not good when even a communist government admits it’s fucked.
Vaccines themselves take months to develop, and then months and years to test and manufacture and distribute. We cannot count on a vaccine if this breaks out globally. Hopefully better treatments will be discovered meanwhile though. I am unsure how antibiotics affect the virus.
Confirmed cases in Australia were spread from travelers who entered the country on the 19th of January. That was a week ago. During that week, there would have been hundreds more flights from China which statistically speaking would definitely contain virus carriers. Maybe Australia’s healthcare is good and the virus won’t run rampant there like it did in China. But better to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.
The virus has been closely compared to SARS in 2003. Since 2003 people travel a lot more, there are a lot more flights, and the world is just so unprepared for an epidemic right now. Moreover, SARS had an R0 of 2.5 (Every infected person infects 2.5 people) and Coronavirus is estimated to have an R0 of 3.8. The symptoms of SARS was also a lot more obvious. And most of the SARS infections came from a few superspreaders. Coronavirus spreads strongly amongst anyone. The incubation period is longer, with reports saying 3 days to 14 days. During incubation it’s not infectious, but it gives time for the carriers to enter a clean corona-free society. Not every infected person will have a fever either.
It’s worrying because there is nothing that China can do to contain the spread of the virus. The official death toll is growing by a dozen a day and these are all elderly people. Which to me doesn’t mean only those with weak constitutions fall victim to the virus. These are still early days and I feel like the young and healthy just take longer to succumb to it.
By worrying I mean fucking scary. The situation here is in free fall and there’s nothing on the horizon that could possibly contain it.
Friends and family stay safe. If anyone has any questions about the situation in China just let me know.
EDIT: Many have asked for more information on the masks.N95 disposable masks need changing every 4-6 hours of use. Re-usable masks I would recommend also changing every 4-6 hours and washing it before using it again.
Smart usb-charging N95 masks should also need recharging every 4-6 hours.
Hospital surgical masks have to be worn with the blue side out and white side inwards. Blue is waterproof to prevent others coughing on you. White is absorbent so your coughs get absorbed. For this reason it’s good to change them every 4-6 hours as well
EDIT: According to a report by the Chinese National Health Commission, the virus is infectious during it’s incubation period which can last up to 14 days.—source via a source sent to Project Camelot

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