Sunday 29 June 2014


Radiation Expert: California Fukushima Exposure being Covered up - Kevin Kamps

27 June, 2014

A radioactive waste specialist, Kevin Kamps, says the condition of the high-level radioactive waste storage pools at the Fukushima-Daiichi reactors remain dangerous. Another big earthquake could prompt a sudden drain-down of the Unit 4 high-level radioactive waste storage pool.

Kamps also says few lessons from Fukushima have been learned in the U.S. One of the most important being that high density U.S. pools should be emptied into hardened on-site storage as soon as possible. This being before the worst could happen whether due to an earthquake or a potential terrorist attack.

Scientists say that very low levels of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster are now about to reach ocean waters along the US West Coast next month. But it will not be at levels dangerous to humans or wildlife. They are calling for more monitoring as no federal agency currently sample Pacific Coast seawater for radiation.They say unless we have results, how do we know it's safe? It's been three years since the Fukushima disaster and thousands in Japan have called on the government to rid themselves of all their nuclear power, for good.

Kamps said: "The condition of the high-level radioactive waste storage pools at the Fukushima-Daiichi reactors remains perilous. Another big earthquake could prompt a sudden drain-down of the Unit 4 high-level radioactive waste storage pool. The Unit 3 pool may be in even worse shape. ... Few lessons from Fukushima have been learned in the U.S. One of the most important should be that high density U.S. pools are emptied into hardened on-site storage as soon as possible, before the worst happens, whether due to natural disaster or terrorist attack."

Mutated Tree: Leafs growing out of Leaves at MsMilkytheclown1's house 6/27/14

* Note from Milky: Have a peek at THIS mutated mini-tree. The leaves are CLUSTERFUCKS and completely mutated. Faciation... Genomic instability... Mutation... deformity... any way you look at it, it's a PROBLEM for THIS PLANT. We'll all have to adapt to the ever changing environment with Round-up, Round-up ready plants, radioactive fallout, radiation, contamination, chemtrails, and on and on. This poor volunteer tree has some Serious issues. I'm going to keep it growing and see what happens to it. I didn't notice it in our yard until last night. After SEVERAL shrubs, bushes, and trees perished this "harsh winter", this one stayed alive. Go Figure....
^^^ HEADS UP for anyone who mirrored my last video about #HAPPYFUKUSHIMA isn't so happy afterall. I got a copyright strike on THAT video. I need to make a counter-claim against their claim that it was copyright infringement. It was NOT copyright infringement and it fell completely under the "fair use" rules of the copyright laws. In the meantime, I have my account blocked from me using anyone else's remix button, I cannot offer the remix button any longer under my video, my account is limited to the 15 minute max, and my computer (not related to the copyright claim) is MAXED OUT so I can't upload any more material unless I do it on a video camera. So, until I work out my technical issues at my end, which I expect will be around 2-3 weeks(?) I won't be making many videos. I'll TRY, but it's not going to be just right. I may upload over at MsMilkytheclown (withOut a number one after the name). So, check over there if things work out to upload safely over there.
Song at end by Jonathan Mann called Mother Nature Is Mother Fucking Scary (Song A Day #1760)
Hurricanes and floods
Rock slides and mud
Giant tsunamis
And super volcanos
Solar flares and earthquakes
Blizzards and heat waves
Roaming asteroids
And New York tornados
Mother nature is mother fucking scary
We used to be all hesitant and wary
And then we got full of all this hubris
We said, "Man vs. Nature let's do this"
And that was foolish, so foolish
Killer bacteria
Resistant to all our drugs
Some can even teach
Other bacteria how to be resistant
A little enzyme
And then biding time
We're pretty fast
But mother nature is just faster
We left the savannah
Came out of the caves
We conquered the waves
And the planet was ours
But she's cold hearted
She's just getting started
We're just a tiny blip
On her radar
We're the disease
We're killing off the bees
No one really knows
Exactly why it's happening but
Soon the grocery store
Won't have food anymore
Without bees to pollinate
Our whole chain collapses

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