Monday 30 June 2014

Al-Qaeda are now the "moderates"

ISIS Declares A Caliphate; Crucifies 9 Syrian Rebels For Being "Too Moderate"

29 June, 2014

Erstwhile leader of ISIS, Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has declared himself Caliphate, Amir Al-Mu'minin - Leader of Believers, as militants bear down on Baghdad. This comes as the extremist group demands that all Al-Qaeda and Jihadi branches must now pledge allegiance to ISIS.. if not there are consequences as nine rebels have been crucified for being too 'moderate' or accused of receiving support from Western powers. We suspect this may slow 'demand' for Obama's latest cunning plan to offer 'aid' to only "moderate" terrorists.

ISIS have declared their Caliphate.

BREAKING: spox Abu Muhamad Al-Adnani declares a Caliphate with Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi being Amir Al-Mu'minin (Leader of Believers)

As a reminder, this is how ISIS envisions its Caliphate:

Eight rebel fighters have been crucified in Syria by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) because they were considered too moderate, a monitoring group said on Sunday.

The eight men were brutally killed in the town square of Deir Hafar in the east of Aleppo province on June 28 because they were from rebel groups that had fought the jihadists as well as President Bashar Assad’s forces, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, AFP reports.

ISIS then “crucified them in the main square of the village, where their bodies will remain for three days,” the pro-opposition NGO added.

A ninth man was crucified alive in Aleppo province where he was nailed up for eight hours in Al-Bab near the Turkish border as a punishment, although he has reportedly survived the ordeal.

We suspect there will not be too many takers for President Obama's newly unveiled plan to offer "aid" to "moderate" Syrian rebels... Red line?

As Reuters reports, better not hold your hand out for Western support...
The men were accused of being "Sahwa" fighters, the Observatory said, a term ISIL uses to refer to rival combatants whom it accuses of being controlled by Western powers.

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