vanish off the coast; squid and anchovy fill the void for fishermen
bait fisherman Mike Spears is near the net aboard the In-Seine at 3
a.m. Saturday off the shores of Marina del Rey. With the decline in
sardines off of our coast — probably just due to the changing cycle
of the ocean — fishermen have been relying on anchovies to fill the
void. But there aren’t quite enough anchovies to make up for the
loss of sardines and, in fact, on Saturday, the anchovy catch was
zero. (Brittany Murray / Staff Photographer)
January, 2014
Derr was as prepared as any longtime Southern California bait
fisherman for the disappearance of the Pacific sardines he has pulled
up by the ton since the 1980s.
can fish anchovies instead and, if those become scarce, there’s
been a local surge in market squid to keep him in business.
the fickle sardines have been so abundant for so many years —
sometimes holding court as the most plentiful fish in coastal waters
— that it was a shock when he couldn’t find one of the shiny
silver-blue coastal fish all summer, even though this isn’t the
first time they’ve vanished.
the similar, but smaller, anchovies have proven a poor replacement
since sardines became scarce. Fortunately, a boom in market squid has
propelled Derr and other coastal pelagic fishers.
three days of nighttime fishing last week, Derr barely cleared a
measly 20 scoops of anchovies to sell.
couple days ago we caught a ton of anchovies,” Derr said, keeping a
vigilant eye for the telltale red mass on the In-Seine’s sonar
during a predawn hunt Saturday. The screen remained black with
irregularly dispersed green dots representing schools too small to
fish. “We want this to be solid red.”
sardines aren’t as valuable as tuna or rockfish, they’re an
important food source for larger fish, marine mammals like sea lions,
dolphins and whales, and sea birds that can spot them from the air
and dive for them. Some have attributed recent rashes of sea lion pup
and pelican deaths to the sardine population decline, which began a
few years ago and was officially recognized in December when the
fishing quota was dropped to just 5,446 metric tons for all of
California, Oregon and Washington from January to June. In the same
time period last year, the quota was 18,073 metric tons.
Pacific Fishery Management Council lowered the quota in November
after years of sardine stock decline from 2006, when 1.4 million tons
were estimated to be swimming around the north Pacific. This year,
their numbers are believed to be less than 400,000 metric tons.
isn’t the first sardine fishery collapse. A booming sardine fishery
based in Monterey’s Cannery Row ended suddenly when the fish simply
stopped appearing in their usual haunts. The loss of the fishery,
partially chronicled in John Steinbeck’s 1945 novel “Cannery
Row,” was a shock to the local economy.
of research into what happened to the sardines and whether
overfishing was to blame followed. Then, sardines started appearing
as by-catch in the 1980s. By the 1990s, they were back in full force
and — except for some low points — have remained so plentiful
that “you could almost close your eyes, throw out a net and find
sardines everywhere,” Derr said.
Griffin, staff officer on coastal pelagic fish species for the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said all sardine
fishing will be banned if the population estimate decreases by about
half of what it is now.
now, environmental scientists are looking to April, when they will
have an updated assessment of the amount of living sardines.
it El Nino? Pacific Decadal Oscillation? El Nina? Long-term climate
change? More marine mammals eating sardines? Did they all go to
Mexico or farther offshore?” Griffin said. “We don’t know.
We’re pretty sure the overall population has declined. We manage
them pretty conservatively because we don’t want to end up with
another Cannery Row so, as the population declines, we curb fishing.”
is heated debate surrounding the sardine decline. Some
environmentalists believe they have been overfished in recent years,
though the scientists who monitor them generally say the fish simply
haven’t tolerate cooler waters well — a theory based on the
temperature of coastal waters dubbed Pacific Decadal Oscillation.
Vetter, director of the Fisheries Resource Division at NOAA’s
Southwest Fisheries Science Center, said the most probable scenario
is that cooler waters made it harder for the babies to survive.
haven’t had a good recruitment,” Vetter said, referring to the
survival of young sardines. “You have to have adults that produce
the eggs and then environmental conditions that would allow them to
grow and then to not have them eaten by pelicans and terns, etc. It’s
always complicated about why a fish egg doesn’t make it through the
problems but we do know that, when the ocean is on the cooler side,
conditions aren’t right.”
the meantime, most fishers are concentrating their efforts on market
squid, which are now plentiful. Anchovies and mackerel are also
filling the void locally.
calling me every day for sardines,” Derr said. “They’re all
gone. Even Monterey Bay Aquarium is still waiting for some to restock
one of their exhibits.”
scientists debate when and if the sardines will return, Vetter said
no one can know for sure. The fish reproduce so rapidly that their
numbers can boom incredibly fast, he said.
the meantime, the appearance of large numbers of squid has kept
fishers in San Pedro, Redondo Beach and Marina del Rey happy.
if the squid go away, it’s a real problem if they can’t fall back
on something else to fish for,” Griffin said.
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