Saturday 8 August 2020

Latest events in the Mediterranean


BREAKING NEWS: TURKISH NAVY ORDERED TO WITHDRAW FROM Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) - Proceed immediately to Aegean and Mediterranean

Hal Turner,

7 August, 2020

A full mobilization of the Turkish Navy has been ordered by its capital, Ankara.  Turkish naval vessels have been ORDERED to withdraw from Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) and proceed forthwith to the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea.

According to the Greek Navy, 3 frigates belonging to the Turkish navy are crossing the Dardanelles are on their way to the Southern Aegean.

NATO Warship - Auxiliary - FGS Berlin sailing south through the Aegean

Another NATO warship (Spanish) Sailing East, just south of Cyprus

This is an awful lot of naval hardware heading to the same area of the Mediterranean Sea.  Something appears to be in progress that could "go kinetic."

On August 6, Egypt and Greece signed a maritime border agreement, a move that comes amid criticism of growing Turkish influence in the eastern Mediterranean region.

The agreement, which lays out the boundary between the two nations’ exclusive economic zones, will allow Athens and Cairo to secure maximum benefits from oil and natural gas in the area, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said in a televised press conference with his Greek counterpart, Nikolaos Dendias.

The deal comes as Turkey is looking to issue new energy exploration licenses in the eastern Mediterranean, a move sharply criticized by Greece and the European Union. In addition, Turkish support for the internationally recognized, Tripoli-based Libyan Government of National Accord has upped the stakes in the war-ravaged North African nation.

Egypt, which is backing eastern Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar, has said Turkey is supporting terrorists and militias that pose a national security risk for Cairo.

The agreement comes as tensions between Athens and Ankara flared up recently after Turkey said it would send a seismic research vessel into an area south of the coastal city of Antalya and the Greek island of Kastellorizo, which both countries say falls into their respective continental shelves. Ankara since said it will hold off on the survey to give time for diplomacy.

A maritime deal Turkey’s president signed in November with Libya’s GNA prompted Turkey to claim maritime rights in some zones Athens says are Greek.

Today, the U.S. stepped into the fray, aligning with the Greece-Egypt EEZ agreement against Turkey.

In Turkey, the Aksaz Naval Base and Gölcük Naval Bases are on Red Alert. Locals reporting cranes loading Turkish Naval Vessels at speed and volume not seen in decades.

To prove how serious this is, Ankara says the Greece-Egypt deal on eastern Mediterranean ‘null, void.’



Since when does Turkey think it can decide what agreements between Greece and Egypt are valid?

You see where this is heading?

Tonight, the Hellenic Navy (Greece) went on high alert. According to information, a number of Greek warships have already departed to specific areas of southeastern Aegean. 

This evening, the Prime Minister of Greece said publicly "Greece will no longer accept NATO's hands-off approach to Turkey."

To simplify whats fixing to happen between Turkey, Egypt and Greece, they are fixing to throw down over oil drilling rights in the Aegean and Eastern Med Seas. Turkey claims that area is theirs, Egypt and Greece signed an agreement saying it's theirs yesterday.

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