Saturday 8 August 2020

Mike Adams issues a WARNING of collapse

 I don't think Mike Adams gets the half of it because he ignores (and denies) ecological collapse.

TIME’S UP! Health Ranger warns we’ve reached the “tipping point into a collapse spiral” that cannot be halted

(Natural News) This is it, folks: We’ve triggered a tipping point that’s now plunging America into a self-reinforcing collapse spiral that cannot be halted. The weaponized lockdowns were maliciously extended month after month in a deliberate effort to crush the U.S. economy, cause widespread business failures and reckless levels of unemployment. This was all carried out by Democrat mayors and governors as a deliberate assault on Donald Trump’s America.

There are plenty of fools who think this can all be undone after the election, but that’s a tragic miscalculation. The destruction of business infrastructure, food supply lines and economic opportunity was carried out on such a grand scale that it has now reached a “snowball effect” tipping point of self-reinforcing economic destruction.

We are beyond the point of no return.

It’s like a Beirut bomb of debt has just been ignited. And the results will be catastrophic.

Tens of millions of new homeless before the end of the year

We’re talking about tens of millions of Americans becoming homeless before the end of this year. Mass starvation as food inflation reaches new, insane levels. Explosions in crime across U.S. cities where woketard Democrats have worked to abolish or defund police, which is already leading to record increases in rapes, murders and other violent crimes. (Democrats have become the pro-crime political party, and they all endorse left-wing terrorists like Antifa. If you vote Democrat this year, you are voting for rapists, arsonists, terrorists and murderers.)

If you have failed to prepare for the chaos explosion that’s coming, you have now reached the end of the window of opportunity to get ready. There will be no more advanced warnings and no pauses. The sh#t is already hitting the fan right now, with each passing day that the lunatic Left pushes for civil war in the streets of Portland, for example, where even the woketard left-leaning mayor is now pleading with terrorists to stop trying to “murder” police officers by burning down their buildings. Via

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) on Thursday condemned the violence that recently convulsed his city, stating demonstrators are “attempting to commit murder” following an attack on East Precinct, where violent left-wing agitators attempted to set it ablaze.

When you commit arson with an accelerant in an attempt to burn down a building that is occupied by people who you have intentionally trapped inside, you are not demonstrating, you are attempting to commit murder,” Mayor Wheeler, who has remained relatively soft on demonstrators — even joining them last month — said.

Well, Ted “Woketard” Wheeler, if they’re murderers perhaps you shouldn’t have supported them for the last 70 days.

This moment of sudden awareness that they’ve been promoting mass murderers is going to strike many Democrat mayors and governors in the coming months, for they’ve coddled and excused violent left-wing mobs that will gladly rape and murder the very Democrats that supporters them, merely because they’re White people.

Watch the “Time’s Up!” video

We’ve posted a video that details all the warnings you need to pay attention to. Watch it here:

Brighteon link:

Censorship-resistant mirror link:

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