Saturday 8 August 2020

Beirut Explosion Could Have Been Caused By A "Missile", says Lebanese prime minister

Lebanese President Says Beirut Explosion Could Have Been Caused By A 



Beirut Massacre by a Missile!” Lebanon President and Italian Military Expert said “Thermal rings the proof”

By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio 

Versione originale in Italiano

«After that kind of mushroom-shaped cloud that is very reminiscent of nuclear explosions, the so-called “thermal rings” are visible in the videos in the following moments, which develop into an explosion only when it is caused from top to bottom and not when it is a simple blast from the ground. This makes it very probable that the explosion in the port of Beirut was caused by a bomb or a missile».

This statement was made by a retired Carabinieri officer who, for obvious reasons, wants to remain anonymous. But he is an expert in explosives, has the NBCR (Nuclear Bacteriological Chemical Radiological) emergency patent, and above all he has worked for a long time in missions in the Middle East.

The explosion that causes the atom-like fungus and then the thermal rings – VIDEO

Not only does it reveal this technical detail that supports the thesis of a missile with a small nuclear charge dropped on the port of the Lebanese city that has made more than 130 dead, 5 thousand injured and 300 thousand displaced. But he adds other details that corroborate the thesis of the military attack that was carried out with a malice, precision and skill so refined as to make Mossad, the Israeli counterintelligence, the number one suspect.

On the Beirut disaster, Lebanese President Michel Aoun supports this possibility, even with all the caution that diplomacy requires.

As reported by the Lebanese broadcaster MTV, the Lebanese head of state said that «the cause of the explosions has not yet been determined, since there is a possibility that external interference has been produced through a missile, a bomb, or any other action».

Lebanese President Michel Aoun at the scene of the disaster (center with mask)

«A statement of extreme relevance, given that Aoun himself confirmed that during the meeting with Emmanuel Macron, he asked France to provide Lebanon with aerial images of the explosion. “If they do not have them, we will ask other countries to determine if it was an external attack”, concluded the Christian leader, once again making clear Beirut’s desire not to stop with an unnecessary investigation» writes a report by InsideOver, the Italian and English geopolitical site of the newspaper Il Giornale.

So far all the media, especially in Europe, have accused Hezbollah for keeping the approximately 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate seized a few years ago in a foreign freighter in a warehouse in the center of a city.

But those who do it do not really know the economic situation of Lebanon, devastated by the US sanctions issued for no reason, only because Hezbollah is allied with the Pasdaran, the Guards of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, and undermined by continuous insurrections that appear to be piloted by CANVAS, the self-styled anti-biolence center, which was actually used by the American counterintelligence of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) for the bloody coups in Lebanon (Revolution of the Cedar, 2005), in Georgia (Revolution of the Roses, 2003) and in Ukraine (Revolution orange, 2004 and then 2014) which the same organization boasts on its official website.

In such context it is not easy to transport and secure so much explosive material that, moreover, in a port it is easy to transport abroad for Hezbollah which, it should not be forgotten, despite being a paramilitary organization declared terrorist by the US, has given a fundamental contribution to the Syrian president Bashar Al Assad in defeating ISIS, as they are of Shiite Muslim confession like the government of Damascus and therefore are enemies of the Islamic extremist Sunni Salafist terrorists.

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