NZ needs to get out of the cycle of corrupt money
2012, the Sunday Star Times wrote about John Key’s plans to make
New Zealand a financial services hub – a plan that would have seen
taxpayer money used to lure big banks here.
de Boni
April, 2016
reported by Matt Nippert, the plan first of all was that foreign
investors who put their money into international-based funds here in
New Zealand would pay zero tax. The plan then grew into “an
ambitious plan to compete directly with tax havens Luxembourg, the
Cayman Islands and Ireland to host international funds investing in
the Asia-Pacific region”.
plans were scrapped when the Government realised the public probably
wouldn’t stomach offering taxpayer-funded incentives to large banks
to come and do business here – creating the princely sum of just
one or two dozen jobs in the process.
the face of it, this scheme, which was canned soon after realistic
costings were prepared by Treasury, has no direct link to this week’s
blockbuster ‘Panama Papers’ revelations.
current revelations concern the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca,
and the way the firm facilitated the funnelling of wealth into
secretive offshore funds around the world, across the Pacific, and
into some of New Zealand’s more than 12,000 offshore trusts.
it does illustrate clearly why our Government has fought to ensure it
is able to house these trusts – trusts that pay no tax, don’t
register their beneficiaries, and don’t file their accounts. It
believes that this trade is somehow beneficial to the New Zealand
to the New Zealand economy, it seems, and by that logic, completely
fine. The current Government does not understand, or simply rejects,
the idea that housing the wealth of the global elite is an immoral
prefers to bash beneficiaries than trust fund babies – or their
that it’s a complex subject that many might not care about, we’re
being fobbed off with some truly absurd statements. It is true, for
example, that the system was established by a Labour Government and
maintained through many years of Labour rule. True, and baffling, but
not really relevant in 2016.
charge that the practice of creating offshore trusts isn’t illegal
is true, but no one is under any illusion about these trusts,
especially someone who had a career in finance like John Key.
are, at the least, vehicles that allow people to avoid paying tax. At
worst, they provide cover for of all sorts of criminal activity –
industrial-scale drugs and arms dealing, money laundering, extortion
and so forth.
is why other countries have moved to tighten the rules around them.
fought efforts to change. In effect our system acts as a tax haven,
despite the barking-mad assertion that New Zealand is “not a tax
might not be so bad as it relates to the Energy Minister and Prime
Minister’s chief of staff of Malta, who both opened Panamanian
companies and sheltered them in New Zealand trusts (although both men
are being pressured to resign in Malta).
something big going on here and it's not good for NZ' - tax haven
leaks spark dismay
as it relates to the leaders of struggling African states, members of
the Assad family, members of the Iraqi ruling elite, members of the
some of the poorest and most corrupt countries on earth, or members
of some of the most financially unequal countries on earth –
including some which are our ‘friends’ - there is most certainly
a problem.
all part of the same picture, of a corrupt grab for resources that is
completely out of control. It’s a picture that begins with obscene
wealth and at its end, sees war, hunger, violence and death.
a mild scale perhaps, but New Zealand is participating in
perpetuating this cycle. We need to top.
tax rort stirs world leaders but not Key
April, 2016
John Key’s response to revelations in the “Panama Papers” tax
evasion scandal to that of most leaders and you understand where the
prime minister and National stand on tax and a fair society.
response was to state that New Zealand has a “robust, legitimate
tax regime that requires foreigners to fully disclose”. Nothing
needs to change.
was soon revealed, full disclosure was not only a very economical
version of the truth (disclosure did not extend to financial
disclosure for example), but exposed Key and National as content to
do nothing to prevent multinationals and foreign entities ripping off
the New Zealand tax base, to say nothing of swindlers, crooks, money
launderers and the mafia using our deregulated, lax laws for
nefarious purposes.
President Barack Obama ordered Treasury and Congress to investigate
ways and means to prevent companies setting up offshore shelf
companies to avoid tax.
noted that “a lot of it is legal, but that’s exactly the
not that they are breaking the laws, it’s that the laws are so
poorly designed that they allow people, if they have enough lawyers
and caveats, to wriggle out of responsibilities that ordinary
citizens are having to abide by.”
had to know that the wealthy weren’t playing by a different set of
rules and not gaming the system, he said.
avoidance is a big global problem. Lost revenue has to be made up
or not Treasury or Congress actions are effective, at least Obama
recognises the issues.
of France, Spain, Austria and the Netherlands also pledged their
governments would investigate the shady offshore trust business
revealed in the leaks of Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca.
Key denied the “Panama Papers” had embarrassed his Government or
created a reputational risk for New Zealand.
Zealand was a signatory to international tax treaties which allowed
information exchanged between jurisdictions and a review of New
Zealand’s foreign trust rules by the OECD in 2013 gave New Zealand
a “clear bill of health”, he said.
$24 million of fees generated annually made our lax tax regime
also denied New Zealand was a tax haven.
this, Inland Revenue warned in 2013 that New Zealand’s foreign
trusts posed a reputational risk, adding that “our foreign trust
rules continue to attract criticism including claims that New Zealand
is now a tax haven in respect of trusts.”
specifically warmed that New Zealand tax rules were a mismatch with
other countries, even where there were doubled tax agreements, which,
“may result in income not being taxed either in New Zealand or
of NZ Trusts
Panama Papers, the leak of over 11 million Mossack Fonseca documents,
reveal New Zealand-based trusts have been used by clients of that
firm, many of whom have used the murky route for money laundering,
tax dodging and other illegal purposes.
an offshore company or trust, is not illegal, but the Panama Papers
reveal that concealing the identities of the true company owners was
the primary aim in the vast majority of cases of the 214,000 entities
leaked. Criminals, mafia groups, drug barons, human traffickers,
oligarchs, highly ranked officials of some governments, have all been
shown to be involved.
New Zealand trust used by Maltese government minister Konrad Mizzi
was one of nearly 12,000 foreign trusts in New Zealand, most of which
do not pay tax on foreign income.
“full disclosure” John Key claims for New Zealand trusts, amounts
to registering the name of the trust and providing the name of the
New Zealand trustee, usually a professional nominee who is adept at
being economical with the truth if you can ever contact them.
powers very limited
information, such as settlements and distributions, can legally be
requested by IRD and passed on to one of 40 nations where New Zealand
has double tax agreements (plus 11 others which have information
sharing agreements), but IRD has to have reason to suspect before
requesting such information. In practice, that just doesn’t happen.
And if the trustees come from some murky jurisdiction outside the 51
above, then IRD is whistling in the wind.
of Auckland Law Professor, Michael Littlewood, said IRD’s ability
to collect information is very limited. With the exception of
Australian residents, the trustee of New Zealand foreign trusts did
not have to disclose the identities of the people putting assets into
the trusts, where they come from, what the assets were, or their
value, or who benefitted from them.
currently provided for, they (the disclosure requirements) are
woefully inadequate.”
do nothing option
Revenue Minister Michael Woodhouse ruled out any changes, saying New
Zealand had “world-class” tax rules but as the revelations of the
Panama Papers gained traction, amended his position to stating, “the
Government wouldn’t rule out changes”.
instead of taking the initiative, he said the government would await
OECD-led reform.
predecessor, Todd McClay, sought advice following the IRD’s 2013
warning of reputational damage, but was put off because “it would
require a lot of hard work” and “the argument was, ‘was it
worth it in terms of all the other issues on the IRD work
tax avoidance even more damaging
similar, and more financially damaging, fiddling-while-Rome-burns
attitude has been taken in respect to multinationals like Facebook,
Apple, McDonalds, and Coke rorting different tax rates around the
world so they play virtually no tax here or anywhere else.
Professor Craig Elliffe, author of the book International and Cross
Border Taxation in New Zealand, said 20 top multinationals paid just
$1.8 million of tax on over $10 billion in turnover. Even John Key
didn’t think that was totally fair, he said.
Google chief executive Eric Schmidt infamously defended such
accounting tricks that had allowed it to funnel billions of dollars
of profits to Bermuda each year, saying it was “called capitalism”.
the OECD surprised the world by rapidly coming up with a set
recommendations on its Beps (Base Erosion Profit Sharing) project to
prevent avoidance of an estimated US$100 billion to $240b of
corporation tax by the likes of Google, McClay promised that New
Zealand would implement these before the end of this year.
questions about how the legislation was progressing, current Revenue
Minister Woodhouse pointed to the legislation introduced in November
covering GST on online purchases.
was an important first step in the government’s efforts to deal
with increasing volumes of online services and other intangibles
purchased from overseas suppliers, he told The Standard.
had also been undertaken to seek feedback on proposals to strengthen
our non-resident withholding tax rules which currently could provide
the ability for non-residents to shift profits out of New Zealand
with no or minimal New Zealand tax paid.
from the public has been analysed and considered and I expect to
introduce legislation on this matter in the near future,” he said.
would note that the most effective way to ensure that multinationals
cannot exploit differences in tax rules lies in ensuring that there
is consistency between jurisdictions. If there is little difference
between tax rules, then profit shifting becomes pointless. And that
is why we have committed to an OECD led, global response to this
global problem.” Woodhouse said.
told The Standard that a strong network of double tax agreements, tax
information exchange agreements and such agreements were crucial in
getting multinationals to pay their fair whack of tax.
tax agreements actually a threat
Elliffe said such treaties were actually “the most significant
threat because they are being used in a way that significantly
reduces the ability of New Zealand to tax New Zealand-sourced
business profits.”
Zealand only had the right to tax these profits when a foreign
multinational operates through what is known as a “permanent
establishment” in New Zealand.
the heart of the problem is that some multinationals can operate
without triggering a tax liability due to the way in which they can
step around the taxation of business profits using (legitimately)
these permanent establishment provisions of double tax agreements,”
Elliffe says.
is because they can sell or deliver their goods online and have them
delivered without breaching the permanent establishment threshold.
says that many multinational have structured their affairs so that
double tax treaties are “creating a situation of double
suggested New Zealand should follow the example of Australia and the
UK which had enacted measures of “unilateral legislation treaty
override” which means that where a multinational abuses the intent
of tax laws or treaties, they will have to pay up anyway.
Woodhouse dresses the measures the government is considering, they
appear to fall far short of dealing with the issues of full
disclosure of foreign trusts, or of multinationals having billions of
dollars of sales with commensurate profits in New Zealand and paying
next to next to no tax.
lack of intent to act comes down to ideology – that tax is anathema
to the Right. The less tax the better and therefore the idea of
closing tax loopholes at the bottom of National’s agenda.
Key’s background was with the now defunct bank Merrill Lynch, which
like other US investment banks, was instrumental in designing
aggressive tax avoidance plans. Many in National’s constituency
will be using offshore trusts and aggressive tax planning to minimize
their tax. Why would he act to stop such behaviour?
Louisson formerly worked for The Wall Street Journal, NZPA, Reuters
and was most recently a political and media adviser to the Green
The Panama Papers
April, 2016
PANAMA PAPERS have elicited a remarkably low key response from the
Prime Minister. The Labour Leader, Andrew Little, has described how
John Key, when asked which secret trusts were being used for tax
dodging, hiding stolen assets and/or laundering money, responded with
a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. The day before, when challenged
about the potential damage to New Zealand’s reputation – now that
we’ve been fingered as a simply dandy spot for masking the millions
of Mossack Fonseca’s clients – John Key told journalists that
there were many, perfectly legitimate, reasons why a foreign investor
might park his money in New Zealand, adding that it was quite wrong
to call his country a “tax haven”.
“ … what? …” reaction to the colossal data leak which has
already claimed the scalp of one prime minister and put the careers
of many other world leaders at risk is rather perplexing. Is he not
able to predict the impact the Panama Papers are bound to have on the
privileged privacy of the global elites? How the 11 million-plus
documents are going to be used to prise open the lid of one of the
biggest cans of plutocratic worms the world has ever seen. Why
doesn’t he get it?
are 55 million answers to that question. For a long time now John
Key’s fortune has dulled his otherwise acute political judgement.
Six years ago, in May 2010, Key’s government came under heavy
criticism for tax cuts conferring huge windfalls of cash upon the
wealthiest New Zealanders. Not yet two years into the job, he
struggled to grasp the motivation for his critics’ outrage.
can be envious about these things”, purred the Prime Minister, “but
without those people in our economy all the rest of us will either
have less people paying tax or fundamentally less services that they
has so much of the mythology of the very rich been packed into a
single sentence.
comes the notion that his fellow citizens’ reaction to his
government’s massive transfer of wealth from the poorest to the
wealthiest members of their society is motivated not by their keen
sense of its manifest injustice, but by simple, old-fashioned envy.
comes the argument that without such regular transfusions of cold
hard cash, the very rich will simply up-stakes and leave for a more
congenial jurisdiction. Somewhere that makes them feel welcome –
not like lepers.
Key goes for the clincher. The notion that it is the energy and
drive, the wisdom and skill, and the hard-earned cash of wealthy
entrepreneurs that provides the rest of us “parasites” with the
goods and services that we are simply too stupid and/or lazy to
provide for ourselves.
Rand couldn’t have put it better.
the light of this earlier demonstration of Key’s deep belief in the
superiority of the very rich; and in the very different measures that
must be taken of their needs and deeds; should we really be surprised
when he struggles to understand exactly what the persons exposed by
the Panama Papers have done wrong?
you believed as strongly as John Key does that the very rich are
better than you and me; and subject to a very different set of rules;
then you would probably shrug-off the Panama Papers too.
wants to turn New Zealand into a haven for the 1%
March, 2016
was an interesting article by Fran O’Sullivan in last weekend’s
Herald about John Key’s ambitions for New Zealand. O’Sullivan
may not be liked by some lefties but she writes perceptively and
provides insight into National Party thinking that no other
journalist does.
headline suggests that Key wants to make New Zealand the Switzerland
of the South but a closer reading shows that he does not want to make
it a place where everyone is prosperous, educated and healthy.
Rather he wants to make New Zealand a bolt hole for the overseas
the article:
Key is positioning New Zealand as an Asia-Pacific “Switzerland” –
a beautiful and wealthy bolthole for high net-worthers seeking to
escape from an unstable world.
believes that free-flowing terrorism is here to stay. To the Prime
Minister, this simply makes New Zealand more attractive and will
result in more high net-worth consumers wanting to come here – a
theme he is developing in business briefings.
is another strand to this developing Key mantra.
is frankly unapologetic about the massive increase in Auckland
residential property values, which has resulted in many established
Aucklanders becoming relatively rich, but younger people being locked
out of the market. It is a trend which is not going to stop anytime
soon, given the immigration figures.
Key wants to attract more wealthy people to New Zealand as the rest
of the world implodes. This explains his utter indifference to
climate change and why he wants everyone to get some guts and make
the Middle East even more unstable. They present business
opportunities, not threats. As the centre of the world cooks and the
north implodes from the pressure of millions seeking a new home, rich
people flooding south to New Zealand’s green and pleasant land will
make us richer, or at least those of us who already own land. As for
the rest clearly they are poor and undeserving. Tough luck if you
are young or working class or both.
also discusses Key’s reticence to make overseas multinational
corporations pay their fair share of tax and thinks that this is
of Switzerland’s attractions is its taxation environment and its
strict secrecy laws, which until recently have enabled rich people’s
investments to be squirrelled away in its banks, safe from the
reprisals of revenue officials.
Zealand does not compete on that score. But it is notable that one of
the reasons why New Zealand has yet to follow Australia and bring in
rigorous laws to clamp down on multinationals which are not paying
significant tax here is because this country is competing for
Key Government is proceeding at a very slow pace indeed, which is
rattling New Zealand businessmen like Spark CEO Simon Moutter, who is
adamant that it is unfair to local companies that they have to
compete against offshore players who have a tax advantage.
is undoubtedly a pressure point. There is a growing perception that
New Zealand domiciled companies are getting an unfair shake while
international investors are offered incentives or have the rules cut
in their favour to invest here.
we need the money from those overseas corporations and not requiring
them to pay tax is a small price to pay, at least as far as Key is
concerned. He wants to attract this sort of investment, not scare it
away. Forgoing $500 million a year is clearly a small price to pay.
than any other article this one explains what John Key wants to
achieve in politics. He is a bit of a laugh, he is fine about
socially liberal things as long as they do not go too far, he is a
monarchist but will propose a flag change to show that he is relaxed
about the constitution. He is fun to have a beer with, he will
welcome selfies with drag queens and support the occasional greenwash
policy to make sure that his environmental credentials are not too
badly tarnished.
his role in politics is to look after the 1%.
Hon. Winston Peters
PM remained true to form in Parliament today.
the rest of his Ministers buried their heads in shame over the
exposure of NZ as a haven for anyone dodging taxes and washing their
dirty money, the PM resorted to smart quips to deflect questions.
typical John Key answers given to reporters and Parliament, which he
repeated over and over.
have no idea, ask them.”
right, they’re wrong.”
I’m right.”
PM just can’t defend what commentators and the Panama Papers say.
show all manner of personalities and businesses using NZ as a tax
trusts in NZ have increased over 300 per cent in 7 years under Mr
Ministry of Business, tax experts and international commentators all
say that our tax haven reputation is sadly true. Mr Key denies all
this in the face of overwhelming evidence.
question is, who do you believe?
Andrew Little just smashed it in Parliament!National's only looking out for their mega-wealthy mates — we're looking out for everyone else.
Posted by New Zealand Labour Party on Tuesday, 5 April 2016
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