Bernie Sanders has been treated terribly by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. He should show them, and run as an Independent!
of the East Coast primary: Trump wins all 5; Clinton wins MD, DE, PA,
CT; Sanders wins RI

April, 2016
Donald Trump reigned triumphant in all five states, while Hillary
Clinton continues to lead, narrowing the odds that Ted Cruz, Bernie
Sanders and John Kasich will be able to rally a comeback for their
respective parties’ nominations.
instantaneously, the Associated Press called Connecticut, Maryland
and Pennsylvania for Trump. At the same time, Maryland was called for
Donald Trump thinks Bernie Sanders should run as an independent. READ MORE:

6 percent of precincts reporting in Rhode Island, Trump has been
declared the winner with 62 percent to Kasich's 26 and Cruz's 11
34 percent of precincts reporting in Delaware, Trump has been
declared the winner with 62 percent to Kasich's 20 and Cruz's 16.
38.6 percent of precincts reporting in Delaware, Clinton was declared
the winner with 51.8 percent to Sanders' 47.1.
7 percent of precincts reporting in Pennsylvania, Clinton has been
declared the winner with 58 percent to Sanders' 41.
49 percent of precincts reporting in Rhode Island, Sanders has been
declared the winner with 57 percent to Clinton's 41.
80 percent of precincts reporting in Connecticut, Clinton has been
declared the winner with 50 percent to Sanders' 48.
just want to thank everyone," Trump told supporters in his
victory speech from Trump Towers in New York City. "This is a
far bigger win than we even expected."
went on to characterize Kasich and Cruz's brief campaign partnership
against Trump a "collusion" and a "weak signal,"
noting his own "landslide" victory in Tuesday's primaries.
media's covered me very fairly," Trump said, clarifying to
laughter, "for the last two hours."
also, once again, encouraged Bernie Sanders to "run as an
independent," calling the Democratic nominating process and its
superdelegates unfair.
in her victory speech from Maryland, told supporters, "Whether
you support Sen. Sanders, or you support me, there’s much more that
unites us than divides us."
going to imagine a tomorrow where hard work is honored, families are
supported, streets are safe, and communities are strong,"
Clinton said, adding, "and where love trumps hate."
are the Real Clear Politics averages for polls conducted in all five
An average of three polls from April 12 to 24 showed Trump with 53.7
percent to Kasich's 26.7 and Cruz's 13.7
An average of three polls conducted between April 10 to 24 showed
Clinton with 49.3 percent to Sanders' 43.7
one poll conducted April 17 to 18 showed Trump with 55 percent
compared to Kasich's 18 and Cruz's 15.
one poll conducted April 17 to 18 showed Clinton with 45 percent to
Sanders' 38
An average of three polls conducted from April 10 to 21 showed Trump
with 47.7 percent to Kasich's 26.7 and Cruz's 21.7
An average of three polls conducted April 5 to 20 showed Clinton with
57.7 percent to Sanders' 33.7
An average of four polls conducted between April 18 and 24 showed
Trump with 48.3 percent to Cruz's 26.5 and Kasich's 21.8
average of seven polls conducted from April 11 to 24 showed Clinton
with 54.3 percent to Sanders' 38.3
An average of three polls conducted between April 19 to 24 showed
Trump with 52.3 percent to Kasich's 23 and Cruz's 12.3
An average of two polls conducted April 19 to 24 showed Clinton with
44 percent to Sanders' 41.5
upcoming primary contests in Indiana on May 3 and California on June
7 are being hailed as likely to be watershed moments in both the
Democratic and Republican races.
has won Rust Belt states Illinois and Michigan, and although he lost
in Ohio to the state's own Gov. Kasich, Trump still captured about 36
percent of the vote to Kasich's 47 and Cruz's 13. Based on the
results in Pennsylvania, Trump could be favored to win the last of
the Rust Belt states, Indiana, next week. However, millions of
dollars are being spent on ads against Trump in Indiana, which was
not the case in the states competing on April 26, according to Fox
News which reported only $100,000 was spent specifically targeting
Trump in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode
Real Clear Politics average for Indiana polling shows Clinton ahead
of Sanders, 47.7 percent to 43.7. That margin could swing for Sanders
if he can win something tonight, but Clinton has been consistently
ahead there.
interesting takeaway from these primaries today especially is how
divided each party continues to be, keeping the general election
looking like it will be just as unconventional as the nominating
process has been. Keep an eye on how Trump does in traditionally
"blue" states as well as how well Clinton does in typically
"red" states for a preview of what to expect, and not
expect, in the 2016 general election.
This is the witch the world doesn't want
This is the witch the world doesn't want
Voters Report Suspicious Irregularities in Three Different Primary States
what is becoming an outrageously predictable trend, Hillary Clinton
supporters have been caught breaking election laws again and other
voting irregularities have been reported across three of today’s
five primary states.
voters have reported on
Reddit that
the following campaign advertisements for Clinton were being
distributed inside polling locations in clear violation of
electioneering law.
electioneering laws clearly
state that “No person, when within the polling place, shall
electioneer or solicit votes for any political party, political body
or candidate, nor shall
any written or printed matter be posted up within
the said room… ”
law then goes on to specifically mention that solicitations “must
remain at least ten (10) feet distant from the polling place during
the progress of the voting.”
yet, the following video shows these Hillary Clinton slips inside the
North Temple Baptist Church polling location on 1628 Master Street in
Philadelphia, with the poll worker refusing to throw them away even
after being confronted.
worker admits at the beginning of the video that “Whoever’s
supposed to be giving these out is supposed to be outside.”
Daniel Laufer rightly points out that this is against the law, and
politely asks if he can remove the offending slips from the polling
station. The worker says “No you can’t have these,”
blatantly admitting that “They have to hand them out as people come
Laufer tries to remain calm as he explains: “This is trying to
sway people and you’re not supposed to do that according to the
not swaying anybody,” the poll worker replies. “You
have your own mind, you vote for whoever you want to.”
law is the law, and this is against the law.”
understand that, but are you a lawyer?”
don’t need to be a lawyer to know that.”
here out, the poll worker just keeps repeating that voters can “vote
for whoever they want to” without directly responding to the fact
that these advertisements are a textbook case of electioneering,
which is banned under state law within the polling place.
told US Uncut that in addition to the Clinton campaign literature
inside the precinct, the polling place was plagued by other
irregularities, like two broken voting machines that weren’t
replaced for hours and the precinct being closed to early voters.
were supposed to open at seven,” Laufer said in a phone interview.
“I got there at 7:30, and it wasn’t open yet.”
test the reaction of poll workers, Laufer tried handing out
pro-Sanders campaign literature more than ten feet away from the
polling precinct, and poll workers threatened to call the police on
in Pennsylvania, a voting machine wasn’t allowing a voter to select
Bernie Sanders. Brooks Bell posted
video of
himself on Instagram trying to press Sanders’ name on an electronic
voting machine, which failed continuously to record his selection.
New York Daily News columnist Shaun King tweeted the video, which
garnered thousands of retweets in a matter of hours — though it was
later revealed that the machine simply
wasn’t turned on:
Connecticut, where 55
pledged delegates are
up for grabs, one voter recorded his father’s party
affiliation mysteriously
changing from
“Democratic” on April 23 to “Unaffiliated” on April 25. In
Connecticut’s closed primary, voters not identifying as Democrats
or Republicans aren’t allowed to vote.
happened on a large scale in the Arizona primary, with the Secretary
of Stateadmitting
in a public hearing that
staffers in her own office had their party affiliations changed
without their consent. Voters’ party affiliations were changed in
New York as well, with some voters showing proof that the signatures
on the documents in question were
Facebook pages compromised ahead of 5 state primaries, Clinton
supporters suspected

April, 2016
Facebook pages in support of Bernie Sanders’ presidential candidacy
were shut down on Monday after they were reportedly flooded with
pornographic images, with at least one participant in the attacks
being linked to a Hillary Clinton support group.
incidents, which The Hill stated seemed to be coordinated, began
around 9:00pm on Monday, with account owners being able to regain
control of their groups around midnight. According to a report from, attackers posted porn in at least two groups and then
reported the content to Facebook, triggering the shutdowns.
of the groups that were shut down had tens of thousands of members,
including: Bernie Sanders Is My Hero, Bernie Believers, Bernie
Sanders for President, and Bernie Sanders Activists.
SHAME on @HillaryClinton & @HFA! We'll NEVER SUPPORT HER! We are #BernieOrBust!
#BernieBlackout #BernieFacebookPurge
all Bernie Sanders groups reported being hit with obscene imagery,
but one member said it appeared that child porn was also posted.
had what looked like a kiddie porn posted in one of our groups
today,” said Sanders supporter Erica Libenow said to "I
reported that one. Seriously made me want to vomit.”
Twitter, Sanders supporters pointed to Clinton supporters as the
So @HillaryClinton spends millions to take down @BernieSanders' Facebook Groups? Shame on @HFA! We're #BernieOrBust now!
a Facebook post on Tuesday, the Bros 4 Hillary group said that a
former member was part of the attack, engaging in “harassing
behavior” toward the pro-Sanders groups.
was not promoted or supported by the leadership of B4H, nor were we
immediately aware of this conduct. We removed the offending posts and
member as soon as possible,” the group wrote in its statement.
have also tried to connect the onslaught to Correct the Record, a
Super PAC supporting Clinton that recently announced it would spend
$1 million to target online attacks against the former secretary of
state. According to Paste, one Facebook user bragged that he was able
to get a Sanders group removed, and the user also “liked” Correct
the Record and the Barrier Breakers' online “correction”
the Super PAC denied that it took part in Monday’s attack.
the Record's Barrier Breakers 2016 had nothing to do with this,"
said Elizabeth Shappell, the group's communications director, to The
Hill. "Currently, Barrier Breakers is exclusively engaged in
positive messaging supporting Hillary Clinton."
all the shutdowns were linked to Clinton supporters, though. In one
post, The People for Bernie Sanders 2016 group stated that a Facebookerror was responsible for the shutdowns.
aware many of the pro Bernie groups were removed from Facebook.
They're back. It was a Facebook database error, not a conspiracy or
an attack,” the statement read.
Facebook groups unrelated to Sanders were also briefly taken down.
over Monday’s Facebook incident are the latest in the
back-and-forth between Clinton and Sanders supports. The Clinton
campaign has often criticized the Sanders campaign for its so-called
“Bernie Bros,” or outspoken supporters who have attacked those
who disagree with Sanders online. Some have been labeled misogynist
for suggesting that Clinton voters are voting “based on who had the
his part, Sanders has said the attacks are “disgusting” and
called for his supporters to stop.
don’t want that crap,” he said to CNN in February. “Anybody who
is supporting me [that] is doing sexist things – we don’t want
them. I don’t want them.”
Names Hillary Clinton Most Corrupt Politician of 2015
December, 2015
corrupt public officials go, Hillary Clinton is in a league of her
own. That’s according to a Washington ethics watchdog that just
named the Democratic presidential front-runner as the top ethics
violator of 2015.
nonpartisan Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT)
placed Clinton at the top of its worst ethics violators of 2015 list
after finding “overwhelming evidence” she abused her official
position as secretary of state.
is calling for various federal investigations into Clinton’s
unethical behavior, much of which has been uncovered by the ongoing
scandal surrounding her State Department emails.
emails remained hidden from the public until earlier this year when
it was discovered that Secretary Clinton conducted government
business on her private email server and a judge ultimately ordered
that she turn over and the State Department release the emails,”
FACT noted in a statement.
believes that some of those recently released communications raise
questions about whether Clinton gave special State Department access
to a private mining company with ties to her son-in-law,
watchdog says Clinton has displayed similarly corrupt behavior on the
campaign trail.
group has asked the IRS to investigate whether Clinton violated State
Department rules when her family foundation made payments of nearly
$350,000 to her failed 2008 campaign to rent Clinton’s email list
after she failed to secure the Democratic nomination. At the time of
the transactions, Clinton’s State Department position prohibited
her from doing certain types of fundraising on behalf of the
is also requesting the Federal Elections Commission investigate the
current Clinton campaign after it received an email list of 4 million
potential supporters from a pro-Hillary super PAC. The list,
according to FACT, constitutes an in-kind donation, which federal
election laws prohibit candidates from accepting directly from PACs.
political corruption could also ensnare top Senate Democrats if FACT
is successful in getting the Senate Select Committee to launch an
additional investigation into whether Clinton campaign aides
conducted political business in official Senate offices where
campaign activities are prohibited.
officials are sent to Washington to follow and uphold the law and so
they need to be held to the highest standard of ethics. Even the
appearance of impropriety can quickly erode public trust, and Mrs.
Clinton is in a league of her own,” said Matthew Whitaker, FACT’s
executive director, in a statement.
Clinton is by far FACT’s most corrupt official of 2015, seven other
politicians also made the list for activities that violated the
public trust in the past year. They include: Rep. Alan Grayson
(D-Fla.); Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.); Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.);
failed Senate candidate Joe Sestak, a Pennsylvania Democrat; Rep.
Frank Guinta (R-N.H.); Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.); and Rep. Robert
Pittenger (R-N.C.)
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