‘Fighting common evil’: Putin, Hollande agree to share intelligence on terrorist targets in Syria
and Russia have agreed to exchange intelligence data on Islamic State
and other terror groups in Syria to increase the effectiveness of
their air campaigns in the country as Vladimir Putin received his
French counterpart, Francois Hollande, in Moscow.
is ready to work hand in hand with Russia to achieve a common goal of
fighting terror groups and Islamic State in the first place,”
Hollande said after the talks on Thursday evening.
two leaders have agreed that French and Russian airstrikes would be
focused on Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and other jihadist
groups and facilities under their control.
we agreed, and this is important, is to strike only terrorists and
Daesh (Islamic State) and to not strike forces that are fighting
terrorism. We will exchange information about whom to hit and whom
not to hit,” Hollande added.
grieve with you over the losses that France suffered,” President
Putin told his French counterpart, reminding that Russia also
“suffered serious losses as a result of a heinous terrorist act
against a civilian aircraft.”
this forces us to join efforts against a common evil,” Putin said.
“We see that you pay a lot of attention and make efforts to create
a broad anti-terrorist coalition. You know our position and we are
ready for joint work. Moreover, we believe it is absolutely
necessary, our stances are similar in this regard.”
emphasized the key role played by the Syrian army, which is loyal to
Assad, in tackling the terrorists in the country.
all believe that it’s impossible to successfully fight the
terrorists in Syria without ground operations,” he said.
there’s no other force to conduct ground operations against IS ...
except the government army of Syria. In this regard, I think that the
army of President Assad and he himself are our natural allies in the
fight against terrorism,” the Russian leader explained.
French leader also stressed the importance of Russia playing a key
roles in the political transition in Syria. However, he reiterated
the Western position that Syria’s current President Bashar Assad
should have no place in the country’s future.
again spoke about the need for a broad international coalition
against terrorism and jihadism without any reservations, but added
that Russia is ready to act on its own if the idea does not receive
wider support from the West.
two leaders agreed to continue their dialogue on Syria during the
Climate Change Conference which is due to take place in Paris between
November 30 and December 11.

Putin: Turkey deliberately leading relations with Russia 'into a gridlock'
Putin, Hollande Meeting Counter-Terror Efforts, Relations With Turkey
president Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande
commented on their talks on counter-terrorism efforts
and Germany refrain from open support of Turkey on the Su-24
incident out of concerns it might escalate tensions with Russia and
put creation of broad anti-Islamic State coalition at risk, a member
of the Austrian parliament told Sputnik
Pentagon watching: the CNN view
Meanwhile in Britain the Guardian is empahsaising Cameron's attempt to get approval for British airstrikes and putting its weight behind a US "coalition" that excludes Russia.
France appeals directly for Britain to join war against Isis in Syria
article for the Guardian, French defence minister calls for RAF to
‘take fight to heart of Isis’, as MPs consider case for strikes
‘Cameron’s claims on anti-ISIS airstrikes are deceit’: fmr ambassador to Syria
Minister David Cameron has made his case for extending UK airstrikes
against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) from Iraq into Syria.
He has ruled out using British ground troops and claims disagreements
with Russia are 'narrowing.'
Cameron Overreaches With “70,000” Claim Nobody Believes
is in serious trouble at Westminster after overreaching himself by
the claim that there are 70,000 “moderate rebels” willing to take
up the ground war with Isis. Quite literally not one single MP
believes him. There are those who believe the lie is justified. But
even they know it is a lie.
is a very interesting parallel here with the claims over Iraqi WMD.
The 70,000 figure has again been approved by the Joint Intelligence
Committee, with a strong push from MI6. But exactly as with Iraqi
WMD, there were strong objections from the less “political”
Defence Intelligence, and caveats inserted. As the Head of Defence
Intelligence, Major-General Michael Laurie, told the Chilcot Inquiry:
could find no evidence of planes, missiles or equipment that related
to weapons of mass destruction (WMD). It was clear to me that
pressure was being applied to the Joint Intelligence Committee and
its drafters. Every fact was managed to make the dossier as strong as
possible. The final statements in the dossier reached beyond the
conclusions intelligence assessments would normally draw from such
truth is the military tends to be much more honest about these
matters than the spooks. Rather than make the same mistake again,
parliamentarians should be calling Laurie’s successor, Air Marshal
Philip Osborn, to ask him the truth about the nature, composition and
availability of the 70,000. I happen to know that signals of dissent
from Osborn’s staff – quite probably with his blessing – are
reaching not just me, but many Tory MPs.
we can ourselves deconstruct the 70,000 figure and work out the
various civil service sleights of hand that produced it. We have
Cameron’s written response to the Foreign Affairs Committee in
which he sets out his case for war. This document is of course
extremely carefully written.
70,000 figure is at page 18. It does then give the breakdown of who
these 70,000 are.
very first group listed are the Kurds, and they are indeed the best
organised and most numerous group. But there is a trick here – the
paper includes them in the 70,000, despite going on to accept that
they are not available to fight in Isil territory because it is Arab
not Kurdish land. So that already knocks the largest and best
contingent out of the 70,000.
were the Kurds included in the total when the paper itself
acknowledges they are not available?
that, Cameron is really struggling and the paper becomes vague. The
paper talks (p.19) of rebel forces who defended the Syrian-Turkish
border near Aleppo from ISIL attack.
is perfectly true, but their leading fighting component is
Jabhat-al-Nusra, an open al-Qaida affiliate. They cannot conceivably
be described as moderate, and are armed and equipped by Saudi Arabia.
Their principle martial activity is looting and raping in Shia
villages. There are in fact about two dozen rebel groups around
Aleppo – here is a good snapshot – who often fight each other and
for the last few months have been losing ground to Assad forces. They
are also a primary target of the Russians. It is simply nonsense that
they could march on ISIS in Raqqa.
paper then goes on to reference the southern front of the Free Syrian
Army, and paints a rather rose-coloured picture of its military
prowess. The Free Syrian army can legitimately be painted as less
extremist than other groups, with some important reservations, but
nobody has ever assessed the strength of its southern branch at over
10,000 fighters. It is completely pre-occupied with fighting Assad
and Hezbollah.
that, the paper is seriously stuck, and goes on to enumerate
policemen, “white helmet” humanitarian workers and even local
authority engineering workforces as part of the evidence of the
existence of moderate forces. Whether any of these groups is included
in that amazing 70,000 total is unclear.
is clear is that the 70,000 figure does not stand up to thirty
seconds scrutiny, and there is no coherent plan whatsoever for ground
forces to follow up air attack.
absence of ground forces was an obvious flaw in Cameron’s bombing
plan. For him to try to allay concerns by such a huge and blatant lie
may prove to be a very poor tactic. Indeed this is so shockingly bad
that not only are many Tories privately saying it is difficult to
vote for bombing, even some of the still more right wing Blairites
are concerned too.
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