Tuesday 24 November 2015

NZ: Democracy or fascist dictatorship?

Tight controls placed on TPP spin

Trade Minister Tim Groser and PM John Key (Getty Images)

23 November, 2015

Newly released papers reveal the level of control the Government put in place around the coverage of the TPP deal last month

Documents obtained under the Official Information Act show media comment on the deal was restricted to Trade Minister Tim Groser and the Prime Minister.

Enquiries made to diplomatic posts overseas were to be redirected to the Minister Groser.

Officials also monitored Twitter for social media comments on the TPP, with diplomatic staff asked to refrain from making substantive comment about the agreement online, or engaging in the conversation.

Meanwhile referendum packs are appearing in mailboxes and the public is being asked to vote for options except for the one most people support - the status quo.

If anyone asks I would counsel filling out the form this way:

This is the NZ flag. It also goes along with a certain constitutioanl arrangement that is NOT being discussed

John Key's preferred design is uncannily similar to that of ISIS/Daesh
Jonah Lomu tribute shows need for a new flag, PM says

Prime Minister John Key described the image as: "Amazingly powerful."

23 November, 2015

The Irish Examiner's tribute to Jonah Lomu shows the country needs a new flag, Prime Minister John Key says. 

Appearing on Paul Henry, Key used the front page as a prop in his argument for a fern on the new flag. 

"Here's the silver fern, front page, with one frond coming off like a tear, with Jonah Lomu and his years," Key said.

"Amazingly powerful. That's New Zealand. Where was our flag? Nowhere."

The silver fern was known around the world, he said.

"That's the thing they use when we're doing well and when we're hurting. That's our flag."

Paul Henry said the country was "capable of handling several symbols".

"[The silver fern] is there now and it's a recognised symbol."

The pair agreed to disagree.

While we are being asked about a flag this is going on

Emergency housing enquiries double

The number of people seeking emergency accommodation and turning to Citizens Advice Bureau for help has doubled in five years.

The People's Project has housed 127 people in just over a year.

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) received more than 3000 enquiries about emergency accommodation this year, up from 1500 in 2010, a recent report shows.

Overall there have been 10,000 such enquiries in the past five years.

And Key is engaged in fear-mongering to further his own agends

Prime Minister John Key visited Kiwi troops at Camp Taji in Iraq earlier this year.

Several of the New Zealanders under 24-hour surveillance for links to Islamic State want to commit a terrorist attack on Kiwis, says the Prime Minister.

About 40 people are being monitored in New Zealand for their ties to Isis but the most threatening are under constant watch, which means they're unlikely to be able to get anywhere near executing a terrorist attack, said John Key.

I have always seen John Key, NZ prime minister as a clear example of a sociopath. However, look at this list of criteria for psychopathy

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