Tuesday 22 November 2016

ALERT Tsuanami at Fukshima

The quake, initially measured at 7.3 was downgraded by USGS to 6.9 but later upgraded by the Japan Met Service to 7.4.

There have been 3 metre tsunami waves.

7.3 quake off Fukushima triggers imminent tsunami

21 November, 2016


A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake has struck Fukushima Prefecture in Japan, USGS reported. A three meter tsunami wave alert was issued for Fukushima, Nippon reported.

The quake struck 67km northeast of Iwaki, a city located in the southern part of the Hamadori coastal region of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
This is an image of the Fukushima Nuclear Plant from NHK with the text "evacuate immediately." Unsettling

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency the quake struck at 5:59am JST at a depth of 10m.

Tsunami warnings or advisories are currently in effect,” the agency said.

Residents near the coast are being told to evacuate and seek higher ground. Tsunami waves are expected to hit repeatedly and are expected to arrive imminently in the Fukushima area, the JAM warning said.

Damage due to tsunami waves is expected.Evacuate immediately from coastal regions and riverside areas to a safer place such as high ground or an evacuation building. Tsunami waves are expected to hit repeatedly. Do not leave safe ground until the warning is lifted,” JMA warned.

warning issued following , reports .

Meanwhile the Pacific Tsunami Warning center has issued “a tsunami threat message for other parts of the Pacific located closer to earthquake,” while stressing that there is no tsunami threat for the US state of Hawaii.

According to the latest estimates by Japan's authorities, waves of up to three meters high will arrive ashore by 6:30am local time.

【速報】津波警報!津波警報! すぐにげて! 福島県沖で震度5弱の地震発生! [緊急地震速報]06:01:14現在 第11報(終) 9地域に警報 発生:05:59:45 震源:福島県沖 37.3N 141.6E 10km 規模:M7.3 最大4 予想:3.0 到達 -

Tsunami advisories have also been issued for the Pacific coast of Aomori Precture, Iwate Prefecutre, Miyagi Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture and the Kujukuri and Sotobo areas of Chiba Prefecture.

NHK News Japan warned those living on the coastline in Fukushima to “hurry up and run way.”


The news outlet is also reporting that the Coastguard issued a navigational warning in Fukushima Prefecture and the northern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, for ships to avoid the area.

Fukushima reactor cooling system stops following quake & tsunami

Cranes are seen at the No. 3 reactor building, next to the No.4 building, at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s (Tepco) tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture. © Kimimasa Mayama
Cranes are seen at the No. 3 reactor building, next to the No.4 building, at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s (Tepco) tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture. © Kimimasa Mayama / Reuters

The cooling system of the third reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has stopped circulating water following a powerful 7.3 offshore earthquake. TEPCO said it managed to restart the system some 90 minutes after the failure.
The cooling system servicing the Unit 3 spent fuel pool was not able to circulate water to cool the nuclear fuel because of a broken pump, according to the Nuclear Regulatory Agency.

The temperature in the pool went up to 28.7 degrees Celsius. It takes up to seven days for temperatures to rise to 65 degrees Celsius, which is the upper operational limit, Japan’s national nuclear agency said.

According to NHK, cooling equipment for the spent nuclear fuel pool in the reactor No. 3 of Tepco's Fukushima No. 2 power plant has stopped.

At such a pace, the cooling system failure posed no “immediate danger,” although the agency admitted “gradual” rise in temperatures.

東京電力によりますと福島第二原発3号機の使用済み燃料プールでは冷却用のポンプが停止しているということです。午前6時すぎの燃料プールの水温は28度7分で、 1時間に0度2分ずつ上がっていくと予想され、運転上の制限値としている65度には1週間程度で達する見込みだということです。
The exact cause of the cooling system stoppage is currently unknown. However, the system might have been “shaken” during the earthquake, according to nuclear agency officials, as reported by NHK. The station’s storage pool currently contains 2,544 spent fuel rods. No cooling water leaks or any other “abnormalities” have been reported. 

No abnormalities found at ’s Power Stations after Magnitude 7.3 off the coast of at 5:59JST Nov 22.
The first tsunami wave which hit the nuclear power plants was about one meter high, while the second was “not very high,” according to TEPCO. There has been no “major physical damage” to the nuclear power plants, NHK reported.

First alternative comments by Kevin Blanch. ENENews does not seem to have anything more  recent than September.

From Dutchsinse

11/21/2016 -- Large M7.0 (M6.9) earthquake strikes Japan -- Coast of Honshu Fukushima Prefecture

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