Tuesday 22 November 2016

"No connection" between NZ and Japan quakes - New Zealand academic

Some clown from Victoria University is being reported by the NZ Herald as saying there is NO connection between the Kaikoura quake.

It is, he says, an "aftershock" from the 2011 quake and it is normal to have quakes in Japan. Duh!

I suppose we just have to forget what we know about the Pacific Ring of Fire and assumed that NOTHING IS CONNECTED.

RNZ coverage is disgusting - I've got no other word for it.

I go straight to RT (and the Guardian has good live updates) and Japan’s NHK is excellent.

NZ media reporting of Japan 7.4 earthquake

Radio NZ reported the quake (well down the list of items - “totally unimportant”).

They report a USGS downgrade to 6.9 but the latest news is an upgrade of an upgrade to 7.4 by the Japan Meteorological Service.

Radio NZ have not corrected their reporting and are unlikely to do so. They are often inaccurate and frequently report on events many hours after I do.

In the meantime, from the NZ Herald....

Victoria University earthquake scientist Dr John Townend says Kiwis shouldn't draw any connections between the Japan quake and last Monday's 7.8 Kaikoura quake.

"The basic explanation of the earthquake in Japan is they had a magnitude 9.0 quake in 2011 and a magnitude 9 generates large aftershocks and an extended aftershock sequence," he said.

"So we are just seeing that ongoing activity in that part of the world."

Perhaps Mr Townsend could learn something from Dutchsinse. I wonder if he has heard of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

These arrogant people think it is enough to make a statement, no matter how stupid from a position of authority to put people off the scent.

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