Sunday 20 November 2016

For any coming earthquakes you're essentially on your own

Sunday morning.

It is time for bit of a rant about what I see as a comedy of errors – all of which indicates that the government agencies responsible for civil defence and the response to the earthquake are being run down and starved of funds – which is an indication of collapse and that essentially, if you are a local bumpkin you’re on your own – except for the brave actions of individuals.

"A case study in mediocrity."

---Kevin Hester

Reflections on the response to the Kaikoura earthquake


I heard Winston Peters this morning saying the Beehive bunker has water in it.

On the night the 111 service went down (this was mentioned on RNZ in the hour or so after the quake but went unreported by the media).

GeoNet it turns out is unmanned during the weekend and at night, so the message to evacuate went out 2-3 hours late.

It seems that individual citizens (plus Ngai Tahu) were able to respond far more quickly and efficiently than those official bodies that are supposed to be running the show.

Basically people were on their own.

"One study already has 170,000 being wiped out in wellington based upon a 13 meter tsunami within 20 mins of a trigger, since then it been discovered a mega thrust line is directly offshore. Yet Civil Defence take an hour to announce a possible risk."
---Rusell Malcolm, via Facebok

But hey, weren't we lucky that foreign naval vessels "happened" to be there at the right time - just as during the Christchurch Feb earthquake.

Earthquake: International flotilla and aircraft drafted in to help with humanitarian relief in Kaikoura

One could almost be persuaded to think all this was pre-planned!

Mind you John Kerry was in bed in Christchurch at the time.

Suffice it to say we live in very interesting times.

Have a happy Sunday.

POSTSCRIPT. They couldn't even get the magnitude of the quake right. Turns out the original report I got from RT (and the USGS) was right and our locals were totally wrong, first downgrading it and then being forced (days later) to revise their estimate to what USGS were saying in the first place - all the while criticising USGS. Better our thoroughly mediocre (because of underfunding) organisations than something that is proven to be right.

Just wait for the govt to starve the organisations responsible for watching this of funds.

Earthquake lessons: Are we ready for the Alpine Fault rupture?

Here are some comments from Facebook by Russell Malcolm

Wasn't it wonderful that the Chinese managed to get their nationals out almost before anyone turned up for the others? We live in a world where some people are more important than others. Local Kaikoura district peopke had to try and flag down a helicopter for help.

Amazing, China from across the world got their Nationals out yesterday, Yes within hours . While our parasites from less than 200 km away flew in with media for photo opportunity, political mileage and left bringing not presents, or using the countries assets (choppers) to get the stranded out to safety.

NZers need leaders, and it wont be politicians or bureaucrats, - it will be those who educate others oust them.

The question must be asked is National going to appoint Fletcher's to recruit cheap offshore labour to fly them out over the next 5 years?

How hard would it have been yesterday to take the stress off the already traumatized locals and flown the stranded out to a camp made up of say the 100's of empty rental campers sitting in CHCH? on perhaps an Airforce base with its massive kitchen.

Why was it left to the local Maori, who already had their homes destroyed to house the stranded tourists? Yeah Im asking the questions, because the fricking media played the politician media mileage game and said up you to the people by this coverage.

We will never get a better world while we allow this inept, corrupt charade to continue. Society needs fixing and its We who must cast the corrupt out and their leeching bureaucracy

The roads will be reopened by workers, the homes will be built by workers, the food will be produced by workers, not bums on Bureaucratic seats, not those who weld control by threats (actually acts of terrorism) to us if we dont accept their rules and delays.

Pike river was such a disaster as Bureaucrats took control, the one Journalist who pointed out the stupidity was sent from the country immediately , the men in the Mine left with no hope, again as the politician went for and received media mileage

Dont ever allow bureaucrats to have control over us. Ask the media why they are not asking these question. Full credit to the Kaikoura locals and Maori for doing the right thing, we are the power, not any leeching Bureaucrats.

The man who organised a guerilla effort to save the thousands of paua displaced during the Kaikoura quake is dismayed at the Ministry of Primary Industry's decision to force people to leave them alone.

To watch video GO HERE

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