You won't see this given any prominence although RNZ did cover it. They may have been the only ones who did.
BREAKING NEWS - Thousands Protest in Cathedral Square
Thousands of frustrated and angry people protest in Cathedral Square on 21 February, 2016, to form ONE STRONG VOICE for Christchurch.
The people demand that unresolved insurance claims relating to the Canterbury 2010 & 2011 Earthquakes are settled fully and fairly by the New Zealand Government's EQC and by private insurers by the end of March 2016.
The people have come together 'AS ONE' to ensure their demands are met.
If you are a victim of the Canterbury Earthquake InsuThe man who tipped brown sludge over Gerry Brownlee has changed his mind about meeting the Earthquake Recovery Minister at restorative justice.
Andrew Howland arrived at the Christchurch District Court on Tuesday
on what would have been the 20th birthday of his son, Jayden
who died in the February 2011 earthqrance Fiasco, email:' to be recognised, included and counted
Gerry Brownlee protester lost son
man who tipped brown sludge over Gerry Brownlee has changed his mind
about meeting the Earthquake Recovery Minister at restorative
Andrew Howland arrived at the Christchurch District Court on Tuesday
on what would have been the 20th birthday of his son, Jayden
who died in the February 2011 earthquake.
41, said he attacked Brownlee "to prove a point".
Government sucks."
41, poured
the mixture of chocolate,
egg, flour, salt, pepper and vinegar over Brownlee shortly after the
earthquake memorial service in Hagley Park finished on Monday
Listen to John Howland HERE
Protests and memorials ahead of quake anniversary
the eve of the fifth anniversary of the 2011 Christchurch earthquake,
about 1000 people have been protesting in Cathedral Square to demand
a deadline for the settlement of claims.
protest tardy insurance claims in central Christchurch. Photo: RNZ
/ Conan Young
February, 2016
protest organisers want an external review of the way the Earthquake
Commission (EQC) has handled insurance claims from the 6.3 magnitude
quake in 2011.
also want a deadline put in place on the time allowed for the
commission and insurers to settle claims.
held up signs saying 'Honour Your Policy', 'Regulate the Insurance
Industry' and 'EQC is Corrupt'.
5500 homeowners are still waiting for their claims to be settled, as
insurers and EQC argue over who is responsible for paying out on
claims and whether damage to homes is pre-existing.
Wallace is a Christchurch resident who has had three different repair
strategies put to her by her insurer.
she said none of them took account of the fact the land was prone to
liquefaction and that situation was contributing to depression.
Vickers owns a unit in a quake-damaged apartment block.
said because the body corporate was made up of 30 individual owners,
each with their own insurance policy, she was unlikely to see her
claim settled this year.
December last year EQC moved to clarify how long people have to take
legal action against it, after concerns were raised about restraints
contained in legislation.
chief executive Ian Simpson said there was no specific deadline for
legal action to be taken, because each case was based on a six-year
timeframe from when a claim was settled.
said how limitation legislation applied to policies provided by
private insurers may differ and people should talk with their private
insurer, and potentially their lawyer, about their individual claims.
Families of Japanese students attend tree planting ceremony
families of people who died in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake are
gathering in the city this afternoon for a tree planting ceremony.
trees will be planted on the banks of the Avon River, close to where
a memorial is planned.
marks five years since the 6.3 magnitude earthquake claimed 185
the family members at the tree-planting will be 18 from Japan whose
children died in the CTV building collapse.
building collapsed when the quake hit. Of the 185 people killed in
the quake, 115 died in that building.
Christchurch local who has been helping the Japanese families, David
Bolam-Smith, said they had struggled to come to terms with what
got two kids who were living in Japan for four years, teaching, and I
used to think sometimes, if I heard it on the news, if it had
happened to them - I hate to think about it even.
just feel so sorry for what they have been through, those parents."
said the families of those who died remain angry that nobody has been
held accountable for the collapse of the CTV building.
Red Cross helps a quarter of Cantabrians
Red Cross grants programme has helped one in four Cantabrians since
the 2011 earthquakes, according to the organisation's
secretary-general. Tony Paine said that amounted to 110,000 people.
said New Zealanders and international Red Cross societies donated
more than $103 million to the Canterbury Earthquake Appeal and $109
million worth of grants and recovery programmes had now been
June 2017 the figure would rise to $120 million, he said.
Paine said in the past five years, Red Cross had distributed 43,000
torch radios, 14,000 winter warmer packages (including a blanket,
socks, gloves, soups and chocolate) and made more than 4700 outreach
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