Leak reveals ongoing TPP tussles
Critics say vaunted environmental chapter offers
January, 2014
leak of documents from inside the secret US-Pacific trade
negotiations indicates continued conflict between the 12
Trans-Pacific Partnership nations.
includes the trade agreement's environment chapter, which has been
promoted by the Obama Administration as an opportunity to address
"some of the most pressing environmental challenges" and as
a selling point for the agreement.
critics say the environmental gains in the chapter turn out to be
minimal compared with environmental harm other sections would cause.
The US Sierra Club says the TPP would be devastating for the
environment and climate, and Friends of the Earth describe it as "a
huge danger to the planet".
confidential trade documents were leaked to the whistle-blowing
organisation WikiLeaks and released exclusively to the Herald and
media in the US, Australia and Mexico.
confidential draft chapter and an attached report, written by the
Canadian delegation leader, are dated November 24, 2013, the final
day of TPP negotiations in Salt Lake City.
23-page environment chapter has provisions on biodiversity, climate
change, fisheries and illegal trade in endangered plants and animals.
the leaked text just "recognises" and "acknowledges"
some well-established environment treaties, such as on ozone
protection and endangered species, and mostly doesn't take them any
further. In a document called "TPP State of Play after Salt Lake
City", one delegation complained that up until then "there
had not been any perceivable substantial movement [from] the US".
also described conflict at the negotiating meeting over the
environment chapter. It said the environment working group meeting
"was interrupted because we could not get past the second issue
[on] the definition of environmental law".
documents show New Zealand and the US agree on some issues, including
about the need for sustainable fisheries manage-ment.
even here there is ongoing disagreement about individual clauses and
wording, only weeks from when the agreement is supposed to be
Assange of WikiLeaks said the environment chapter was "meant to
be the public friendly sweetener that would compensate for the
harshness of the rest of the text" but the leaked text showed it
to be a "toothless PR exercise".
are no mandated environmental protections at all, he said.
Council executive director Simon Terry said the agreement was being
"sold as protecting the environment" but the leaked chapter
showed "minimal real gains for nature".
were far outweighed by the harm other sections of the agreement would
key chapter allowed foreign companies to sue the government in an
overseas tribunal if it raised environmental standards in a way that
hurt foreign investor profits.
risk of million-dollar lawsuits would discourage governments from
addressing environmental problems, with "serious environmental
consequences", he said.
spokeswoman for Trade Minister Tim Groser said the TPP environment
chapter would "promote high standards of environmental
protection, and enhance the capacity of TPP members to address
trade-related environment issues".
if the section would be beneficial for the New Zealand environment,
she said that "trade and environmental policies can be and
should be mutually supportive".
Trans-Pacific Partnership is a trade deal under negotiation between
12 countries: New Zealand, US, Singapore, Chile, Brunei, Australia,
Vietnam, Peru, Malaysia, Canada, Mexico and Japan.
'Toothless!' WikiLeaks reveals secret draft of TPP environment chapter
environment protection provisions in the draft of the Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement will not be enforceable, says
whistleblower site WikiLeaks, which released a section of the
January, 2014
Environment Chapter of the TPP describes how the 12 countries
negotiating the controversial treaty plan to protect the environment.
As of November 2013, when the treaty was discussed at a Salt Lake
City summit, the chapter lacked any mechanism to enforce it or any
sanctions for violating it. This is in contrast with other chapters
dealing with labor, intellectual property or agriculture, which all
contain binding language.
no enforcement clauses, the environment chapter is “a toothless
public relations exercise” and “media sugar water,” said
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
work on the TPP has been widely criticized for its secretive nature.
Its impact would be global, considering that the prospect
member-nations, including the US, Japan, Australia, New Zealand,
account for some 40 percent of world’s GDP, but parties involved
have been unwilling to disclose detail of the draft over the three
years that negotiations dragged on.
obtained draft documents from the Salt Lake City summit and has been
publishing them since November 2013. There has been one meeting on
the TPP after the summit so far.
the chapter goes into the final document, it would be against a 2007
agreement, which then-President George W. Bush reached with US
lawmakers, reports the New York Times. The so-called May 10 Agreement
requires that all US free trade deals with foreign nations had
legally binding environmental provisions. Apparently the US
delegation finds it difficult to convince its 11 partners on the TPP
to abide by it.
negotiations are a very different thing,” Jennifer Haverkamp, the
former head of the United States trade representative’s
environmental office told the newspaper. “Here, if the US is the
only one pushing for this, it’s a real uphill battle to get others
to agree if they don’t like it.”
of the environmental guards follows other complaints over the rules,
which the TPP would impose on some of world’s biggest economies.
Critics complained that the treaty would give overreaching
intellectual property protection dealing with drugs and agriculture,
restrict internet freedoms and empower multinational corporations to
challenge country laws, among other things.
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