Mike Ruppert, in his latest broadcast has come full circle and makes sense of what he thinks is happening.
talks of the various prophecies, specifically the Hopi prophecies,
the St. Malachi prophecies of the popes, and the prophecies of Billy
have quoted in full the quotation he read out about the nature of
prophecies because it reflects the nature of prophecy and its role in
taking us from a limited left-brain, analytical approach to a
symbolic, spiritual and mythical approach.
is only by taking this approach and transcending (not denying)
rational thought that we can start to make sense of the age that we
are living in – and to prepare for traumatic change.
do not think that these prophecies are true in a literal 'left-brain'
sense. They are symbolic - the important thing is that “prophecies are a form of myth,
and myth is like the dreaming of a culture”
Mike says, we ignore this at our own peril.
need to read, listen and then find our own way
Ruppert on prophecies
are a form of myth, and myth is like the dreaming of a culture. Myths
and dreams have discernible patterns, la kind of anatomy of the
psyche. Every human exhibits the pattern of having 2 arms, 2 legs, a
torso, a head, yet there are no two exactly alike. The patterns of so
many cultural mythologies, including the Mayan and others mentioned
in this thread, are showing us that fundamental transformations of
human perception, imagining, thinking and behavior are happening and
will continue to happen.
of the things that really strikes me, in looking at cultural
mythologies, prophetic offerings from individuals, and the dreams of
individuals in their personal lives, is the image of what we seem to
call the Elitiest interests in this whole emerging drama. We see
"them" as some form of enemy or evil, but what we're really
looking at is the mythological image of the Trickster. Images that we
may know as Loki, from comic book movies, Wile E. Coyote, form
cartoons, or the Emperor form Star Wars. If we can understand this
image in our psychological and material lives we know that their
plans more often blow up their face than not. This doesn't mean that
they aren't to be given respect, but it does mean that the more
energy we put into fighting or resisting them when it isn't
absolutely necessary the more they can use our own energy against us
by turning it to fear and panic.
point is that I have come to see that focusing as much as possible on
what is right and sustainable action instead of feeding fear and panic by fighting the shadows is a sound response to 1) countering
the enemies of life who would use the emergent transformation to
increase their power,
2) surviving the fundamental changes that are coming as the needed re-balancing of human life on this planet, and 3) a way to begin re-forming our human culture form one that is based on unsustainable hubris to one that is based on sustainable interdependence with each other and the planet.
2) surviving the fundamental changes that are coming as the needed re-balancing of human life on this planet, and 3) a way to begin re-forming our human culture form one that is based on unsustainable hubris to one that is based on sustainable interdependence with each other and the planet.
my reading of the prophecies in question, and others, the invitation
we are being given by the universe is to move from a state of arrest
in a pre-adolescent immaturity wherein we remain self-focused and
dependent on outer paternal authorities of government and corporation
to meet our needs, through a stage of adolescence, and into a state
of maturity wherein we understand that we are called to serve
something greater than ourselves and that all beings are inherently
interdependent upon each other in life in the world.
movement can be facilitated by the return of culturally and community
sanctioned rites of passage through which we can help each other mark
the maturing change of consciousness needed to manifest a human
culture that is sustainable instead of one in which we are selecting
ourselves for extinction.
see this as the fundamental pattern”
Michael Mantes
this tradition a story is 'holy,' and it is used as medicine,"
she told Radiance magazine. "The story is not told to lift you
up, to make you feel better, or to entertain you, although all those
things can be true. The story is meant to take the spirit into a
descent to find something that is lost or missing and to bring it
back to consciousness again.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Estes is a true wild and wise woman, and is needed in the
transition...she tells us all to answer the call to adventure and
bring healing back to us all, to the world...as Jung said, it would
take perhaps a dozen or so individuals to do their inner work
authentically in order to redeem the whole world...it is my
contention not that we have too much evil, but too few willing to
respond to the call to the inner (and outer) heroic journey...perhaps
we have not yet entered enough crisis to light that fire in enough
heart...at least we have warriors, such as mr. ruppert, willing to
place themselves between the enemies of life and those that aren't
able to stand on their own...unfortunately, the sheep fear the guard
dogs because they fail to see the wolves”
Michael Mantes
more information on the Hopi prophecy of the Blue
Star Kachina GO
more background on the Malachi prophecy about the last pope, Petrus
Romanus GO
background on Billy Maier GO
Billy Maier's Blue Tsunami prophecy...
Here is the full Lifeboat Hour show
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