Monday 5 October 2020

Americans DO fear a pending civil war

 POLL: 62% of Americans Fear Pending CIVIL WAR; 52% Stockpiling Food, Supplies, Weapons

Hal Turner,

4 September, 2020

Calling it ". . . the single most frightening poll result I've ever been associated with," Rich Thau, president of Engagious reveals that 62% of average Americans believe CIVIL WAR is coming and a whopping 52% are already stockpiling food, supplies and weapons.

The survey, conducted by Engagious, the Sports and Leisure Research Group, and ROKK Solutions as part of their "2020 Back to Normal Barometer" study, found that even moderates believe major unrest is coming, too.

“We have been conducting surveys of consumers and employees since the beginning of April in order to help industries make strategic decisions in the month ahead. The current data shows an alarming trend that that extreme political polarization of our country has a majority of Americans concerned that our country could be a powder keg ready to explode into a Civil War,” said Ron Bonjean, Partner at ROKK Solutions. The margin of error on the September 23, 2020 online survey of 491 Americans is +/-4.42% at the 95% confidence interval.

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