Sunday 25 October 2020

Hal Turner: "From 0430 today; symptoms of heart attack again"

 Many will know that Hal Turner had a heart attack and a quadruple heart bypass last year.  He has had another heart attack and it does not look so good for him.

I have been able to see beyond his faults and his political views (which are far from own) to appreciate much of what he has had to offer. He has played a role in my being able to see beyond the MSM headlines and to transcend ideological differences.

I wish him well.

Hal Turner has had a heart attack

UPDATE 4:30PM EDT 10/24/2020

Hello all, Mike here again.  My mom and I just got back from the hospital.  Overnight, my dad's Troponin level increased from 8.99 to 11, and then later to 17 early this morning.  By around 10am the level had increased again to about 23.  Doctors performed a cardiac catheterization to take a look inside his veins and arteries.  During the procedure, doctors found a 99% blockage due to blood clots in his Left Circumflex artery, one of the arteries previously repaired during his quadruple bypass surgery in April of last year.  They were able to insert a stent, which seems to have restored blood flow.  Currently his vitals still all look "rock solid," to quote one nurse.  However, he is sporadically having some difficulty breathing.  This could be because of the previously restricted blood flow--we don't know yet.  He's currently on oxygen and breathing on his own.  All in all, he seems to be in stable condition but very tired.  The hospital will be keeping him today as well.  More updates as we receive them.  

We've received many well wishes in the comments--though I can't respond individually, I want to thank everyone for your ongoing support, thoughts, and prayers.  Again, please continue to keep my father in your prayers.


UPDATE 4:45PM EDT 10/23/2020

We just received an update on Hal's condition.  His Troponin level has increased from 2.99 to 8.99.  His condition is being categorized as a NSTEMI (Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction).  In other words, he's had another heart attack.  We will continue to keep you posted about Hal's condition.

Again, we ask that you please keep Hal in your prayers.


UPDATE 11:30AM EDT 10/23/2020

This is Mike, Hal's son.  Shortly after posting this article, my dad asked me to take him to the Emergency Room.  I just got back.  My dad is being admitted and will likely be released tomorrow.  Preliminary blood tests are showing a Troponin level of 2.99 -- The last time he had this level was in April of 2019 when he had a myocardial infarction (MI) and subsequently underwent quadruple bypass surgery.  It is currently unclear as to whether or not my dad actually had a heart attack today, but a troponin level of 2.99 is an indication that the heart muscle has been under immense stress and has suffered some damage.  Right now he is awake, alert, and his vitals all look good.  He will shortly be transferred from the Emergency Room to the Telemetry Department of the hospital for further monitoring and evaluation.

I will post updates as they become available.  Unfortunately, the Hal Turner Show will not air live tonight--I will air an archive of last night's show instead.

Please keep my dad in your prayers.

Original Post

From about 4:30 this morning I began having significant PAIN in my chest, extending to my arm.  Shortness of breath. Weakness in affected side arm muscles. Profuse sweating. Except ALL these symptoms on on the wrong side; they're on my right side.

I'm wondering if a blood clot hit my lung?  Never had a blood clot before, but the symptoms all fit.

It is now 0738 and I DO NOT want to go to the hospital. The pain and symptoms are not going away.  3+ hours now.

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