Sunday 27 July 2014

Keeping Fukushima in the public eye

In New Zealand, as everywhere else, there has been a blackout on news on Fukushima.

A happy exception to that rule has been Wayne Brittenden, who has a regular slot on Radio New Zealand's Sunday program.

Wayne has endeavoured to keep Fukushima in the public eye.


Wayne Brittenden's Counterpoint - Fukushima

Wayne looks at Fukushima in the light of a UN report which concluded there are no "discernible" health consequences of the disaster

This week, a fresh look at Fukushima which Wallace discusses with Melbourne University's Nossal Institute for Global Health's associate professor Dr Tilman Ruff

1 comment:

  1. Finally the lamestream media in NZ faces up to the worst single Industrial accident of all time. Wallace Chapman raises the alarm about this disaster and discusses the fact that the Orwellian named Unscear has been complicit it the coverup of the worst Industrial catastrophe in history.
    The only thing bigger than the disaster has been the coverup.
    I have written half a dozen letters to Prime Minister John Key challenging him to front up on what NZ is doing about protecting both our food chain and our biosphere from imported food and possibly the worse thing, second hand cars and industrial equipment like diggers and trucks.
    I have spent an inordinate amount of time on this subject and am very careful not to overstate the risk but I am very worried about tires that could have been driving on heavily contaminated roads and worse still containing air cleaner filters that are the respiratory system of the vehicles and accumulate radionuclides. What happens to them when unaware mechanics remove them from vehicles and throw them on the workshop floor or in the waste bin?
    Feel free to email John Key and ask him the same questions.


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