Sunday, 11 August 2013

Internet censorship

Blocked from access to RT

For the last 24+ hours I have been unable to access (of all sites), RT

Neither have a couple of friends within NZ, that read my blog.

I checked by going to the local library and immediately accessed the site without problem, as did my partner through her work network.

What my two friends share in common is that both are regular readers of mu blog; they also share the same web provider (Vodaphone).

Whether this is a case of censorship by the authorities or has a more innocent explanation I cannot rightly tell. Certainly my provider can't yet shed any light on this either.

Given the history of DdoS attacks and other strange happenings I have little doubt in my mind that this is related to state surveillance activity.

Our ISP used to be Telstra Clear which has been bought out by British telecom giant Vodaphone.

In this regard the following should be kept in mind:

Mike Ruppert is in little doubt about all as to what is happening:

It is foolish to suspect anything other than interference now. I have been having highly unusual issues. I noticed this pattern right after Snowden's disclosure went viral. The surveillance system is being altered and I suspect tech issues have arisen. On the other hand, things like the attack on Guy McPherson's were absolutely intended. Could be either but this is abnormal.”

I tend to agree with Mike in this.  

This has been a good exercise in ridding oneself of any naivety as to what is going on behind the scenes.

In the meantime, with the help of a web proxy, I am now able to by-pass my ISP and access RT.

My own suspicions in all this is that this has coincided with coverage by RT of the calamatous events at Fukushima that RT is covering like no other mainstream media outlet.

Situated as we are, so to speak, in the firing line, in the South Pacjfic I am convinced that the government and its media proxies do not want the public of New Zealand to know anything approaching the reality of the situation.

People who tell the truth are now deemed dangers to state securiy.

Let me say at this point that if, for any reason I am blocked from this site I have a plan B. Perhaps you ought to keep THIS ADDRESS for future reference

Just a few hours ago, after solving the problem for myself, RT came back online

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