Tuesday, 13 August 2013


Strange occurances again on the internet

Yesterday, without any notice, after 48 hours I was again able to access RT and things returned back to normal

However, on starting my day I started up the computer, acessed my emails and got the front page on my Browser.

The first thing I did was to check my own site. There was no response. Without waiting too long I checked Facebook and that was unresponsive as well as a number of other sites that I use regularly (including the trusty RT), but again, no response

I tried another site at random (Radio New Zealand) and had instant access.

I tried to access Facebook through Web Proxy and was told that I was locked out of the account, so I tried Facebook again and managed to get into the site, but with the same message that someone had tried to access the account.

I changed the password, and once this happened I was able to once again, access Facebook as well as my own blog site.

Once again I am able to work.

Someone tell me that this (plus what Michael Ruppert and Guy McPherson have been experiencing – and PRN has been unavailable for days) is all just a coincidence and quite normal.

I quite expect that one day, quite soon I will wake up and my access to the whole WWW will be gone. That will be our final warning that we live in aunder a tyrranny (albeit one that pretendsd to be democratic)

However, until that day I will continue to realy as much information to the world though this site and Facebook as I can.

After listening to Guy McPherson and Mike Ruppert last evening I don't see any other course of action.

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