Monday 11 March 2013

Biblical prophecies

Signs in the Heavens – prophetic events – February, 2013

It is a terrible mistake and error to either discount (or accept) this video because it was made by Christians. Critical thinking, and our survival, demands us to look and ask. Where do these prophecies match and align with those of the Maya? The Buddhists? The Egyptians? The Hopi? The Inca? The Australian Bushmen? The Kalahari Bushmen? The Lakota? The Cherokee? The Hebrews? The Hindus? The Baghavad Gita? The Upanishads? The Vedas? The Dead Sea Scrolls? The Druids? Islam? The Sufis? The Kabbalah? The Wiccans?

Not until you -- and I mean YOU -- find the courage to see the uniformity and consistencies in all of these prophecies will you begin to understand that the universe and all of creation has been screaming warnings to us for thousands of years. They may have been buried, distorted, misrepresented, dismissed, ridiculed, whatever...

But when it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, and leaves a lot of duck poop laying around... It just might be a freaking duck.

You have no excuse to say that you were not warned and given an opportunity to change... your minds.

This is from the Christian bible:

"There are but two great commandments. That thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all the heart, mind and soul. And that thous shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

You are allowed to form your own conception of God... freely.

The trees and the animals and the waters and the rocks and the four winds and Mother Earth herself are all our neighbors. There is still time to change your mind.

Everything is connected.

Mitakuye Oyasin!

--Michael C Ruppert

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