Saturday 13 March 2021

Chairman Joe speaks

From Chairman Joe (or from his handlers.)

"We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated..."

'Obey!' - Biden Outlines Post-Pandemic Dystopia In "Dark & Hopeless" First Address

Zero Hedge,

12 March, 2021

President Joe Biden delivered his first prime-time address last night since the beginning of his 'unity' reign.

However, out of the gate, he took a shot at his predecessor, seemingly blaming Trump for the spread of COVID-19.

“A year ago, we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked,” Biden said, apparently forgetting that he called then-President Trump xenophobic for quickly imposing a ban on travel into the United States.

Such assertions were to be expected, but as LibertyNation's Graham Noble warns, one sentence from Biden’s speech should terrify Americans:

“We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated.”

Not the CDC, not the science, but the government will tell you what you can and cannot do if you're not willing to be Big Pharma's guinea pigs. And that message was clear as the rest of the speech was basically variation of the theme:

“please, please, please, get vaccinated because it is your duty as Americans,”

Simply put, "obey" America and some of those freedoms your founders bequeathed unto you will be returned...

Conrad Black, National Interest Editor, was even less charitable, calling Biden's speech a "complete and total failure":

President Joe Biden's first address to the nation was at least coherent, as he spoke directly to the teleprompter and his diction was comprehensible. But it was repetitive and ungracious and lugubrious. He was incapable of giving the slightest credit to his predecessor, although President Donald Trump is almost solely responsible for advancing the vaccine timetable more than anyone could have hoped for. Trump was roundly condemned by the Democratic media last May for predicting a virus before year-end, but it was in fact distributed starting on December 11, and on Inauguration Day, one million vaccinations were effected in the United States for the first time.

President Biden speaks frequently and presumably with sincerity about his goal of national unity. His comparative invisibility, somnolent manner, and reluctance to interact even with the docile national political media (which conducted his campaign for him last year), assure a cooler temperature and calmer political atmosphere than was possible in the pyrotechnics and abrasions of the Trump era. This phenomenon is reflected in the heavy declines in viewership of the news channels-over 40 percent on CNN, similar drops on MSNBC, and rather less than that on Fox News. Trump was the great newsmaker, both for those who loved and those who hated him, and the few people in between, and his departure, as it was intended to do by those who voted against him, has made the U.S. a more serene country politically.

But since nearly 48 percent of American voters supported President Trump, national unity will not now be advanced by implicitly denigrating him and failing to give him any credit where any informed person recognizes he deserves some. National unity will not be achieved by defining it as the near-half of the electorate that voted for the ex-president renouncing their expressed political preferences and embracing what they voted against four months ago.

President Biden also demonstrated his and his party's dependence upon the coronavirus pandemic for the achievement of office and their conduct in office. For someone unfamiliar with the statistical facts, his remarks on Thursday night could have been taken as the struggle of America to liberate itself from an almost universal plague that had throttled the nation, vastly increased mortality rates among the whole population, and threatened the lives of every American. Everyone was to listen to Dr. Tony Fauci, who has more often been proved incorrect than accurate in his wishes and predictions and has faced in all four directions on almost every issue associated with the pandemic, except for his unceasing advocacy of shutdowns, which have proved a disaster that probably did more harm than good to the mental and physical health of the population of the United States, as in other countries. If everyone masks up, continues to behave like a species of frightened moles, then said Mr. Biden, perhaps small gatherings at home on July 4 may be possible.

Doubtless, the gas-lit, Democratic echo-chamber of the national political media will hail this as the greatest address of its kind since Franklin D. Roosevelt's fireside chat on the banking system in March 1933. But I suspect that the polls will reveal that the public was unimpressed by the president’s dreary recitation of the dark and hopeless night that he pretends to be lifting. Most Americans know by now that 99.997 percent of healthy Americans below the age of 65 survive Covid-19 if contracted. There is also the fact that 94.6 percent of healthy Americans above the age of 65 survive it and that 80 percent of those who do not survive it sadly have other ailments. We should also note it is rarely clear which is the effective cause of death, that it has only slightly moved the rate of fatalities in the country, that the average age of coronavirus death is the same as the national life expectancy (78), and that there is no excuse or need for wearing masks out-of-doors or for keeping schools closed.

Nor is the president’s appearance reassuring. He has a sickly pallor, is underweight, and quavers at times. Everyone will wish him good health and long life, but his appearance and manner on Thursday night will not incite confidence that he is likely to enjoy them. President Biden is oddly dyspeptic and downcast for someone who used to proclaim his ability and temptation to beat his chief opponent (Trump, who looks like Tarzan in comparison), to a pulp. Given that the country is approaching 100 million vaccinations and the incidence of death and of hospitalization for the virus is sharply declining and herd immunity approaches apace with a complete vaccination program, he should have been much more optimistic and upbeat, captured the spirit of springtime, disarmed the scores of millions of Trump supporters with a kind word on the subject which the whole nation can agree with: thanksgiving at the decline of the coronavirus and the approach of the end of the crisis.

I do not agree with those who are overly critical of his naming his one major legislative accomplishment the Covid relief bill, even though 90 percent of it was just good old-fashioned pump-priming and log-rolling, backscratching of failed Obama programs and misgoverned blue states. From 1942 on, FDR called almost every bill on every subject a measure to assist veterans of the armed forces. But setting off around the country with the vice president “and the first lady and first gentleman” to tout the munificence of this bill, while blissfully ignoring the monstrous crisis on the southern border for which this president is exclusively responsible and whose existence he denies, is unlikely to impress the American public any more than, I suspect, the country appreciated his wan bloviations of Thursday night.

Finally, here are's Andrea Widburg's highlights (or lowlights):

1. Biden was more alert than he’s been in many months. Given how frail and confused Biden’s been lately, well, let’s just say his verve was suspicious. Even his eyes, which are usually tightly squinted as he struggles to stay alert and read his teleprompter, were wide open, almost scarily so. Still, he got visibly tired near the end, slurring his words and seeming lost.

2. The speech was both bizarre and boring. Despite the teleprompter, it wandered hither and yon, without ever touching clearly on a single point. It was a grim, depressing speech about a miserable year that probably won’t get better even with a vaccine because we must all remain scared and isolated.

3. Biden kept saying that he was going to tell the truth. He quoted a woman he allegedly met who told him her heart’s desire: “‘I just want the truth. The truth. Just tell me the truth.’”

“Tell the truth,” Biden said again.

“My fellow Americans,” he said, you’re owed nothing less than the truth.”

Later, he added, “I will tell you the truth.”

And then he said, “In the coming weeks and months, I’ll be traveling along with the first lady” and a whole host of others, “to tell you the truth.”

Do you know who says things like that? Someone who’s lying.

4. Biden dragged in, almost randomly, the fact that there is a rash of attacks on Asians of late: “Vicious hate crimes against Asian Americans who have been attacked, harassed, blamed, and scapegoated.”

What he was implying is that people have been so maddened by Trump (whose name Biden never once mentioned) saying that the Wuhan virus originated in China, that it drove maddened white supremacists to attack Asians. As best as I can tell, the attacks against Asians come almost entirely from the Black community – and, more than that, from a segment of the Black community that is not in sympathy with Trump and is therefore unlikely to be influenced by him. What nobody on the left admits is that Blacks have long been hostile to Asians.

5. Biden opened with a nasty swipe at Trump: “A year ago, we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks, then months.”

This was not the truth. In fact, on January 31, Trump stopped travel from China, something every Democrat, from Biden on down, attacked as “xenophobic.” By early March, Trump had swung into action, partnering with the private sector to produce masks, ventilators, pop-up hospitals – and vaccines.

6. Speaking of vaccines, one of the nastiest things about Biden’s speech was his repeated emphasis on how spectacularly his administration had acted with regard to producing and distributing vaccines. This ignored entirely that it was Trump who supercharged their production and distribution. The entire speech was a perfect of example of damnatio memorieae – that is, the cancellation of Trump’s memory as if he never existed.

Trump must have been given a heads-up that Biden would do this for he sent out the following email message on Thursday:

I hope everyone remembers when they’re getting the COVID-19 (often referred to as the China Virus) Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful “shot” for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!

7. The main thrust of the speech was that everyone must get the vaccine (the wonderful Biden vaccine). However, Biden conceded that even with the vaccine, masks and social distancing must continue. Even with everyone vaccinated, by July 4, maybe we can gather with small groups outdoors. In other words, even as we’re all pumped full of a vaccine, nothing will change. But we should trust Biden and remember that we’re all in this together.

8. Here’s the scariest thing Biden said, although he slipped it in so quickly many may not have noticed (emphasis mine): “Fourth, in the coming weeks, we will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated to lessen the confusion, to keep people safe, and encourage more people to get vaccinated.”

The vaccine, rather than freeing us, will bring us even more tightly under government control as the federal government mandates what can and cannot do.

9. When he’d finished reading the teleprompter, Biden ignored a reporter’s shouted question, turned around, and tottered back down that long, empty hall.

Watch the full speech - if you dare - below 

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