Tube – Google Hate Speech Hypocrisy Exposed: Ukrainian Nazis Using
Same Black Sun Symbol As New Zealand Mosque Shooter Provided
Completely Open Platform By You Tube
5 May, 2019

This post will show clearly that You Tube Hate Speech guidelines are selectively and hypocritically being used to silence western voices that speak out against US wars and imperialism while violent proxy groups operating in collusion with NATO and the Atlantic Council are being provided a completely free pass to disseminate their violent hateful propaganda. It will also provide information revealing that the Ukrainian Azov Regiment has been bombing and killing civilians in the breakaway regions of East Ukraine for the past 5 years.

The methodology employed for exposing this Google/You Tube hypocrisy is quite simple. I will provide images and context to the Black Sun symbolism used by the New Zealand mosque shooter and also provide comparable screenshots from the Azov Ukrainian Military Regiment You Tube page. The easily verifiable evidence will show that the New Zealand Mosque shooter and the Ukrainian Azov Nazi Regiment both openly utilize the Black Sun symbolism and other symbols associated with Nazism and Satanism, yet the Ukrainian Azov Nazis not only are provided a free pass to disseminate their hateful propaganda in clear violation of You Tube/Google’s stated policy guidelines (screenshots provided below), they also receive millions of dollars in funding from the US, Canadian and EU governments.

This is astounding, particularly since western government associated mainstream media and online social media organizations have been campaigning for silencing people for hate speech on their platforms as well as claiming to be providing a protective public service by ‘going after’ Nazis and removing them from their platforms so that they don’t provide them a platform to disseminate hate speech, yet the Azov Media You Tube page has been in operation on the Google affiliated platform with no censorship since the start of the Ukrainian coup and war in February 2014. The screenshot evidence provided will also show that other social media platforms, such as Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr also provide the Ukrainian Nazis a free pass.
On March 15, 2019 it was reported by mainstream media outlets that Brenton Tarrant opened fire at two mosques in Christ Church New Zealand killing 50 people. A notable symbol used by Tarrant was featured in hundreds of mainstream media articles. That symbol was the Black Sun which is associated with Nazism and Satanism.
Link to article showing the Black Sun symbol:
Screenshot from link:

Link to Azov Media You Tube video clearly showing the same Black Sun symbolism along with the Wolfsangel used by the WW2 German Waffen SS:
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Image from link :
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