Tuesday, 7 May 2019

There are indications of something MAJOR happening

I am posting this as it is important. While I do not agree with Hal Turner's political views he often has intelligence which allows him to warn us of geoepolitical developments in advance.

While many of the things do not bear out they have on significant occasions and you will learn precisely NOTHING from mainstream western media.

I combine this with information coming from RT, the Duran etc. and then from that try to get a sense.


6 May, 2019

Beginning suddenly and without warning last Friday, HAMAS began missile barrages from the Gaza Strip into Israel.  After almost 1,000 missiles, a Cease-Fire is now in place; but a much bigger and more dangerous situation is developing as you read this . . .

Headlines on TV News and in newspapers Sunday indicated the US was expediting one of its Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups - the USS Abraham Lincoln -- to the Middle East.   

What none of those media outlets is reporting, but I can report, is that along with the USS Abraham Lincoln is a B-52 Bomber Group deployed from a staging area in the United Kingdom this morning, "to send an unmistakable message to Iran."

Intelligence information developed by various electronic, signals, and covert means, reveals this round of trouble in Israel is far from over.

There is intel of potential trouble ahead.

This all seems to be tied in to current Iranian actions. There is a very big concern with Iran right now as you have all likely seen on the news.

The talk is of 
"multi-fronted combat."
When the Intelligence Community (IC) speaks of multi fronted combat, they mean Gaza, the Golan Heights, West Bank, Lebanon -- PLUS, the Persian Gulf (particularly the Strait of Hormuz), the Red Sea, inside Syria and potentially elsewhere.
According to "chatter" intercepted via SIGINT circuits, there is growing evidence that Hezbollah is successfully being pulled into a coming future conflict with Israel.
Thus, what we see right now with a Ceasefire between Israel and HAMAS, is just a "lull."   The main event is yet to come - and VERY soon. 
I am able to tell you what is being planned, but I cannot do so publicly . . . .

Israel is NOT the "main event."  The main event is direct military confrontation between Iran and numerous other nations, over ongoing economic sanctions, and over NEW sanctions to be announced tomorrow.   Iranian missiles are LIKELY to rain down on US military bases all over the Middle East and as far away as in Europe!

This main event will begin in the strait of Hormuz - which Iran was CAUGHT preparing to blockade -- THIS PAST WEEKEND!

Below is COVERT INTEL from my former colleagues in the Intelligence Community.  As most of you know, I worked with the FBI for fifteen years, from 1993-2008.   My final five years with the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) where I was designated a "Fully Operational" national security asset, and granted "Extra-Territorial Operating Authority" by the Office of Intelligence at FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC.  That meant I could be sent overseas to take care of matters involving national security, terrorism and foreign counter intelligence.  When I was tasked to foreign operations, my activities were coordinated with our own CIA but I did NOT work for the CIA.

In my travels, I met, worked with, and got to know a number of people in the Intelligence Community around the world.   Some of them work with their country's version of their own CIA.  Others work with their military intelligence.  Others worked in Law Enforcement.  I maintain contact with many of those folks to this very day.   As such, I get information the general public does not.

A lot of the coverage from the Right is 
schizophrenic and talks almost in one breath 
about America's neo-con attention but also 
frames things in terms of Venezuela,Iran etc. 
providing a threat to "American interests".

Over and above that there may be some truth to 
be gleaned from here as far as American 
intentions are concerned.

Intel is suggesting a series of planned and coordinated attacks with not only Hezbollah but also directly using the Iranian republican guard. Targeting of both Israeli and American assets across a wide area, along with provocations in the Straits of Hormuz.
The Iranians were spotted prepping to block the Strait of Hormuz early this past weekend.
Here is one very likely scenario:
  1. Iran waits for the US to block the Strait of Hormuz for Iranian gas, telling the Iranians all their gas is under Sanctions and cannot be sold to anyone
  2. Iran uses this as an excuse to block the entire Strait of Hormuz for everyone - stopping all oil transport from the Middle East
  3. US retaliates and reopens the Strait of Hormuz by force
  4. Iranian Missiles rain down on US military bases all over the Middle East as retaliation
  5. Gaza commences missile attacks on Israel from the south.  Palestinians in the West Bank commence attacks on Israel from the east.   Iranian elements inside Syria commence attacks on Israel from the Golan Heights, and Hezbollah commences attacks on Israel from inside Lebanon to Israel's north.   It will be an onslaught the likes of which Israel will not be able to battle for long while the US is busy with Iran and Israel is on its own. 

It is also important to point out that mobile shelters are being rapidly deployed across Israel today. This may well not be Gaza related.

P.S.I shall report on what he has to say as soon 
as I can.  Meanwhile Christopher Greene is 
putting out dire warnings

The rest of my coverage will be what the anti-war press (RT, Duran etc. are saying as well as what mainstream is reporting.

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