Monday, 6 May 2019

Headlines - 6 May, 2019

## Global Ponzi meltdown/House of Cards/global cooling/deflationary collapse ##
Gold To Gain as Global Markets Brace for Turmoil: Reuters Poll
Owing to net energy decline and severe overpopulation, the world is becoming a more violent place. Violence (war, terrorism, unrest, etc.) and fear will take an increasing toll on tourism and other industries. -- RF

## War on cash/cashless society/cryptocurrencies ##
Warren Buffett says bitcoin is a ‘gambling device’ with ‘a lot of frauds connected with it’

## Airline death spiral ##
India sees little scope for Jet Airways revival: government sources
Unconstitutional Searches of Electronic Devices at American Airports Have Quadrupled

## Fault lines/flashpoints/powder kegs/military/war drums ##
Trump says he, Putin discussed new nuclear pact possibly including China
Fed up Canada tells U.S. to help with China crisis or forget about favors
Canada is leaning on the United States to help settle a dispute with China, which has started to block imports of vital Canadian commodities amid a dispute over a detained Huawei executive.
Another example of the growing friction between the US and its friends/allies. Something's gotta give. -- RF
U.S. may review ties with countries deemed anti-Israel: envoy
The United States may review its ties with countries it deems as being anti-Israel after what a U.S. envoy said on Sunday was a shift in policy toward equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.

## War on Venezuela ##
Anti-War Voices on Both Sides Warn of Coming CIA Provocation to Kill Guaidó, Blame Maduro
With Guaidó rapidly losing momentum and credibility after Tuesday’s failed coup, López and his U.S. backers may turn on their own if they think it will benefit or energize their cause or if it could be used to set the stage for foreign military intervention.
As I've said before, when Guido outlives his usefulness, he'll be thrown to the dogs. -- RF

## Global unrest/mob rule/angry people/torches and pitchforks ##
Armenia Is The World's 'Angriest' Country

## Energy/resources ##
It is well known that oil discoveries are in continuous decline worldwide in spite of ever-increasing investments. What is less known, however, is that spending on oil exploration is fast dropping in the United States.
Turkey Can’t Fill Oil Void Left By U.S. Sanctions On Iran

## Got food? ##
Good luck with that. -- RF
Well, if a non-internet-facing undocumented diagnostic Telnet daemon is reason enough to kick Huawei kit out of Western networks, surely this doozy from Cisco is enough to hoof American equipment out of British, European and other non-US infrastructure? Fair's fair, no?
After data scandals, Australia faces an election under heavy profiling
Australian political parties are using voter email addresses to find matching social media profiles then combining them with the country’s compulsory electoral roll data, illustrating how privacy scandals have done little to slow the march of data-driven campaigning.
On Venezuela, Tucker Airs Anti-Trump Ideas While Maddow Wants John Bolton To Be More Hawkish

## Propaganda/censorship/fake news/alternative facts ##
Having Admitted to “Lying” and “Cheating” while CIA Director, Pompeo Drops Another Whopper after Failed Venezuelan Coup
The lack of scrutiny given by the mainstream media to Bolton and Pompeo’s claims is yet another troubling sign of the transformation of many mainstream media outlets into faithful government stenographers.
Poynter pulls blacklist of 'unreliable' news websites after backlash

## Systemic breakdown/collapse/unsustainability ##
How long do civilizations last?
The majority of the metals needed, as we’ve discussed, are base metals like iron ore, zinc and copper. The United States is not a major producer of any of these metals. In fact, there is no way the US will be able to correct its infrastructure deficit through domestic mining; a large percentage will have to be imported.
Surrey earthquake felt like an ‘explosion’ when it hit in early hours, residents say
It's the latest of more than 20 seismic shakes in last year, which residents fear are being caused by nearby oil drilling
UK is 'not a surveillance state' insists minister defending police face recog tech

## US ##
Auto sales: The Glut Cometh

And finally...

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