the news this evening is this editorial from the People's Daily (not,
by the way, Xinhua which is a news agency).
of looking seriously at what the Chinese are saying and coming out
with a fulsome apology Key has hit back, saying the Chinese
'misunderstand' the '100 % pure' policy – thus ensuring that what
amounts of a humungus cock-up by Fonterra is made worse by a
government that doesn't know the meaning of the word humility.
100 % pure, “clean and green image” is just that – an image –
more accurately a mirage.
it comes down to this all about corporate greed, a greed that is
willing to sacrifice New Zealand's rivers and lakes for the sake of
the latest export deal.
New Zealand needs to start building trust in the long-term
August, 2013
August 5 (Xinhua) -- "A high quality free trade agreement"
the term has been a catchphrase of New Zealand ministers in recent
administrations when they talk of overseas trade.
with yet another trade imbroglio, this one Fonterra's botulism scare,
surely it's time to ask the New Zealand government: "Where's the
quality control?"
might have come away with some credit had it moved quickly to isolate
the affected produce and implement a recall, but when such a problem
takes more than a year to come to light, it's elevated from an
industry event to a national issue.
Zealand Trade Minister Tim Groser has promised "a thorough
investigation," and surely one of the first questions must be
why Fonterra apparently felt no legal onus to inform the public and
the authorities sooner?
another communications failure over chemical residues from the
fertilizer dicyandiamide (DCD) in dairy products and the
certification problems that saw New Zealand meat sitting on Chinese
wharves earlier this year, Groser told Televison New Zealand in June:
"The more you trade, the more likely it is that things will go
wrong in terms of the detail."
New Zealand's problems aren't mere "details" they're
starting to look systemic.
could argue the country is hostage to a blinkered devotion to
laissez-faire market ideology. Many New Zealanders fell victim to
this when the construction industry was deregulated two decades ago
resulting in damp and leaky homes that quickly became uninhabitable.
it's true the government isn't responsible for the contamination of
Fonterra produce, it should be held accountable for the fact that
nothing was done to identify the problem before it was dispatched to
export markets and domestic customers.
to blame the succession of trade fiascos solely on free-market
naivety would be charitable.
Zealand Federated Farmers President Bruce Wills came closest to
identifying the underlying problems when he said Friday: "The
need is for government departments, educators and exporters, as well
as farmers, to understand our customers. We need to understand their
systems and ways of doing things a lot better than we currently do."
start with, that means defining a "high quality" trade. Too
often New Zealand's government appears to lay siege to perceived
trade barriers, battering bluntly away until the doors swing open.
And once open, it's open slather for those who can throw as much
produce at the new market as possible.
the infant formula industry. Possibly the authorities felt no
obligation to register the industry's exporters for so long because
of the dearth of actual New Zealand-owned producers.
in the Chinese media of products being rejected and some of the
dubious labelling finally prompted the New Zealand government in June
to set up a brand register.
China also requested brand information be included on export
certificates was no surprise either, as the New Zealand government,
which makes a great show of disdaining regulation at home, seems
quite happy to let others regulate for it abroad.
Zealand Prime Minister John Key made that plain during his official
visit to China in April, when he attempted to tackle a niggling
controversy over foreigners buying New Zealand land and property.
followed a heated public debate over Shanghai Pengxin's long court
battle to purchase 16 North Island dairy farms.
constant push for exports and foreign investment stems, New
Zealanders are told, from the country's desperate need for inward
capital, but rather than lay down standards and principles to build
trust, the government appears to adopt the quality-free rationale of
the foreign trade: sell in bulk while the window is open and move on
to the next deal.
country is set to become a major supplier of quality food to the
growing Asian market, New Zealanders are told. In June, Economic
Development Minister Steven Joyce said New Zealand could become a
"fruit bowl for Asia."
visions can only be built on trust and trust comes from regulatory
systems that work, as China and Fonterra found with the Sanlu
melamine scandal in 2008.
assurances that the problems are "details" or that they are
a sign that New Zealand is a "victim of its own success" in
trade just don't cut it.
glibness is stalking other aspects of New Zealand's foreign trade,
with the country's "100 Percent Pure" tourism campaign
becoming a festering sore as experts claim that the country might not
in fact be "100 percent pure."
Key, who also serves as tourism minister, defended the campaign in
April: "It's like saying 'McDonald's, I'm loving it' - I'm not
sure every moment that someone's eating McDonald's they're loving it
... it's the same thing with 100 Percent Pure. It's got to be taken
with a bit of a pinch of salt."
Mr Key, it needs to be fixed before your trading partners just stop
"loving it."
Perceptions - From the China South Morning Herald (Hong Kong):
Perceptions - From the China South Morning Herald (Hong Kong):
is discussion on Radio New Zealand.
Predictably, no one from government would front up and comment - Grosser must have made himself available at the last minute.
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