Saturday 3 October 2020


 Nuclear Doomsday Planes Take Flight As Trump Contracts COVID

Zero Hedge,

2 September, 2020

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday morning. Around the time the news broke, planespotters on social media reported two Boeing E-6B Mercury planes flying on either side of the US mainland's coasts. 

The Pentagon uses the E-6B as airborne nuclear mission-control, commanding a fleet of the Navy's Ohio class nuclear-powered submarines, armed with nuclear ballistic missiles, in US waters and or around the world. 

"There was speculation the airborne command posts were deployed as a warning to any of America's enemies after news broke of Trump's positive test for the novel coronavirus," Fox News said. 

Fox News continued, "while military planes generally turn off their transponders in order to avoid being tracked, the two E-6Bs in the air early Friday morning had left theirs on, with the assumption being that their crews want to be seen." 

Tim Hogan, an American open-source intelligence analyst, tweeted

There's an E-6B Mercury off the east coast near DC. I looked because I would expect them to pop up if he tests positive. It's a message to the small group of adversaries with SLBMs and ICBMs.

Hogan said:

Here's another E6-B that just popped up visible on MLAT on the west coast. IMO Stratcom wants them to be seen.

Hogan said the E6-Bs have the "ability to order the killing of everyone on earth if someone attacks the US with nukes in a first strike. It can talk to our missile subs underwater even if DC is gone." 

The Navy has 16 of these planes, and it's not uncommon for two to be flying at the same. However, the timing of Friday's flights is noteworthy. 

And maybe NBC's Ben Collins is right ... 


Hal Turner,

2 September, 2020

President Donald Trump has announced that both he and his wife tested positive for COVID-19.

Is this how the Deep State kills him?

Or is this a way to keep him isolated because "the storm is here" and a whole slew of arrests are starting?

The positive tests come just hours after the White House announced that senior aide Hope Hicks had come down with the virus after traveling with the president.

She is said to have first felt poorly on Wednesday, returning from Minnesota. Hicks was quarantined away from others on the plane and her diagnosis was confirmed Thursday, according to an administration official. But despite her symptoms as early as Wednesday evening Trump then continued with his schedule Thursday and traveled to and from Bedminster, New Jersey. He flew then back to the White House Thursday evening.

It is not known why the president's test took so long to come back. Trump only said he and Melania were were in quarantine on Thursday evening.

It should be pointed out that Hope Hicks HAS symptoms.  Neither the President nor the First Lady report any symptoms.

UPDATE 11:39 AM EDT --

Trump was showing minor, cold-like symptoms of COVID-19 hours after testing positive for the virus, according to a report.
The president appeared lethargic during a fundraiser at his Bedminster, N.J. golf club Thursday



President Trump now has a cough and a fever.



The United States military has launched it's E-6 "Doomsday" aircraft.  At least one E-6 is presently airborne off the U.S. east coast near Washington, DC.


In a military that operates Raptor stealth fighters, A-10 tank busters, B-52 bombers and Harrier jump jets, the U.S. Navy’s placid-looking E-6 Mercury, based on the 707 airliner, seems particularly inoffensive. But don’t be deceived by appearances. Though the Mercury doesn’t carry any weapons of its own, it may be in a sense the deadliest aircraft operated by the Pentagon, as its job is to command the launch of land-based and sea-based nuclear ballistic missiles.

Of course, the U.S. military has a ground-based strategic Global Operations Center in Nebraska, and land-based transmitters for communicating with the nuclear triad. However, the E-6’s sinister purpose is to maintain the communication link between the national command authority (starting with the president and secretary of defense) and U.S. nuclear forces, even if ground-based command centers are destroyed by an enemy first strike. In other words, you can chop off the head of the U.S. nuclear forces, but the body will keep on coming at you, thanks to these doomsday planes.

The E-6’s basic mission is known as Take Charge and Move Out (TACAMO). Prior to the development of the E-6, the TACAMO mission was undertaken by land-based transmitter and later EC-130G and Q Hercules aircraft, which had Very Low Frequency radios for communication with navy submarines. Interestingly, France also operated its own TACAMO aircraft until 2001, four modified Transall C-160H Astarté transports, which maintained VLF communications with French ballistic-missile submarines.

The first of sixteen E-6s entered service between 1989 and 1992. These were the last built in a very long line of military variants of the venerable Boeing 707 airliner, in particular the 707-320B Advanced, also used in the E-3 Sentry. Bristling with thirty-one communication antennas, the E-6As were originally tasked solely with communicating with submerged Navy submarines. Retrofitted with more fuel-efficient CFM-56 turbojets and benefiting from expanded fuel tanks, the E-6A could remain in the air up to fifteen hours, or seventy-two with inflight refueling.

To use its Very Low Frequency radios, an E-6 has to fly in a continuous orbit at a high altitude, with its fuselage- and tail-mounted VLF radios trailing one- and five-mile-long wire antennas at a near-vertical attitude! The VLF signals can be received by Ohio-class nuclear ballistic-missile submarines hiding deep underwater, thousands of miles away. However, the VLF transmitters’ limited bandwidth means they can only send raw data at around thirty-five alphanumeric characters per second—making them a lot slower than even the old 14k internet modems of the 1990s. Still, it’s enough to transmit Emergency Action Messages, instructing the ballistic-missile subs to execute one of a diverse menu of preplanned nuclear attacks, ranging from limited to full-scale nuclear strikes. The E-6’s systems are also hardened to survive the electromagnetic pulse from nuclear weapons detonating below.

Between 1997 and 2006, the Pentagon upgraded the entire E-6A fleet to the dual-role E-6B, which expanded the Mercury’s capabilities by allowing it to serve as an Airborne Nuclear Command Post with its own battle staff area for the job. In this role it serves as a backup for four huge E-4 command post aircraft based on the 747 Jumbo jet. The E-6B has ultra-high-frequency radios in its Airborne Launch Control system that enable it to remotely launch land-based ballistic missiles from their underground silos, a task formerly assigned to U.S. Air Force EC-135 Looking Glass aircraft—yet another 707 variant. The E-6’s crew was expanded from fourteen to twenty-two for the command post mission, usually including an onboard admiral or general. Additional UHF radios give the E-6B access to the survivable MILSTAR satellite communications network, while the cockpit is upgraded up with new avionics and instruments from the 737NG airliner. The E-6B can be distinguished in photos by its additional wing-mounted pods.

The Mercury’s abundant communications gear allows it to perform nonnuclear Command, Control and Communications (C3) operations as well. For this reason, E-6s have at times been deployed to Europe and the Middle East to serve as flying C3 hubs. For example, VQ-4 was deployed in Qatar for three years from 2006 to 2009, where it relayed information such as IED blast reports and medical evacuation requests from U.S. troops in Iraq who were out of contact with their headquarters.

Two Navy Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadrons currently operate the E-6: VQ-3 “Ironmen” and VQ-4 “Shadows,” both under the Navy Strategic Communications Wing 1. These have their home at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma, but also routinely forward deploy out of Travis AFB in California and Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Maryland. At least one E-6 is kept airborne at all times. E-6s on the submarine-communication mission often fly in circles over the ocean at the lowest possible speed—for as long as ten hours at a time. Those performing the nuclear command post mission typically remain on alert near Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. The E-6’s nuclear mission has also made its operations occasional fodder for conspiracy theorists and foreign propaganda outlets.

The E-6 platform should remain in service until 2040 thanks to a service-life extension program and continual tweaks to its systems and radios. While the Mercury has demonstrated its usefulness as an airborne communication hub for supporting troops in the field, the airborne command post will be considered a success if it never has to execute its primary mission. The heart of nuclear deterrence, after all, is convincing potential adversaries that no first strike will be adequate to prevent a devastating riposte. The E-6s are vital component in making that threat a credible one.



Conspiracy theorists are already coming out of the woodwork on this issue.   First, they point out that the President came down with this COVID diagnosis thirty-three (33) days before the election.  The Masonic folks seem to use the number 33 a lot.

Now, the Doomsday planes are up; so the Conspiracy folks are saying it is a way for the President to high-tail-it out of town because no one will think otherwise that he's out of the public eye.

The Conspiracy Theorists say that means we are now in the last 33 days of a Masonic plot to destroy the country, which is why the President is leaving.

Short of destroying our whole country, the most detailed COnspiracy Theory sent to me so far is this:

So now we know what the plandemic was all about--cover to take out President Trump right before the election, as needed if the commies think their puppet Biden can't win.

Six ways to Sunday...

And for those of you who say Covid is a global phenomena, that is true but look at which country has the most cases--America. And who is really standing in between the NWO and their global plans--America.

I think the virus is real but it is relatively mild. I would bet money that Trump got the deadly version released to him or his aide at the debate and now they can blame it on Trump as well because he didn't always wear a mask.

Praying he will be ok, but this looks like a perfect assassination attempt plot.


 I don't know why folks send this stuff to me, but it is interesting and I thought I should share it with you.

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