Friday 29 May 2015


I have to make a confession. I'm not much interested in football. However, you'd have to be a fool to think the United States is interested in fighting corruption. Perhaps they'll start arresting the banksters?

I wouldn't mind betting this has something to do with Russia's successful bid for the World Cup.

I will restrict myself to the comments of Vladimir Putin and Pepe Escobar.

Putin points to US over-reach on ‪‎FIFAgate‬, cites Assange & Snowden

‘Don Corleone Blatter not going anywhere’ – Pepe Escobar

US authorities have charged nine FIFA officials and five sports media executives. They're accused of taking over 150-million dollars in bribes over a period of 25 years. Police swooped just two days before the vote to elect the organisation's leader. Its current president - Sepp Blatter - is seeking a fifth term. He's run FIFA for 17 years. Blatter has not been named in the investigations, and says he'll seek a new term despite the arrests. For More RT is joined by Pepe Escobar, Asia Times roving correspondent and journalist Harry Fear

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