Thursday 9 February 2017

More on Fukushima

Fox News: Breaking… “New fuel leaks have been discovered” at Fukushima — “Experts believe melted fuel is leaking” — Radiation levels could be over 5,000 sieverts — “Wow, this is a crazy story”… it only continues to get worse (VIDEO)

8 February, 2017

Fox News, Feb 8, 2017 (emphasis added): Adam Housley, who reported from the area in 2011 following the catastrophic triple-meltdown, said this morning that new fuel leaks have been discovered… He said that critics, including the U.S. military in 2011, have long questioned whether Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) and officials have been providing accurate information on the severity of the radiation… He added that critics are now questioning whether the radiation has been this severe all along.

Fox News video transcript excerpts, Feb 8, 2017: “Experts believe melted fuel is leaking inside the plant almost daily… No one knew [in 2011] of the growing threat which today only continues to get worse… Wow, this is a crazy story… What some people are saying is, ‘ Has it been this bad since the beginning?’”

Washington Post, Feb 8, 2017: Could the radiation level be even higher? Possibly. The 530 sievert reading was recorded some distance from the melted fuel, so in reality it could be 10 times higher than recorded, said Hideyuki Ban, co-director of Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center.

From the Washington Post today

TOKYO — The utility company that operated the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan — the one that went into triple meltdown after the enormous 2011 earthquake and tsunami — has released some jaw-dropping figures.

The radiation level in the containment vessel of reactor 2 has reached as high as 530 sieverts per hour, Tokyo Electric Power Co. — or Tepco, as it’s known — said last week. This far exceeds the previous high of 73 sieverts per hour recorded at the reactor following the March 2011 disaster.

Nuclear Hotseat #294: NO Radiation Spike at Fukushima – Nancy Foust of Simply Info (It’s still bad, but it’s not suddenly worse)

Nuclear Hotseat

Nancy Foust of Simply Info sorts out truth from confusion regarding last week’s major media echo chamber on Fukushima radiation levels.  Like a pebble can start an avalanche, a mis-translationcan and did get blown up into a catastrophe.  

Step away from the hysteria…

LINKS to the Simply Info articles referenced:

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