Saturday 24 November 2012

US troops hit in Afghaniatan

Separate bomb blasts hit US troops in Afghanistan

23 November, 2012

The first explosion took place outside a security training center in Maidan Shar, the capital of central Wardak Province, on Friday. 
A spokesman for the US-led military allaincce says at least six American soldiers sustained minor injuries. The bombing also killed three locals and injured 90 others.

Hours later, the second bomb went off near a US base in the eastern province of Nangrahar. But there are no reports of casualties yet.

Taliban militants have claimed responsibility for both deadly attacks.

There has been no letup in the Taliban attacks on the US-led foreign troops across the war-ravaged country.

US-led troops and Afghan forces are falling prey to Taliban attacks on an almost daily basis.

According to the website, over 383 foreign troops, mostly US personnel, have lost their lives in Afghanistan in 2012.

The increasing number of military casualties in Afghanistan has caused widespread anger in the United States and other NATO member states, undermining public support for the Afghan war.

A total of 566 US-led forces died in Afghanistan in 2011. However, 2010 remains the deadliest year for foreign military casualties, with a death toll of 711.

The US-led invasion of Afghanistan was launched in 2001. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity continues to rise across the country, despite the presence of thousands of foreign troops.

The US-led war in Afghanistan, which has caused record-high civilian and military casualties, has become the longest military conflict in the American history. 

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