Wednesday 7 November 2012

Two responses to the US elections

From Mike Ruppert
(via Facebook)

OBAMA WINS (yawn). Now can we get back to the business of the collapse of human industrial civilization (which this election did nothing about). The sickness of this particular theater is over.

Tomorrow a Nor'easter with 60 mph winds is going to re-devastate Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. All the sea walls and defenses are down. There's going to be freezing rain and snow... and most of the rickety fixes to the grid are going to be wiped out. The million homes and business still without power will multiply. The south side subway tunnels which are still flooded are going to re-flood. And the pipes in all of the buildings without power will likely freeze and every building in which that happens -- occupied or not -- will be condemned. That doesn't include all the buildings already going to be condemned for rot and mildew of century-old foundations.

The human suffering and loss from Sandy will expand exponentially as the United States and the human race begin to realize we're not in Kansas anymore.

Bring it on. Bear witness... And pray for the hundredth monkey.

And from Guy McPherson

(via Facebook)

My prediction remains, after many weeks: Obama in the biggest landslide since 1984. 

Democracy will continue to be thrown away under the auspices of hope and change. 

The living planet will continue to suffer. 

Climate change will set records every year, along with environmental decay. 

The citizenry, pleased to wear the "consumer" moniker, will focus on the industrial economy at the expense of life on Earth, including human life. 

Essentially nobody will care, least of all politicians. 

And then, in the not-so-distant future, collapse will be complete, and everybody will wonder why and how it happened.

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