Wednesday 7 November 2012

The markets respond

At the moment it looks as if Obama will have the numbers to stay in power while Romney has the popular vote (and the Republicans control Congress).

More of the same – while attitudes will harden and there will be much more vitriol – a perfect recipe for the collapse of the US economy and society, I should think

Gold Soars, Futures Plunge As Free Reign For Bernanke Appears Assured

6 November, 2012

S&P futures are now unchanged from Monday's close - having lost 14 points from the close and over 18 from the highs. Meanwhile, gold is soaring and the USD is being sold. It would appear that as the odds of an Obama victory rises that the fiscal cliff reality becomes even more critical BUT given Bernanke's four-more-years, they have no need to do anything about it since he will just monetize away... Gold realizes its the 'stock' and equities have already priced in the 'flow' but forgot to price in the fiscal cliff (as we have noted)... We assume Schumer will be on the phone first thing in the morning demanding moar doing his job...

S&P 500 are plunging... (moar Bernanke trumped by moar Fiscal Cliff reality!!)

and gold is soaring (moar Bernanke) - catching and surpassing stocks...

USD weakness (moar Bernanke)...

and Tsy Strength (moar Bernanke)

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