Thursday 15 November 2012

Hamas response to attack

al-Jazeera: Interview with Hamas spokesperson Osama Hamdan

Hamas spokesperson Osama Hamdan speaks with Al Jazeera about the latest Israeli attacks on the occupied Gaza Strip.

"Now they have started not only an attack, but it's a long operation against Gaza. They are working to target the local leaders and also some political leaders; because of that we are expecting some days of violence.

Everyone knows that Ahmed Jabari was the leader of al-Qassam troops during the war on Gaza 2008-2009 and he was the man behind the [2006] kidnapping Gilad Shalit. So [the Israeli military] has started with this man because they believe they have a long revenge for him.

But I have to say that al-Qassam troops have a clear hierarchy and a new leader will stand in his position... until now we will not declare any names because we are under attack.

We will respond, that must happen. I have to say clearly we know that this road of the retaliation is very long and we have to sacrifice. And we have sacrificed a lot."

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