Thursday 20 September 2012


California August Sales Tax Collection Down 20% From Year Ago, Total Revenues Down 5.5%, Income Tax Up 11.6%; Spending Out Of Control By $3 Billion

19 September, 2012

A summary of California State Finances for August 2012 looks like this:

Except for corporate income taxes (down a whopping 71.5% vs. projections), the state is doing better in August than budgeted.

However, compared to a year ago, revenues are down, sales taxes are down, and corporate taxes are down, all by significant amounts.

Moreover, the two-month totals for July and August are much worse as the following table shows.

General Fund Receipts July-August 2012

For July and August, sales Tax Collections are $108 million under budget. August sales tax collection is down 20% from a year ago, a huge decline of $633 million.

This clearly shows people in California have cut back spending. I suggest people have cut back in other states as well, regardless of reported increases in retail sales, typically based on the flawed methodology of "
same store sales". 

Sales tax collections show the real story, and the real story is "recession", the reason for Fed 

Spending Nearly $3 Billion Over Budget!


So California, what are you going to do? Cut spending or hike taxes? I suggest spending is way out of control and retail sales will continue to disappoint. 

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