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5G Radiation Linked To Coronavirus Infection, New Study Suggests

22 July, 2020
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A new paper published in the Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents posits there may be a unique, causally connected relationship between 5G millimeter wave exposure and coronavirus — an idea which, though widely discussed early on in the global COVID crisis, was eventually dismissed as “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream media and government officials, resulting in widespread censorship on social media platforms.
The new study, titled “5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells,” authored by an international collaboration of scientists from Italy, the U.S. and Russia, suggests that 5G radiation may be absorbed by dermatologic cells that act like antennas,* thereby transferring its effects to other cells, including activating DNA-based biosynthetic processes within the nucleus of the cell, possibly resulting in the de novo synthesis of coronaviruses in biological cells.
The authors describe how this may work as follows:
“DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source.These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus.To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.”
The idea that one of the causes of illness associated with the coronavirus crisis derives from non-native electromagnetic radiation exposure, including from 5G millimeter waves, was proposed by Dr. Thomas Cowan in the highly controversial presentation below. This has been labeled as “false and harmful” information on a variety of social media and global mainstream media platforms.
According to Cowan, 5G millimeter waves may induce cell damage that results in the excretion of cellular contents, which include nucleic acids and exosomes (virus-like nanoparticles produced within cells as natural forms of intercellular communication).
This debris, which he describes as part of the detoxification of the damaged cells ("cellular pooping"), may be mistakenly identified as exogenous viruses such as coronavirus and may result in false positives on RT-PCR tests, which are notoriously ineffective at positively distinguishing specific strains of viruses and identifying them with any certainty.
While this idea differs slightly from the one proposed by the study authors, they overlap in significant ways. In both explanations, 5G associated radiation induces cell changes that are identified as being caused by "COVID virus."
Whether or not there is a de novo synthesis of coronaviruses as a result of 5G radiation exposure, or whether or not the damage to the cell produces debris containing COVID virus like nucleic acid, remains to be determined. But in both scenarios, what is perceived as a COVID illness from the outside in may in fact be the byproduct of cellular changes resulting from EMF exposure and not an exogenous viral infection, as commonly assumed.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman has also explored this topic and discovered that what the global mainstream medical establishment and media are identifying as “COVID-19” is likely our own exosomes being secreted by either healthy or damaged cells.
I highly recommend viewing his presentation below, and you can obtain more presentations of this kind in section two of QuestioningCovid.com, titled, Questioning Germ Theory, Contagion and Viral Testing.
My take on it, which I explore in the video below — “COVID-19 -- is it really about a virus?” — is that exosomal processes within the body and between bodies simulate infectious processes, but rather than being simply a sign of pathology and imminent morbidity and mortality are designed to support the collective health of a group of individuals or species, or even between species.
In this view, what is commonly understood to be infection and contagion is actually a surface misunderstanding of a process of horizontal information exchange designed to facilitate enhanced detoxification, xenohormesis and the activation of resiliency pathways within a species, and is the very origin of what is known as “herd immunity.”
This latest paper opens back up an important topic that has been all but suppressed and censored today, namely, that health problems associated with infections such as coronavirus involve a wide range of factors, including foremost the role of the so-called “bioterrain” of the cell in determining susceptibility to infection and illness.
Viruses do not exist in a vacuum and don’t simply attack helpless bodies. When the cellular terrain is healthy and resilient infections tend not to take hold, or even have effects that confer lasting health benefits.
Moreover, the discovery of the human microbiome (and the total set of viruses or viral-like components of the microbiome known as the human virome) reveals that classical germ theory is bankrupt, and that what we once believed were invisible viral threats “out there” are surprisingly similar, if not identical, to endogenous viral-like elements within our cells known as exosomes, and often cannot be distinguished from them.
For example, the widespread use of RT-PCR tests to identify “COVID” may simply be identifying our bodies’ own viral or exosomal contents, and thereby generating “false positives,” which justify the continual implementation of allopathic approaches that result in profound iatrogenic damage to the body, falsely described as “caused by COVID.”
I highly recommend that those interested in understanding the true nature of viruses and their indispensable role in establishing immunological self-tolerance, homeostasis, and ultimately health, watch distinguished National Institutes of Health speaker and virome expert Dr. Herbert Virgin's presentation:
Also, you can learn more about the New Biology and its impact on our understanding of infectious disease by reading:
- How the Microbiome Undermines the Ego, Vaccine Policy, and Patriarchy
- Why Everything You Learned About Viruses is WRONG
*Incidentally, the notion that the harms of 5G radiation extend beyond the surface of the skin, as commonly paroted by the telecom industry and its would-be regulators, and that human skin may act as a 5G radiation receiver was discussed in a paper published in 2018 titled, “The human skin as a sub-THz receiver – Does 5G pose a danger to it or not?”
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